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The Eucharist


The Eucharist:

Most Christian churches engage in the ritual termed, The Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, otherwise known as the Eucharist; one of the most sacred of their seven sacraments.  This practice aims to symbolize Christ’s last supper and the consumption of his blood and body. Though on the surface this barely passes as an acceptable practice, due to its vulgar language insinuating cannibalism, at a deeper level, it alludes to the diabolic truths regarding the Source Soul condition. Some people claim that this ritual is about sun worship, but from my own observations I believe that the church does not worship the sun, but rather the moon. It is my contention that through this ritual the priest acts as beetle offering the dung ball to the snake.


The Eucharist is one big sinister ritual which is accepted, without question by church goers. In essence the congregation is accepting the harvest of human bodies and organs, such as blood, and are giving their consent by participating in the ritual.

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Adam and Eve:

This story is an allegory for the Source Soul condition.  Basically it depicts two naked people with a snake and a tree with apples. The bitten apple represent the heart with the snake puncturing it. That is why the apple becomes harmful, once it is bitten and the snake within it revealed; an apple with a worm in it, is not a healthy apple.


Their nakedness represent the Source Soul’s physical condition as they lie naked and vulnerable in a tubular structure. The Garden of Eden also alludes to the Source Soul’s homeland, which is beautiful and a source of great abundance. In the background are usually animals related to goats, deer and oxen; a reference to the goat Masters.


The story of creation tells of how God created the heaven and earth and all the creatures on it within five days, on the sixth God created “man” in his likeness, but did not think of creating him with a mate as he did for all the other species. Then Eve was created after Adam was “put to sleep” by God; or put into a coma?  The story is allegorical, that is why God did not create multiple humans as he did other creatures. God would not want a whole civilization to be built on incest, would he? Note that God never awoke Adam in the biblical story. I believe the story is telling a vital truth regarding the condition of Source Souls which I claim to be the depiction of gender reversal. In this context Eve becomes Adam’s alter ego, assuming a female identity while he sleeps as a male.


This of course also alludes to the clone, by one is male the other is female. In this scenario the clone is the female (read about the clone in the article Your Clone). She is his weaker side (because she is illusionary) and she is the one who enticed him to take of the forbidden fruit and seek forbidden knowledge. This I believe signifies that Source Souls should not pursue truth, they should remain ignorant for the benefit of their God. Adam is then propelled into a world of duality, one in which he is both male and female, living under an illusionary reality while he sleeps.


In numerology Adam is a “1”and Eve is a “5”. Side by side, they are a 15, signaling the influence of the devil, as the devil card in the Tarot is the 15. Added numerologically, they are a 6 representing the love of evil. As the story is allegorical representing a man connected to his female clone and the love bond therein.


The Consecrated Heart:

The catholic church often depicts the consecrated heart either by itself or within Jesus and Mary images. It is basically a heart with a snake wrapped around it, symbolized by prickly vines; hence, a heart in a painful and suppressed condition. In Numerology the words “consecrated heart” add up to a 69, reduced to a 15, and then to a 6. It can be interpreted as “love of the devil”. Hearts with snakes around them and apples with bites in them are common symbols which represent the heart under the power of the snake.

Adam and Eve
Consecrated Heart

The prickly vine concept is also reflected on Jesus' crown by which this symbolizes the mind connection through the helmet which is on the real Source Soul body, this indicates how the Source Mind is trapped and held captive.

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Jesus Christ (Emmanuel)

Jesus Christ
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I believe that the iconic Jesus is a metaphor for the imprisoned Source Souls. Each Source Soul is in essence a Jesus. The name Jesus is a master number 11, alluding to a lesser master status, a teacher, as the 33 is the highest master number. Jesus is reported to have died at the age of 33, by the hand of his grand masters. The word "Christ" is the English transliteration of the Greek word "Christos" which means "the anointed one". Since to be anointed is to be smeared with oil or grease, Christ was symbolically marked as fuel. since oil and fuel power our vehicles. When we consent to being anointed, we are in essence agreeing to be marked as a fuel source.


According to some religious websites the word Jesus is derived from the name Joshua, which means God in Salvation;  in Matthew 1:22-24 Jesus was referred to as Emmanuel which has been translated by most scholars as "God with Us". This is meant to  sound ambiguous, as God with Us is meant to refer to the new king however, it could also be interpreted as ownership, as in "the god belongs to us" .


Traditional depictions of Jesus show him dressed in blue and red, representing the colours of the physical heart; green is the colour of the heart as per the Chakra System. Jesus is often shown to have a halo, a reference to his aura, similar to the sun, which is luminous in nature. This halo at times can also represent the moon, looming over the head of Jesus a sinister force holding him captive. The Jesus image often shows him with the consecrated heart, which is burning and has a cross over it. The cross is symbolic of the man imprisoned by the snake wrapped around his heart. Jesus is often depicted as effeminate, with his hair parted in the middle and his beard divided into two segments, alluding to the vagina. He is often dressed like Mary, in a feminine fashion. This alludes to the gender reversal most Source Souls are in. Often Jesus has two fingers pointing upward, a symbol of an electrical plug by which energy is extracted from.

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Note that Jesus was born from a virgin, meaning that he had no biological parents on earth. This is the condition of the Source Souls who have not been born to a mother within this matrix.  Jesus was known to create miracles, but in the end he had very few friends and many enemies. This means he helped many from the energy he expended, however, no one really helped him in his plight and all allowed him to be tortured and killed.  In essence Jesus knew he was being exploited by others and realized he was not living among his people because he had no true friends.  Jesus allowed himself to die, to be tortured by his masters because he wanted to leave the Matrix. His death was not a real death, as he resurrected and ascended to another plain (outside the Matrix). The fact that he died at the age of 33 can also be interpreted that he reached full awareness of his true condition and as a result became a true master of his destiny.


The Jesus story is allegorical in nature giving convoluted truths to Source Souls. It states that one day all Source Souls will be released and will be allowed to return home, but at the same time, Source Souls are to worship Jesus and believe that they are loved by Him (as if he’s detached from them). Understanding the allegory is important to help Source Souls find their release. It is a vital story with many truths and underlining it there is a strong message of hope and a recipe to reach true salvation. 


 Key features related to Jesus which parallel with the captive source souls:


  • Born of a virgin (had not biological connections to earthly beings)

  • Real (occulted) name: Emmanuel (a soul name)

  • The number 33 (death age)

  • Never married or had children (did not build a lineage on earth)

  • Word "Jesus" is a numerological 11 (a minor master and teacher)

  • Had only had twelve followers, 12 friends, most everyone shun or rejected him

  • Had high morals and values which he had to teach others

  • Lived in a violent society

  • He was tortured

  • He was worshiped

  • Ate bread and shared it (the bread is related to the bread fruit from our homeland)

  • He had special powers (ability to heal)

  • Resurrected, ascended to the sky (went somewhere else, away from the earth plane; left the matrix)


What most artistic depictions of Jesus are conveying:


  • Halo - symbolic of the sun and his luminous aura

  • Emasculation: beard with V shape - symbolic of vaginal hair, long hair, also alludes to femaleness

  • Consecrated heart with prickly vine - a heart under attack by a snake

  • Cross - the representation of a man with arms outstretched, a victim

  • Red and Blue colours - symbolic of the heart right and left ventricle

  • Two fingers pointing upward, as in the depiction of the Baphomet, symbolic of an electrical outlet's two prongs (saying he is being used as a battery)

  • Crown of thorns - device on head, causing pain and suffering

  • Tearing of his rib, indicative of a piece of him being taken (to create a clone, gene splicing, DNA extraction)

  • Blood sacrifice - being used by others for his blood

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