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5 Source Soul Virtues

Which Are Being Used Against Them

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Source Souls have many virtues and these I would consider to be our strengths; however, they are being used to control and manipulate us and to keep us subjugated. Understanding how this is being done is key to empowering ourselves with our own strengths and to stop others from bending us to their will. Here I will highlight five virtues, however I believe we have many more.


  1. Care

Source Souls have the ability to care, to really care about themselves, about others and their environment.  In this respect, they care about social causes, such as getting involved in charities and this is where their sense of care can be manipulated. Our Masters understand that we have this caring ability and in order to harvest it they hijack the concept by saying, “hey you care? …care about the children in Africa. Look at us, we are organized here, we have people running marathons, getting sponsors, making money and we’re going to send this money to Africa and have some schools built there, so get on board and support this cause, because we know you care!”


We end up buying these types of messages because they touch on our core value of care; however, what they’re doing is hijacking our sense of care and turning it into something institutionalized. The result is that we end up giving enormous amounts of time and energy toward causes. In the end we feel drained and often experience an inner uneasiness because we don’t really know where that money is going and if those funds were actually used for that purpose. In fact, we may be causing more harm than good.


I illustrate with my own personal experience. When I volunteered through an NGO (non-government agency) and worked in Ghana, Africa, for nearly one year, I saw wells being built on sacred ground, which locals found offensive, and refused to use. Other times schools were built far from the communities they aimed to serve, forcing children to walk long distances to and from them. Most had no washroom facilities, nor any potable water, which presented a health risk for the children. To make matters worse, the schools provided western education and did not celebrate their traditions and cultures and forced students to learn a new language. In the end, many schools had their roofs blown off during the rainy season as they were improperly constructed.


I truly believe that when we want to express care we need to give directly to the people who will benefit, and for this to happen we need to be present when we give. Giving is an interactive act, by which one receives and expresses gratitude, and the other feels appreciated.

I will demonstrate what I mean with a personal example. While having a coffee at a cafe, I noticed a young man enter who appeared somewhat disheveled. I noticed he was asking the cashier for the prices of the various food items. He spent some time there asking, and eventually as he was about to leave I approached him and asked, “l noticed you are not buying  anything?” he said “ Yeah, everything here is just too expensive.” I said, “Well if you could have anything what would you have? He said “Oh, I just wanted a coffee and a muffin.” Then I said, “Today I have enough money to buy myself something and to buy you a muffin and a coffee, or a sandwich if you’d like?” He said, “ Oh really…” and I said, “Yes, I would be happy to do that.” So I ended up doing that for him, and he was very grateful and appreciative. Then I sat down and finished my own meal and felt very good about myself and very energized.  I gave something from my heart, it was spontaneous and it felt wonderful.


True giving means that both parties benefit, it’s a natural exchange, and the rewards should be mutual. Practices such as “pay it forward” may seem noble from an outward perspective, but they are void of care, because neither the giver nor the recipient are allowed to show appreciation towards one another. The thought some people express, that they enjoy giving more than receiving exemplifies this sentiment. True giving is conditional, and must be that way to feel like a caring act. The condition though is simple, the rewards of giving and the rewards of receiving are celebrated. In this respect, these movements serve to destroy what they aim to celebrate, the act of showing genuine care.


2. Honesty

Another core principle Source Souls naturally possess is honesty; they value honesty and trust that others are equally truthful. This virtue too is being used against SS. For example, employers know that Source Souls can be trusted to do their job tasks with minimal supervision, because they know that Source Souls are truthful and will do their best to follow through with the utmost integrity.


Though honesty is a great attribute, it makes Source Souls very predictable. Employer always knows where Source Souls are and can depend on them to do just about anything in the name of work. They can ask Source Souls to do a new task, work extra-long hours, sacrifice family time often without any significant monetary compensation. They entrust Source Souls with great responsibilities, such as requiring them to close up shop, or depositing large amounts of money. They know Source Souls are honest and dependable, and in this respect, expandable.


Because Source Souls are naturally honest, many around them are not. Non-Source Souls take advantage of this virtue by manipulating the Source Souls whenever they can. This is evident when businesses downsize, fire people at will, or demote their employees. They use rationales which seem authentic, but in the end are cruel and unjust. The trend is to make Source Souls feel that they are working within a family environment, where trust and respect is appreciated, however, this is just a method by which Source Souls are manipulated into supporting the company’s agenda, while their real family or personal time is compromised to the extreme. Employers control vacation time, limit sick leave, and show no consideration for the employees’ personal family life. As Source Souls align themselves with virtuous principles of truth and justice, they are kept on a tight leash of limited freedoms.


3. High Morals

Source Souls have a natural sense of what is right and what is wrong; however, this virtue too is constantly corrupted. In our society this is expressed through authority.  Our Masters know we have strong morals and values, so instead of denying this truth, they acknowledge it but underhandedly state that their desires are superior. To exemplify, I provide the issue of safety. Driving on roads requires that we abide by pre-set speed limits, if we don’t abide by these we risk being pulled over, fined, or incarcerated. So, in essence they are telling us that driving fast is unsafe and in this respect, impose their own morality. It’s a way of hijacking morals by enforcing regulatory regulations and penalties.


Additionally, road safety signs, stating “stay alert”, “arrive alive” are a form of patronizing souls. They project the illusion of care and high morals, but are treating all drivers as incompetent invalids. It’s as if the drivers are children and parents have put up signs everywhere to keep them from misbehaving.


Similarly, this can also be said of our justice, medical, educational, and government bodies. They take the moral high ground and tell us what taxes to pay, what vaccinations to have, and what math or history to learn. In this respect they work through coercion and mandatory policies to impose their agendas and false morals.


4. Beauty

Source Souls value beauty and have a sense of what is beautiful and what is healthy, because beauty and health are intricately connected. Source Souls know at a deep level that their true bodies are perfect and always look to find beauty in everything they see. However, as a way of controlling this core value, our Masters tell us how to appreciate beauty and how to become more beautiful. It’s as if indirectly they’re stating, “we know that you appreciate all that is beautiful, so for this reason we think that you should wear makeup, colour your hair, work out at the gym, and aim to reach an ideal body size by dieting”.  Furthermore, they try to corrupt the  notion of beauty by sending out countless messages through their corporations and TV advertising that we are not beautiful enough. These messages are imbued with pressures to buy products, such as anti-aging creams, perfumes, colognes, trendy clothing, tattoos and a sleuth of other body enhancing products. These messages undermine our self-confidence and aim to debase our inner knowing of what is truly beautiful and natural.



5. Love

Love is very important to Source Souls because it is a powerful emotion which helps them connect and bond with one another. This emotion bewilders our Luciferian Masters because they are ruthless in their management of us and our society and because they are psychopathic in nature.  In essence, they lack all the virtues Source Souls innately possess. In this respect, they can only mimic the Source Souls in the expression of love. Not being able to feel love gives our Masters the upper hand, as emotions to them are considered weaknesses.


They express their disdain of the love emotion clearly in their entertainment industry.  Often in movies love is combined with violence, both physical and psychological. For example, it is common in movies to see couples undergo all types of violence and conflicts within their relationships. TV shows and movies reinforce the notion that lovers can’t be trusted, and depictions of infidelity and betrayals are rampant, especially in day time soap operas.


The virtues of care, honesty, morals, beauty and love are key virtues Source Souls naturally possess and are unaware of. I encourage Source Souls to re-connect back with their core values and not allow others to hijack them. These values are aligned with true Source Soul characteristics and should be embraced and celebrated.

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