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The End of Diversity


Issues which are mindlessly accepted without question are those imposed on to us by the formal authorities in our society; namely government bodies and corporations. At one point they dictated that slavery was acceptable, therefore it was practiced openly during those times. As a result,  to buy, trade and sell people, regardless of colour, gender or social status spanned many generations. Then came the subjugation of women by which common men were given permission to take ownership of their wives, thereby assigning their name to them as a mark of ownership.


All these and other repressive systems led to the subjugation and depreciation of people’s sovereign rights. The collateral effects were: witch burnings, guillotining, dungeons, beatings, incarcerations, and the endless creation of underground movements leading to the rise of advocacy groups and unions by which people screamed for justice and equal rights.


Once discriminatory practices reached their pinnacle and began to take their toll on society, the same institutions which created and perpetuated them were the same to deem them no longer morally, legally or economically viable, and as a result presented their solutions by enacting and enforcing policies designed to remedy the situation. These were expressed through such punitive practices as fines, jail sentences and boycotts.  Therefore, these social engineers work from two sides of the same coin, they create the problems and then become the heroic, high moral saviors by which they impose their solutions.


The issue of multiculturalism in my opinion falls within the same parameters, by which instability in certain countries is created, and foreign policies, seemingly grounded in human rights destabilize those countries, leading people to retaliate in self-defense. However, I believe the agenda could be more sinister and insidious, and its ultimate goal could be the destruction of cultural uniqueness as we know it. 


The fact is that entire populations are being displaced as a result of political initiatives by which there are bombing and wars leading to the grand migration and immigration of people of entire nations. I often ask myself, why aren’t referendums done to assess the populace’s agreement with such strategies, after all, at least in western nations, democracy is the main political system of government. According to, democracy is “government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them…”. It seems to me what is truly in place is a fascist regime, by which fascism is defined by online dictionaries as, “an authoritarian regime by which dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as a strong regimentation of society and the economy is enforced.” The United States House of Representatives, where senators meet and major bills are passed has two large pillars with two fascia sculptures. Moreover, fascia appear on many coins, including the 25 cents. Are they running an occult government regime in plain sight?


Propaganda is a key tool of fascist regimes, and can be observed within society often as a way to rally support for invasive human rights violations.  They often recount a personal story, laced with despair, to tug at people’s hearts. For example, they’ll highlight a poor family in the middle east who became homeless due to political instability. Their solutions to this problem are to displace the family by having them move to another country. This is made to seem charitable and a noble act by the receiving country.


Additionally, multiculturalism is underscored by the concept of “acculturation”, by which everyone merges into one dominant culture. For this effect,  microcosms such as Little Italy, China Town help ease the transition into acculturation.   Within these cultural microcosms people are able to celebrate their language and traditions;  however, superficially and for a limited time. As any second or third generation immigrant will attest to, in a few short generations their children, raised within the mainstream of the foreign country will quickly lose interest in speaking their mother tongue or in upholding any of their cultural practices. Many will eventually intermarry and lose connection to their entire cultural identity.


The practice of multiculturalism is feeble at best, as people aim to hold on to culture based on superficial concepts such as food, religion and entertainment.  Although these are important aspects of culture, they are not enough to sustain cultural uniqueness, because culture is an integral part of the land by which a people originated from and built a lineage therein. It is the land which unites people and inspires them to be uniquely different, through its climate, food, landscape and history.


As people are manipulated to abandon their sacred land, they are forced to integrate into an unfamiliar environment rigged with adaptation difficulties, followed by a loss of language and culture. This can be easily exemplified with First Nations people of Canada, by which suicide rates are high due to land displacement. Studies have shown that mental stability is increased when people are allowed to stay and govern their traditional lands.


Pseudo benevolent government agencies are quick to provide shelter and supports, and to impose concepts such as “cultural sensitivity” by which employers must follow strict regulations. Ultimately their agenda is to create unrest and to destroy cultures by blending them all into one; destroying cultural uniqueness. The evidence is all around us, it only takes a clear and willing mind to see it unfolding.


In a similar fashion, many countries are being infiltrated by westernized standards by which capitalism (fascism disguised as democracy) and English are the ideal signals of progress. Many European countries, due to their size, are already entirely multicultural, by which their once dominant culture and language is now subordinate to multiculturalist policies. In essence, their own culture and language is being gradually eradicated, from underneath their own homes. I cite Portugal, Sweden and Greece in this respect, where much of what remains of the original culture is in small and isolated communities.


Alternatively, the only way to preserve culture is to reject multiculturalism and to see its underlining racist agenda. Aiming to return to our homelands and to build society from within is an act of rebuilding culture and to regain cultural dignity. For some this may be too late, but to recognize how people are being used as ponds to fulfill political agendas is vital to becoming self-aware and politically attuned.


I truly believe that cultures provide unique gifts and it is within their diversity that these gifts are delivered. As such, culture is tied to the land, and when we celebrate culture, along with its traditions and practices, it is within the land that these resonate truth. How wonderful it is to travel and to experience something new and unique, the land and its people, together, flourishing as one, building a common identity and spirit.

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