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The Harvest of Body Organs

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Please note this article may be hard to read and process. Though what I’m about to propose is just conjecture on my part, I truly believe there is some truth within this speculation.


The harvest of body organs has begun and it has been going on for some time now. The evidence, in my opinion, is “in plain sight”.  It appears that Source Souls are giving their consent to be harvested, not only psychically and energetically, but physically as well. There seems to be a social obsession with vampires, warewolves and zombies in western culture. The proof is twofold: first, the medical establishment’s constant and relentless pursuit of organs and blood through their blood donation campaigns, second, the over glamorization of these entities throughout our entertainment industry.


I am now convinced that Source Souls, which are the minority of the population are the zombies as their bodies are constantly being harvested for bodily resources, their blood highly sought through the Red Cross, and many people have undergone some type of organ removal. Source Souls are prone to such illnesses as cancers, diabetes, strokes and heart disease. Moreover, aging is an artificially constructed process designed to help Source Souls accept a decaying physical state. In this respect, as Source Souls age they begin to look more and more like zombies, limping, in wheel chairs, and some missing body parts.


Who are the Zombies

The realization that Source Souls are being harvested for their organs struck me with two events: First it occurred when I was engaged in a conversation with what I now believe to have been a vampiristic person. While at a fancy dinner party, I ended up sitting next to a middle aged lady who proceeded to tell me how much she loved to write books and articles about vampires and zombies. She told me about a story she had recently wrote in which a world existed where the zombies were a major food source for the general population. She explained that the vampires soon realized if they killed off and ate all the zombies, they would soon be left without their food source, so they decided to eat the zombies slowly, by manipulating them to believe that they had to get rid of certain body parts. In her story, zombies went around without arms and legs which they readily gave up in exchange for some type of commodity; such as drugs, food or medications. After giving me gruesome details about her story, I asked her where she got her inspiration?  She simply replied, “ I don’t know”. I was left to assume it was from her personal experiences and mental desires, because true Souls who love and worship peace would never come up with such a horrific story.


The next event was a few days later, though on the surface it was nothing spectacular, it helped me piece the puzzle together. I passed by a Red Cross van with large letters on it symbolizing the various blood types of the human population. For some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about the van, and in the middle of the night I awoke thinking about the lady’s story and the Red Cross. Then the realization hit me that we the Source Souls are the zombies, but rather than having missing limbs we are missing internal organs. This is evidenced by the way the Red Cross is constantly and relentlessly present in small and large communities collecting blood (and blood is considered an organ).

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Medical Rationale

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that organ removal for medical reasons is at an all-time high, with blood, livers, spleens, kidneys, gallbladders, thyroids, being the most common removals. When I researched information on organ removals, I mainly found information about organ transplants. It was difficult to find information about general organ removals or donations.


This I believe is a way to keep Source Souls ignorant to the reality that there is an oversupply of organs and they are not entirely being used for the purposes “officially” stated. Furthermore, the Red Cross reports that many organs are not usable because the rate of rejection by transplant recipients is high.  Many people are on wait lists for livers and kidneys for years and many die waiting.


Medical Advancements:

Another key point is that medical imaging machines are now so fine-tuned that they can detect pre-cancer cells and pre-cancer growths. In the study entitled: Over-Diagnosis and Over treatment of Thyroid Cancer: A Population-Based Temporal Trend Study thyroidectomies for the most part are being overly performed and are totally unnecessary. The study affirms that thyroids are being identified as having papillary growths, signifying that they are benign with no evidence to suggest these would ever become cancerous. Yet, the medical institution is performing  full thyroidectomies at an alarming rate with a 67% increase just in the last few years for women alone.


From my personal observations most people don’t even know what a thyroid is, or where it is located on their bodies. Alarmingly, many diagrams of the human anatomy which I found on don’t even show the thyroid, unless specifically searched. To replace the thyroid there are thyroid substitutes such as Synthroid or Levothyroxine; synthetic replacements of the hormone which requires a lifetime commitment. According to research, many people after a thyroidectomy suffer from lack of energy, severe anxiety and at times depressions.


Yet most people trust their doctors without question. These professionals are like the Gods of our society, dictating if one lives or dies and what intrusive procedures are done to them. People trust them and accept their solutions without any guarantees or proof that they are effective. Procedures such as surgeries (cuttings), chemotherapy (poisoning), and radiation (burning). Endoscopies, biopsies, MRIs, ultrasounds, and a sleuth of other procedures are highly invasive and cause a great deal of pain and distress often yielding few positive results. Gentler and more natural alternatives are just not discussed by medical specialist and uninformed patients are left thinking there are no other alternatives.

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Personal Story:

Recently a friend of mine was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells on one of her breasts during a routine mammography.  Within a few short weeks she received a full mastectomy. She then underwent multiple courses of radiation treatment resulting in severe body sores and perpetual fatigue. She is now required to take HRT for at least ten years, with no guaranteed remission period. I was alarmed at how quickly everything happened; she simply trusted her doctor and the science behind the detection machines. This is a person with a PHD in social sciences, which goes to prove that education within the matrix is insufficient to increase one’s real world awareness.


The Value of Organs:

One thing I’m sure of is that internal organs, such as breasts, thyroids, testicles, uteruses, ovaries, lymph nodes are hormonally charged and have a high nutrient content. In many cultures they are prized and consumed with great care and awareness to their vital role in enhancing people’s health. For example, the consumption of animal blood, hearts, kidneys are prized in many European countries especially in the making of sausages.


Statistics & Data:​

According to the website 33,611 transplants were performed in 2016 in the United States. There were 116,000 people on waiting lists for organ transplants. They report that 20 people die each day waiting for a transplant (that’s 7300 per year). They  claim that 95% of Americans support organ donations, and 54% are signed up as donors. Apparently, only 1/3 of people die in a way which allows for organ donation. Yet if they’ve signed their driver’s license (in the USA), or given consent through their OHIP card (in Canada) then their bodies or organs are shipped somewhere immediately after their death. In fact, if permission is not clearly given by the deceased, their next of kin is consulted just post death to donate their organs. Most family members quickly agree to this as it seems like a noble thing to do, and in their mournful and distressed condition there isn’t time to question the merits of such an act.


Additionally, the website claims there is an organ shortage, and provides all types of graphs to illustrate this. Yet the sheer number of organs extracted and donated can’t be found, and the volumes of blood collected is equally difficult to find.  


To put this in clearer language I did my own calculations based on the data presented by the US government.

If the US population is currently at 323 million, and 54% of its citizens donate their organs at death, and the annual death rate is 8.13%, then 13 million organs are being donated for research and transplants yearly. Since some people (116,000) are on wait lists to receive organs, and only 33,611 actually get transplants, are the remaining 12.9 million going for research? Frankly this seems excessive.


This prompts me to ask if  medical and educational institutions are able to store such high volume of organs? And out of so much collection why are the wait lists for transplants so long? Alarmingly, I’m only referring to the US population and to those organs donated at death, not  those removed due to illness or accidents, nor all the blood which is collected daily.

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There are only eight blood types, A, B, AB, O, A-, B-, AB- and O-. These are either positive or Rh negative. The Os are the most abundant and are the universal donors, but they can only receive from their own type. The Rh factor means that the blood lacks antigens, it’s the negative strain of all blood. Does this blood belong to a particular being who needs blood but is limited by its capacity to absorb it. Does blood and organs need to be consumed by some? The Red Cross’s slogan is “give life” do they mean this literally?


Why does the Freemasonic God, the Baphomet have the tattoo “solves” “coagula” on his arms? This can be interpreted as “loves clotted blood”. I would say this is a very strange thing for an occult Goat God to have on his arms. Additionally, why do catholic churches practice the sacrament of the Eucharist? This celebrates the drinking of the blood of Christ and the eating of his body. Is this just symbolic? If it is, why does no one question the cannibalistic implications of this? These are questions virtually no one poses but I believe are worthy of contemplation.  The truth is not going to be in a school books, it must be dug from beneath the dusty crevices of rituals and propaganda.

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The Media’s Worship of Blood

How many countless movies, books, games depict vampires and zombies? There are so many currently running and new ones are constantly coming out. Why are vampires so popular? I care to suggest that by glamorizing vampires, we begin to relate to them as real human beings, with feelings and sensitivities. Therefore, they are made to seem like one of us and we extend our trust to them. By romanticism and sympathizing with them, we are on their side, loving and supporting them. This is how they get the Source Souls to consent to all types of atrocities and to accept a decayed and exploitative society.


Online, there is a plethora of propaganda telling us how useless our body organs are. This information can look harmless, as most of it is presented by medical and pharmaceutical experts. Often they provide information about illness, symptoms and treatment options, combined with organ removal as a possible option. Because this information comes from “official sources”, many Source Souls bow down to the Gods of Medicine and accept their advice as scientific and logical.


Shockingly, I found a popular website stating that there are “25 Useless Body Parts” you can live without, naming: spleen, kidneys, gallbladder, and even lungs (apparently you don’t need two) as totally useless.  It seems that nature has been so careless and produced so much excess organs for us that we simply should discard them. Even our news media is part of this propaganda machine. The news consists of all sorts of tragedies, car crashes, murders, diseases and chronic illnesses. They often bring out their medical experts to talk about the merits of certain surgical procedures and the importance of donating blood and organs.


Significance of This in a Virtual Reality:

What does this mean to a Source Soul who is living in a virtual reality? When Source Souls consents to organ removal and invasive medical interventions they are in essence giving consent to having their organs tapped for energy. This could consist of tissue samples being taken, hormones, chemical and blood being extracted from their real comatose bodies.  Whatever happens to a Source Soul in a virtual reality will be an expression of what is really happening to the Source Soul’s real body. Accepting pain and suffering also justifies what is being done.


This perspective which I’m offering is not to scare or frustrate you, rather its meant to have you question the nature of your reality. Naiveté is not a Source Soul virtue; to be ignorant and to allow others to take advantage of us is not empowering.   By accepting all types of medical interventions without question and by donating blood regularly can make us vulnerable and weak. Power lies in knowledge and this seems to be the only way Source Souls can defend themselves.


For a background on this subject I encourage you to read my section entitled Energy Harvest.

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