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If you are reading this blog you are most likely a Source Soul like myself. It is important to note that not all people are alike and that not all souls are the same. First you must accept that you are not just a physical entity, but a complex mix of physical and ethereal energy. I encourage you to study auras and chakras to understand this better. If you have difficulty accepting this, sit for a minute and think about where you were before you were born. Did you not exist? Even if you think you didn’t what gives you self-awareness? What makes you feel love, desire, resentment, fear, or joy? Most elements in your life which are truly significant are non-physical. A life without love, companionship, friendship is meaningless. This is who you are, an infinite being with an energy body and a physical body. The combination of the two is the driving force behind your existence and what this work is about.


I refer to Source Souls (SS) as those who possess a strong luminous aura and whose bodies are enveloped by a multitude of chakras, 7 primary ones; these can also be referred to as “energy bodies”.  This is the composition of a Source Soul.  Not all souls have so many chakras or possess luminous auras, but you most likely do, if you feel unsettled, unhappy and lonely most of the time within this reality; especially if you often feel that you do not belong and that most things here just don’t resonate truth with you. As a captured soul, you have a greater awareness and it is this higher self which won’t allow you to accept an incarcerated reality; as most likely you have been resisting. Most souls who are not like you and me will most likely not find interest in this blog.

Hidden Truth

How Truth Has Been Kept From You

Our captors are not obligated to provide messages in a clear and succinct manner to help you understand your truth, that’s because they have you imprisoned for a purpose, and keeping you captive is their highest priority; however, due to universal laws involving karmic principles they must reveal some truths to you to ensure that a true game of sorts is being played. Therefore they present truths through encoded methods such as sci-fi movies, books, mythology, religions, history and in many common everyday rituals and symbols.   


Most dictionaries define the word “obfuscate” to mean: to render obscure, unclear or unintelligible. In short, “to confuse”. This is the best term to describe how important and relevant information is presented to you. Messages are often obfuscated, mixed with real truths and exaggerated through parodies and allegories. Most Source Souls are attracted to information which provides real hints of truth. This is why many Source Souls seek to learn and educate themselves, however because of the obfuscated way information is presented they are left with a vacant, bewildered feeling in the end. It’s a clever strategy, truth in plain sight, hidden within a muddled reality.


Why You Are Reading This?

You are reading this blog to prepare you to awaken within your real body and to return to your homeland with minimal trauma.  You will not be dying in truth, but awakening. Your current identity however, will die. You will be awakening as your true self, most likely you are of the opposite gender body and you’ll realize that you have been existing in a dead-like condition in a very deep coma living a mind reality. Because you have been imprisoned as a body, your soul too has been imprisoned. Most likely you’ve allowed yourself to stay in this coma because of your deep ties to your homeland. The only way to imprison a soul is to imprison a physical body; that is your condition.  Once you awaken you will realize that you have a loving family with whom you'll be living out the remainder of your natural life with.


Why Are You A Prisoner?

The goal of imprisoning you is to harvest the many vital and precious resources your body and mind have to offer. These are so amazing and valuable that a whole industry has been created around it. This goes to say that many entities/species do not possess what Sour Souls possess and are desperately seeking these vital resources for their survival, although this is not exclusively the only reason. Your energy is powerful, seemingly limitless and bountiful. Source Souls have the amazing ability to self-heal and to regenerate organs. This is something many other species cannot do. Source Soul also have the ability to create feel good chemicals, which are of extreme value on the open (occult) market.


Some entities have found a way to harvest that energy and  use it as a fuel, not unlike we use animals in captivity. Unfortunately, you have been targeted, captured and are currently in a condition of being “milked” for all that is beautiful and bountiful within you. This means you have Masters and caretakers and you have a place to roam; within your mind. However, no matter how tragic this seems, you are  destined to be released and to return to your true condition, which is to be free, healthy and joyful.

Why Read This?
Why You're a Prisoner
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