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Most people have watched the trilogy The Matrix and some have come to the conclusion that not everything in the movie is science fiction. In my analysis of the Source Soul condition, I have referred to The Matrix often because it does provide, in my opinion, much truth, and not all allegorical. What I have come to realize is that a powerful truth is revealed in the matrix, so incredible that most viewers will dismiss it as a total fabrication, much like the human battery claim. Yet, I have personally become aware that the squid-like beings, referred to as "the aliens" or "the machines" in the movie are in fact conveying an important truth, revealing a secret so real, yet so hidden that it could only be accepted as science-fiction.


In the second movie the Architect tells Neo that he has re-lived that life many times. The  Architect admits that he represents "the machines". It is no coincidence that the largest squid ever found is of the Architeuthis genus type.


The Wikipedia states: The giant squid (Architeuthis dux) is a species of deep-ocean dwelling squid in the family Architeuthidae. It can grow to a tremendous size, offering an example of deep-sea gigantism: recent estimates put the maximum size at around 12–13 m (39–43 ft).


The truth as I now see it is that our true masters are within the deep oceans, they are ancient and extremely intelligent, and have created the entrapment Source Souls are in. Note that the deep oceans are like outer space - dark, cold, oxygen deprived and with endless worlds and creatures to be found. Also note that the bible refers to the creation of the world by first creating water, then land. These creatures have been around longer than any terrestrial beings.


I have become aware of this truth because I have had spontaneous visions by which I have seen squid like beings attached to my real body. Other synchronous information has further enlightened me. As I see it, each Source Soul (and clone) is managed by one mother squid and her brood. She and her offspring feed off our bodies while we are in the dream reality referred to as the Matrix. They feed on CSF - Cerebral Spinal Fluid, which they extract from our spinal column and brain, this gives them vitality and extends their lives considerably. Because our energy is "sun" energy, unattainable in the deep oceans, these Archonic Squid have devised a means to obtain it (through the CSF fluid) and therefore extend their lives.

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First a bit more about Cephalopods...​

Cephalopds are extraordinary creatures which live deep in the oceans.


Online sources state ...

"The Cephalopod class includes octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus: intelligent creatures who live very briefly. These are ancient species that are found in all of the world's oceans, and are thought to have originated about 500 million years ago. They include some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet".


"Cephalopods are highly mobile ocean-dwelling creatures that are remarkably diverse in size and lifestyle. All of them possess at least eight arms and two tentacles, and a parrot-like beak. They have three hearts that circulate blue blood—cephalopod blood is copper-based, rather than iron-based like red-blooded humans. Some cephalopod species have tentacles with suckers for grabbing, camera-like eyes, color-changing skin, and complex learning behaviors. Most cephalopod eyes are quite like humans, with an iris, pupil, lens, and (in some) a cornea. The shape of the pupil is specific to the species".


They are also known to have brains on each of their eight arms and are the true blue bloods of the world. They have the ability to produce their own  light, which is often seen as neon green, but can be in other colours. They can move with jet propulsion speed, release ink which resembles their own shadow, and can camouflage their bodies within seconds to match their environment, not only in colour but in texture.

About Cephalopods

Incredibly intelligent, incredibly parasitical

the Archons:

Based on the Wikipedia, the Archons in Gnosticism and in ancient religious texts are described as "the builders of the physical universe. Among the Archontics, Ophites, Sethians and in the writings of Nag Hammadi library, the Archons are rulers, each related to one of seven planets; they prevent souls from leaving the material realm".


I will refer to our masters as the Archonic Squid, because they are, in my opinion the true Archons referred to in these ancient texts.


We humans have been conditioned to believe that we have the highest intelligence and that no other creature matches us. We have been fed lies about evolution and dinosaurs, yet we have not been told about the existence of monster type creatures which currently exist and who have evolved little over time, but have developed clever ways to survive. In schools, how many of us have had any education on the sea and sea creatures? Yet most of us have been taught about the solar system and outer space and planetary bodies. Yet our oceans exist and their diversity is unmatched on land.


This oversight has been done purposely to keep us in an ignorant condition and consequently accepting our imprisonment. Because our Archonic masters are sea creatures and so different from us physically, they have kept themselves hidden from us while attached to us. Though these masters possess many skills and natural abilities they are parasitical in nature and need to extract energy from others to survive. This is their weakness, but it is this which has made us their victims. These Archonic Squid are the true magicians and sorcerers of our time, they are the real alchemists, able to turn physical sentient beings into vegetables and energy batteries.


I believe the Archonic squid built the entire underwater industrial complex in which the Source Souls (and other beings) are housed within. They manage most of the physical aspects of it, and they created the pods these bodies are house in; this is cleverly revealed in their name Cephalopods.


They are "Borg" like in their familial and social functioning. This type of species is presented in the Star Trek series as a "cybernetic organism linked in a hive mind called "the Collective. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of "assimilation."


Because of their incredible brains they have the ability to project onto human minds any type of reality they choose.  Yet because they are sea creatures they can only create realities they have seen, for this reason they have developed partnerships with terrestrial humanoid beings; all of which have something to gain from this complex partnership.  Additionally, they have also fostered these partnerships to help them hunt and capture terrestrial beings, as aquatic beings have over time built better defenses to protect themselves.


With their many arms, dexterous limbs and incredible eyesight they can build just about anything and hide just about anywhere. See TED talk by Edith Widder on how the giant squid, (Architeuthis) was photographed.



  • The word Archon is an anagram for Anchor - anchors hold ships down, securing them to the bottom of the ocean.

  • Squid have hooks, or anchor type appendages attached to their suction cups.

  • Squids are known in mythology as having attacked ships.

  • Squid type creatures are often depicted in Hollywood films as monsters.

  • Squids are the only creatures known to have blue blood. The blue color is often juxtaposed against the red, to symbolize the Archonic connection with red blooded human beings.

  • Squids, primarily the giant squid, upon close observation of the footage taken by Edith Widder, have one eye which looks incredibly human like, but the other is covered by a veil. This veil seems to expand, indicating that the second eye is entirely different from the other. Hence the one eye symbolism in our society and on the top of the masonic pyramid.

The Archonic Squid
Video Largest Squid
Archonic Facilities

Archonic Facilities


The following images are in my opinion depictions of real places. Most look like photographs, although some seem to have some Photoshop  enhancements. These images do not have copyright and can be downloaded by anyone. They are passed as "concept art" or "wallpapers". This is a simple way our masters put out truth, hidden within a subtext of fantasy.


Archonic Squid have given the terrestrial beings endless technological advancements based on "jet propulsion", "aircraft invisibility" and "laser/light weaponry". They are the creators of digital technology, as they can store and deliver information through their minds and project this onto screens.

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They created human pods, with its green lighting and highly advanced "security" systems. These pods show two circular entry points from the back, allowing for two types of hook-ups, one for the back of the neck, the other for the spinal cord.


These images looks like photographs. The chambers look water tight, they have built-in tracks to allow for vehicles to bring pods in and out.

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These Archonic Squid work with terrestrial beings who must wear masks in the deep ocean due to its harsh environment and air pressure. The Archons are extraordinary large in comparison to the captured beings, and the mother sits between the two pods, connecting the clone to the real sentient being. I present the image with the mermaids because it shows the squid like head above and dozens of squid/octopus arms emerging from the center. These are from her brood and are usually hidden from sight.


These chambers with pods can be flooded any time, by which the Archonic Squid move freely withing the space. Similarly, the water is suctioned out and the squid insert their arms through the many tubular devices to access energy from the captive body while having their arms and tentacles protected.


Note the cords in this image, as cords are visible in most sci-fi depictions, as well as in our homes. Cords are visible connections to the Archons, put in plain sight.

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Underwater cities are most likely a reality. This may be a real photo being passed on as an illustrated image.


This next image shows food being grown in pods. The sun in the middle is squid-like, notice the eight arms. They grow food based on the needs of the various beings they have captured. Source Souls must consume native food and this is all grown deep under the ocean, with artificial organic suns created by Archonic squid.

Photo Evidence

What this Photograph Reveals about our Masters

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In light of what I've discussed about the Archonic Squid I would like to propose a deeper analysis of this image which I've determined to be authentic and to be depicting a true Source Soul in a pod, attached to his female clone counterpart (please first read my article You and Your Clone to understand this section better).


The green light which pours into the pod is consistent with neon type squid lighting, which is soothing and  hypnotic.


Each pod looks like an energy battery. On the top of each there is a large container with hookups, and can possibly hold the body of a squid. Its arms and tentacles could be inserted through the various tube like structures.


The in-between machine has a red light on, this is possibly the light of an older squid. The messy tubular structures in the foreground and all around could be the various ways squid enter the scene, unaffected by the dry environment.


Multiple computers placed at different heights are meant to accommodate various sized humanoid beings who collaborate with these Archons.


The green lantern could be a miniature pod, able to house a cat, for example.

Most saliently are the tentacle-like hookups connected to the back of the head, neck and spinal column of the captive man. These appear organic and fluid. Most likely they allow for the insertion of squid arms to connect to the Source Soul seamlessly. I equate this setup to a water tube, by which water flows through, yet the tube stays in place. I believe the mother squid is located in the middle, remaining there throughout the Source Soul's captured life, but other squid enter and leave at will to extract energy.


The hieroglyphic language is only on one of the pods, indicating that it is a single unit we are looking at. That language is most likely the written squid language used to mark their devices. To communicate with others they most likely use the universal digital language, through text and imagery, through their various computer interfaces. 


For a movie reference watch: 20000 Leagues Under the Sea and note the squid/human connections and the advanced technology.


Read my article: You and Your Clone for a fuller analysis of this image.

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