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The Truman Show


Truths about Source Souls


The one movie which I think best depicts the Source Soul condition is The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey. Though it does not depict the condition of the Source Soul’s body and how it is kept in pods, as The Matrix does, in all other respects it is a true account of how Source Souls are kept within their condition, living a mind imprisoned reality. Because this movie does not have the violence other movies depict, its message is clearer and more direct, however, it still takes a skilled and inquisitive mind to uncover its truths.


In this article I will provide my analysis of this movie as it pertains to the reality of the Source Souls.

Movie Synopsis: The Truman Show is about a man whom as a baby was adopted by a corporation and is imbued in an environment by which unbeknownst to him, he is the star of a reality TV show. As such, his whole life is scripted and those around him merely actors, including his family. At some point in his life he begins to find anomalies within his reality and embarks on a fearless pursuit to uncover the truth. Within this context a love interest looms in the background fueling his desire to escape his contrived reality. In the end he risks his life and is released.


Numerological analysis

Numerological analysis reveals the title of this movie The Truman Show is a 14 (5), the number of the snake; therefore alluding to the reality that this character is under the influence of the snake. The name Tru 14 –(5) also supports this notion, and the word “ tru” is not spelled true, referring to a man living under a lie.  Man is a 1, referring to him being the only one in that condition. The name Truman is a 6, representing false love and a false reality. (Please read my article on Biological Warfare to understand the power of the snake).

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It is clearly stated in the movie that Truman is owned by a company, or legally adopted by one. As such, his father, or owner is played by Ed Harris who is in the key role as Christof. This man manages Truman’s reality and controls every aspect of it. In essence Christof is merely a man running a business. This clearly refers to the Source Soul’s condition of being nothing more than a product managed by others.


It is my contention that Source Souls within the matrix are not born to real parents; they have been kidnapped from their homeland and forced to live a pseudo reality by those who hunted them and now claim them as their property. Much proof exists in our reality of our ownership, however our birth certificates clearly depict this, as they are mandatory to have and these are signed by the state not our parents.


A Virtual Reality

Truman is shown sleeping within the movie often and this is projected onto a large screen, this alludes to his comatose vegetative condition and to his whole reality taking place within his mind. The idea that there are thousands of cameras placed all around also alludes to the virtual reality context of his life.


Actors and Scripts

It is clearly depicted in the movie that Truman is the only person living a real life everyone interacting with him are merely actors, including his parents, his best friend and his wife. These actors all conspire to keep Truman ignorant and functioning within the artificial social milieu that is profit driven.  These individuals follow clear scripts, and aim to fulfill their various agendas by interacting with Truman and nudging him in various directions. This is what is happening with Source Souls, as they live within their mind prison their interactions are strategically played by entities playing the various parts, prompting them to think and act in a certain way. This is your reality as a Source Soul.


Trauma & Fear

To keep Source Souls consenting to live in the matrix under a false reality, their memories must be wiped pre-birth, as well as throughout the course of the life. This is no easy feat as Source Souls can unlock suppressed memories; therefore their masters use all types of fear mongering and traumatizing events to keep the Source Souls from remembering who they are. This is evident in the Truman Show, as his father is killed in a (fake) boating accident, which inadvertently makes Truman feel responsible for his father’s death. This also had the effect of creating in him a phobia related to water and all water activities. This is a clever strategy as individuals are kept within trauma they do not question the nature of their condition and spend their lives locked in ignorance.  Most Source Souls have undergone many traumas, the key ones during childhood, where they experienced some horrific event or were abused. There are also social traumas, such as the 9:11 event and the various homicides and false flag operations occurring within society and reported on the news. Note that the word Truman can look like trauma, without the ‘n’.  This name is also allegorical for a man living within trauma.


Time Manipulation

Source Souls live in a reality in which time is manufactured. It is an accelerated time line in which the days and nights run in quick cycles as measured by a 24hour clock. The sun rises and sets as per scheduled intervals as is the Moon. These are all controlled, as is the weather. This is indicated in the Truman Show when the control station creates a gale while Truman is on the boat, capsizing it and the sun is made to rise when Christof demands it. As such, the moon is an artificial construct, an orb designed to create the illusion of night and to influence the behaviour of those under it.  In the Truman Show the moon is the central control station, managed by individuals controlling Truman’s daily life.


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The Clown

Truman seems clownish from the way he acts to the style of his clothing, this was done because the creators of the show wanted to mock the Source Soul, alluding to him being the fool, the “butt of the joke”. A good example of this mockery is in a shot by which the camera is pointed directly at Truman’s butt while he is in the flower garden. Much mockery is made of Source Souls by their masters and others who watch. This is because Source Souls are powerful beings and larger in stature compared to their captors. This is depicted when Truman is shown as a Green Giant sleeping while controllers walk in front of the screen. This alludes to the Source Soul’s true grandeur. Therefore having such a being captive and fooled is a great accomplishment for their masters and a source of great amusement.


Love Bond

This movie also clearly depicts a love bond between Truman and an ex-female cast member. This woman becomes a strong motivator for Truman’s awakening. He tries to go to Fiji where he was told she was going and he aims to put together her image through magazine clippings. This alludes to the condition of most Source Souls, feeling extremely lonely and pursuing illusions of their lost soul mates whom they left behind in their homeland. It is this displaced desire which keeps most Source Souls consenting to remaining in the matrix as they harbor a deep desire to return home.


Leaving the Matrix

Though Christof states that Truman can leave his make-belief reality anytime he wants, in fact it isn’t as simple as that. Truman had to demonstrate a relentless desire to do so. He did this by confronting his fears and risking his life. This is what Source Souls must do if they want to exit the matrix earlier then their scheduled time (which is a very long time). Truman had to risk everything and was in essence killed by his master, Christof (Christ).  His boat was capsized and then flipped over; this was the symbolic killing of Truman’s alter ego (his fake self) and the awakening of his real self. Note that he only bumped into the dome after the boat was capsized.



Spontaneity is something our Masters don’t like. This is the key reason they have repetitive events and people performing repetitive tasks. Many of these people are not real, they are avatars. Truman noticed this when he pointed out to his wife the repetitive actions of a yellow beetle (the car) and a man delivering flowers. This was also the reason why Truman couldn’t just go to Fiji or any other place out of a spontaneous impulse. Within the real matrix Source Souls’ lives are carefully scripted and only those events prescribed to them can be executed. If a Source Soul wants to do something outside the pre-designed script then all types of barriers will emerge, including fear tactics; such as fires, plagues and road blocks. You’ll notice within your life many synchronies and you may think, wow, what coincidences, but these were all planned out for you as you are given a few options at any one given time. However, you must be monitored in and outside the matrix to ensure that you are taking these options. This is why Truman felt observed and followed on a regular basis. He wasn’t being paranoid he was merely noticing what had always been there.



There were several slip ups with Truman’s reality, such as a satellite falling on the street, an elevator showing a backstage studio, and a police officer knowing his name. Slip ups also occur within a Source Souls life and these are dangerous for our Masters as any slip-up can trigger our awakening. Within your life you may have noticed strange events you couldn’t explain or noticed people behaving strangely, out of character. I’ll provide a personal example here. A fish spawning event occurs in a stream near my home every year. Thousands of sockeye salmon swim upstream to spawn and then die within this breeding ground. Their offspring return to the sea and return the next year to spawn. However, one year I observed that there were no salmon in that same stream, at a time when hundreds should have been there, spawning. My decision to go there was very spontaneous, and I believe I caught my Masters off guard.


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Family Planning and the Breaking of a Soul

Establishing a family is a key strategy used to break Source Souls. It’s a way to bind them to the Matrix and to living the life their masters designed for them. Once a Source Soul has children and grand-children, they are motivated to live long lives and accept false reincarnation cycles as this binds them to a solid lineage within the Matrix.  This is why Truman is setup to marry Marylyn, an actress prostitute. She often pressures him to have a family by wanting to have a baby.  Truman resists this, though he is unaware of the occult plan. His fake mother is brought in to review his family photo album to further pressure him.


Backstage Celebrations & Stressors

Our masters celebrate when their enslaved Source Soul adheres to their plans and reaches important milestones. This was evident in their backstage celebrations when Truman was setup to reunite with his father. A similar celebration probably occurred when he got married and got his first job.  However, at times Truman resisted and at one point tried to escape. As a result much backstage stress and conflicts emerged. This was an interesting glimpse into their machinations, because they can shape and persuade but they can’t control all aspects of the Source Soul’s life. This is encouraging, as Source Souls resist, at times their masters become desperate and make mistakes further fueling the Source Soul’s awakening. 


A Domed Enclosed World

The beginning of the movie refers to Truman’s prison as the largest enclose studio; it is a domed structure. I contend that our reality exists within a similar domed structure by which the Source Soul industry and an adjoining civilization exist.


Dumbed Down People

Within the movie, people outside the matrix seem totally dumbed down and this indicates that there is a real civilization running alongside the matrix. These individuals are the consumers of materialism who live in a capitalistic system and enjoy reality TV shows.  They are fed as entertainment Truman’s mind reality, which they can only observe through a TV screen, designed to manipulate them with product placement.  This unfortunately is a powerful truth pertaining to Source Souls, as their mind reality is projected onto screens by their masters. In essence the Source Soul’s mind can be viewed as a computer, being stimulated and plugged into technology so it becomes a digital reality for those interacting with it. A dumbed down population does not question such a reality, as they too are captives within their own prison system.

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Christof introduces himself to Truman as “the Creator….of a TV show” he pauses after the word creator…to allude to his Christ status, a derivative of the name Christof.  It also affirms the notion of Jesus, as Truman is the Jesus or the Christ Child who returns to his Christ father at the end by which he resurrects from the dead and walks on water. In essence all Source Souls can be symbolized by the Jesus metaphor by which they have been born to a virgin (Truman had no known biological parents) and sacrificed for the benefit of others, made to endure unimaginable pains, find themselves surrounded by false friends, and like Jesus they too will not die, but resurrect (awake) into another reality and leave the matrix entirely.


In the end Truman realizes he is still very much alive within a new context; he bows to his audience and says his 3-part goodbye as a way to concede to the fact that he now realizes that he has been playing a scripted role. This is most likely how Source Souls will feel when they die within the matrix and wake-up within their true bodies. They will understand that they have been manipulated to live a dream reality where they themselves played characters with different identities.


The Great Lie

The greatest lie in the movie and I believe the only true lie is indirectly stated; it involves Truman’s real homeland.  Outside the domed studio world there exists the dumbed-down civilization I referred to earlier. This is not Truman’s home, as he is larger in stature and has been the object of exploitation for the benefit of others. Therefore, Truman does not leave the matrix to live among them, in poverty and capitalism, rather, he must be returned to his homeland, another place within the natural world where he will reunite with his family. This truth is often absent from most movies depicting the Source Soul’s condition such as in the movies The Matrix and Jupiter Ascending.  They don’t want to awaken Source Souls watching these movies to their real home and give them a real sense of hope and inspiration. When 99% of truths are presented but 1% is a lie this has the effect of contaminating the awakening waters of most Source Soul’s minds, keeping them from questioning their reality.


There is so much more in this movie that can be scrutinized and analyzed. I encourage you to examine it and find more synchronies and truths for yourself.

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