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You and Your Clone
Photographic Evidence

Photo Evidence

I found this image on the Internet when I used the keywords "sci-fi internet". With such an extraordinary depiction of two people in pods, one would automatically assume it is a computer made graphic illustration; and so the caption on it makes one assume since the logo at the bottom states it is the property of Eugene Grapinsky Design School. Upon searching this website I found mainly photographic images of home interior design with this sci-fi image seeming out of place. The image is vaguely attributed to a student by the name of Arseny Volchek, yet it only states his name and that he is a student of the design school. There is no follow-up "artwork" and the ownership of the photo is inconclusive.


​I mention this because it is not a Hollywood movie print-screen nor a page from a graphic novel, and as such it cannot be viewed from multiple angles. Upon careful observations I have come to the incredible conclusion that this is a real photograph, sent to me by our Archonic Masters depicting the Source Soul's real condition within the matrix.

If you are a Source Soul, as I describe in this website, you will feel shivers at the acknowledgement that this is a real photo and that you are in this condition.


​Also believe that the only reason you are seeing this post is because your Masters have deemed that you can as they control the "real" Internet within your reality . What I'm about to share here may seem shocking but I believe it is all true and you are meant to know it.


First I must state that I have a graphic design background and I don't make this statement lightly. Photoshop, as a software program - as many graphic designers are aware of is an incredible tool used primarily to alter photographs. Yet, the above photo is unaltered, but because of Photoshop, and other graphic design programs, many people today are fooled to believe computer graphics can do anything and don't know what they are looking at. Yet, it is very simple using Photoshop to turn a photo into a cartoon through its wide array of special effect tools.


These types of computer software programs have been brought into our reality to befuddle and confuse our visual senses, making it difficult for us to distinguish what is a real photo from what is a fantasy one.


Below you can see what Photoshop effects can do to real photos. In this way the eye can be fooled into believing just about anything.

graphic set.jpg

What the above photo could look like with a Photoshop effect.

I can now take credit for creating original artwork!

graphic set 2.jpg

Evidence which indicate this is a real photograph


​Incredible details: The man looks like a real person, if seen out of context anyone would guess its a real photo of a man underwater. Note the shadows and lighting on his face, consistent with complex lighting. The glass streaks also indicate realism and would not be illustrated as it clutters the image. The middle image shows incredible detail in the serial numbers which can be zoomed in and deciphered, additionally there is another language similar to hieroglyphics; an artist wouldn't present such detail. The water streaks are highly consistent with a photograph, along with the light reflection on the glass. Image 3 shows incredible detail in the setup of tubes, lights and mechanical devices; excessive intricate work unnecessary in an illustration. I encourage you to download the photo and zoom in to see the details unmatched in illustrations. The fact that there is a green light bathing the man makes the image seem artificial, but that is the illusion of the lighting.

Analysis of Photo

clone set2.jpg

Since this photo appears to be real, what I deem to be of the utmost importance  is the message it is conveying.

In my view, this photo is showing a true man, held captive in a liquid filled container (or pod), and attached to tubes, with his clone counterpart adjacent to him in a similar container. As I have outlined in my various articles, captive Source Souls are living within the matrix in an opposite gender body. This has been done to keep them confused about their true identity, hence all the social commotion about transgenderism, homosexuality and identity theft. Please see my other articles on this subject in the section "In the Matrix".


​I believe the image being discussed here is depicting how in fact Source Souls are being held prisoner. It is no coincidence that many movies and sci-fi books describe a futuristic world where people are held as mind/body prisoners within pods. Clones and twins (doppelgangers) are usually addressed in different movies, however, in our true reality everything is interlinked.


​I determined that the man in the image is the real one and the female is his clone by making several observations:


First, his feet have regular arches, normal to a human, the female is flat footed, to such an extent that she would not be able to walk without some special orthopedic shoes. Clones won't ever need to walk they only exist as organic robots for the real attached sentient being to believe he/she is connected to it. All the devices and hook-ups connect the two bodies, and the hats, transfer signals from his brains onto hers.


​Second, the man's hands are curled, or in fists. Hers' are not and are outstretched. His hands indicate that he is paralyzed in a paraplegic condition, the clone is not truly alive, therefore does not respond in a sentient way to her captivity.


Third, the devices on the chests are different. The female has a large black pouch on top of her chest and the male does not, though he seems to have a small mechanism which resembles a heart monitor. The reason for this is that the clone has an artificial heart, programmed to beat at the man's natural heart rate (see Wizard of Oz for allegorical truth). As I've discussed, Source Souls have a small snake within their right ventricle, as a device to slow the heartbeat to an unnatural rhythm and keep the Source Soul in a prolonged coma. Because the female clone has a regular heartbeat, the man adheres to her body as his.


​Fourth, the man has several devices on his legs,  the female does not. He also seems to have extra devices on his arms and hands. This is because he is being held in an unnatural condition and therefore needs to have his body stimulated so it does not develop atrophy. These devices most likely send electrical impulses throughout the muscles fooling the body into believing it's healthy and active. 


​Other observations: the neck on the female looks manikin like whereas the man's looks normal. Additionally, the man has some type of vest above his rib cage with four grooves, which could be part of a breathing apparatus. The bubbles come from behind the head, not from the nose or mouth, indicating an unnatural way of breathing. The man's mouth looks sealed off, as his nose most likely is as well. Lastly, the man has a large pouch and a circular device around his genital and pelvic area, the female has a simpler attachment. It is likely the clone needs to excrete, but the complexity of the real man is greater and therefore he needs containers to capture his feces, urine and seminal excretions. On closer inspection, he also seems to have some device over his umbilical cord, and the clone does not appear to have this. This is possibly a feeding device by which nutrients are delivered. 


​If these two people represented two distinct individuals captured within pods then why these differences in their body positioning and device hook-ups? Why does the man not have a large heart pouch? My conclusion is simple, one is real, and one is a clone.


​The setup of the containers also indicates the manner by which the man and the clone are connected. The middle machine with the red light seems to acts as the mother hookup, connecting the two. There are many devices, cords, cylinders in between the two containers. There are several computers but most are closer to the male, indicating the necessity to monitor more aspects of his "human" functioning.


Both the man and the clone have large "knapsacks" affixed to their spinal column and neck.These connections seem to be hooked to the top of the container. (Could knapsacks be referring to putting someone to sleep with a sack? nap-sac)


​What I find interesting is that this photo is presented to us as if it's a great creative accomplishment, yet I have found other images which depict virtually the same setup; designed by different people for different purposes. This is incredible "copy catting" or a coincidence, or a depiction of the truth. The following two pictures further illustrate this.

Comparison With Other Similar Images


Somebody should sue someone, as the similarities between these two depictions are uncanny. I have found at least 20 virtually identical features. See how many you can find.

I contend that both of these images are photos, just that the one on the right has a heavy Photoshop effect on it. Note the similarities in the way the pods are setup, with a male and a female juxtaposed to each other. There is much machinery, tubes and computers between them and around them. Note the large computer gadget with the red light, and the pods are illuminated with green light. Also each container has 3 built-in round ceiling lights. Above each there is an illuminated numerical identity. Both images show a green device similar to a miniature street lantern, in the middle but placed nearer to the male. Note the elevation between the floor and the bottom of the containers. In both scenes they are on pedestals. 


The computers are at the base, indicating that the beings in the containers are much larger than the people monitoring them, otherwise the computers would be higher. Incredibly similar is the "knapsack" hookup, with the two sets connecting to the ceiling of the container. Both images depict the individuals with vests with integrated digital devices and a pelvic belt and a larger device on one of the legs. Arms and hands have similar attachments.  Both of these setups are imbued in an environment which appears somewhat chaotic; with so many devices, monitors and tubes seemingly scattered, yet organized. It makes me think that creatures unlike humans created this. This idea is also alluded to in other sci-fi images which show people wearing gas masks, alluding to them being in an environment which is oxygen deprived and not entirely conducive to human functioning.


This next image depicting mermaid people may look totally fictitious, yet I believe it too has been altered from a real photograph. I believe that other types of soulful beings such as mermen and mermaids have also been captured and are being held in containers serving as energy batteries, just like the Source Souls. The creature in the image was most likely altered or added, but may actually be alluding to the real truth (I will elaborate on this later).

This setup is identical to the other images in these ways:

There are two containers, one male one female juxtaposed to each other; there is a machine in between them, connecting them, both containers are on elevated platforms, and the entities are floating in green lite fluid. Many computers line the base, with much smaller people in the foreground. There is a metallic top with tube hook-ups connecting to the containers; this alludes to the mermaids being hooked up, but the Photoshop effect eliminated this visual.


​I challenge you to observe these 3 images to find more commonalities. It is not a sheer coincidence that these images, designed by different people, at different times, for different purposes should have such strong similarities.

Photo Analysis

What is a Clone?

The online defines a clone as:


  1. a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.

  2. a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style.


The following was taken from the National Human Genome Research Institute:

In reproductive cloning, researchers remove a mature somatic cell, such as a skin cell, from an animal that they wish to copy. They then transfer the DNA of the donor animal's somatic cell into an egg cell, or oocyte, that has had its own DNA-containing nucleus removed.


I contend that our human clone has been made from our own DNA and other genetic material. I offer the possibility that in this respect the clone can be of a different gender and can have some differing physical attributes from its original source.


To the questions: Do clones always look identical? the NHGRI response is: No. Clones do not always look identical. Although clones share the same genetic material, the environment also plays a big role in how an organism turns out.


Can this technology be so advanced that we are only allowed to glimpse it slightly. This next image may be indicating how clones could in actuality be created; within pods by unknown devices and unknown beings. (This image too, could be Photoshop altered photo).



Note cords all over the floor. This artist has sketches of this image, yet they are all simply different versions of this one with black and white Photoshop effects.

The Clone

Other Considerations Regarding Our Condition

Our Condition
trachea set2.jpg

neck breathing

Based on the observation that air bubbles seem to be emerging from behind the neck area, I looked up "neck breathing" and found this from the National Library of Medicine:


"Neck breathing: a form of voluntary respiration for the spine - injured ventilator-dependent quadriplegic child".


This type of procedure could also be referred to as a tracheotomy (trach) as per a Wikipeidea description:

“a tracheal tube is a catheter that is inserted into the trachea for the primary purpose of establishing and maintaining a patent airway and to ensure the adequate exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide”.


All this supports the notion that the Source Soul body is in essence in a quadriplegic condition, unable to move in the slightest, all his bodily functions are controlled artificially, including his breathing.

the mad hatter

Other observations regarding this image involves the hat, which looks like some device, connected by tentacle type cords, large and imposing. These connections seem to be used to extract information and manipulate the mind directly, as well as connect the Source Soul to the clone, as the clone has similar hookups. The concept of the "Mad Hatter", should not be taken lightly in sci-fi accounts, this reference is alluding to the Source Soul's condition of being "mad" or "insane". As a person is held in such a condition by which mind and body are imprisoned and they live believing they are real and living in the opposite gender body, they can be considered truly mad from an objective point of view as they are living within a split personality condition.

no hair

It seems from the image that the man is clean shaven (though there might be some unseen stubble). Other sci-fi images also depict Source Souls in the same manner. This falls in line with my sensing that Source Soul men are virtually hairless and only grow facial hair after a certain age. His body seems equally hairless. There is also the possibility that hair would be growing on this man if he were in a natural condition, but being in such a capsule, he is ageless, timeless and hairless, as his body is stunted from growing old.

superman similarities

The position of the body is one which in my opinion could be called the "superman stance" or the "superhero pose". The Source Soul has been purposely put into this position through the various cords on his back and devices all over his body to make him look regal, powerful and majestic. This is a sly way for the masters to mock the imprisoned soul, alluding to him being in a good, strong and healthy condition. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yet, this pose is put into our reality through superheroes, which we as Source Souls share many incredible attributes with, such as  possessing incredible eyesight, acute hearing and natural powerful strong bodies.


Upon observing other images of humans in pods you will find that the Source Soul's appearance is often downgraded. This is meant to diminish the Source Soul's true beauty, but since the image I am presenting here is a true photograph of a Source Soul the truth lies in plain sight.


Other parallels with Superman:

Superman's cape - could be represented by the voluminous and flowing nature of the tentacle like hookups behind the head and spinal cord of the Source Soul.


The genital pouch wrapped around the Source Soul's genital area resembles superman's exterior shorts.


The legs of superman have high boots ending just below the knees, the Source Soul has wire type devices in the same location, hinting at invisible boots.


Superman's hands are usually in fist form when he is posing. He has a muscular abdomen and is clean shaven (or hairless), just like the Source Soul. Superman does not have a head piece or mask, but other superheroes do. Superman's signature hair curl represents a cord connection.


Let's not forget the Kryptonite, the mineral which is green and can kill superman (see below to understand this better).


Lastly, superman has a big S on his chest, alluding to the "Snake", which holds the Source Soul captive within his own body.



Superhero commonalities with the captive Source Soul (this is not an exhaustive list)

  1. Incredible physique

  2. Head piece (superman the curl) others more obvious head and eye coverings

  3. A logo/crest in the heart area

  4. A cape

  5. A cord, or rope

  6. Red and blue (colours of the heart)

  7. Underpants/swim shorts

  8. A full body suit, glued to the skin as if naked

  9. Boots – up to the knees

  10. Not from this world

  11. A good person, with strong morals

  12. Possessing attributes mere mortals don’t have ie: better vision, hearing, strength etc

  13. Vulnerable to something ie kryptonite

  14. Always have an archnemesis

  15. Electrical energy of some kind

  16. Lives a double life, one as a frail human the other as a superhero (split personality)

Superman Similarities

Who are these masters who have created this incredible complex and sinister industry? To find out please read my article on the Archonic Squid.

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