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Written and Performed by Them

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There are many songs which express the Source Soul (SS) condition, often songs about broken love bonds and betrayals and longingness for lost love. Yet, within the mix there are songs about those who are our predators, written and performed by them. These songs are meant to celebrate their prowessness and dominance over the Source Souls. Lyrics of a song are not to be undermined, as their words convey strong and powerful messages. Often these are perceived to be of little significance. This is done to keep SS from questioning the true intent and power of songs.

Note: Source Souls are individuals which I describe on my website and are those individuals who in general don’t know what is going on all around them.


Here I provide 4 examples.


Song: Get Lucky
Performed by: Daft Punk
Written by: Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers

Get Lucky
Daft Punk.jpg

Overview: This song is about the relentless pursuit of a source soul. The word “lucky” is actually a person’s name. The website provides this information:

Lucky has been used in the United States ever since 1912, with over 3764 girls given the name in the past 200 years. Lucky gained the most popularity as a baby name in 1990, when its usage went up by 298.47%.  Additionally, the word “Lucky” can be easily misspelled as “Lucy” this only requires dropping the “k” - an equally popular female name.


Here is my interpretation of the song lyrics:


Like the legend of the Phoenix
All ends with beginnings
What keeps the planets spinning (uh)
The force from the beginning


The Legend of the Phoenix as defined by Wikipedia as follows: The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology; with analogs in many cultures; that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Therefore the Phoenix is an immortal creature. This first verse of the song is alluding to a type of person who is immortal, like a mythical phoenix he/she is constantly renewing themselves; self-healing. Like the spinning globe model, this person is presented to the world as a living lie; a spinning person, is a dazed and confused one.

Look – This word is sometimes used when pointing at someone and only appears once in the song; implying they have spotted someone of interest.

We've come too far to give up who we are
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

The “we” implies a group of people who are making a statement; that they are unique and have a particular culture. They claim not to want to give up their true nature. They raise their cups to the stars, or to the souls, as stars can be interpreted as souls; the word sun in many cultures is spelled sol, soul. This is implying they are drinking the essence of a star, and cheering to them as they drink.


Main chorus of the song


She's up all night to the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky


The chorus refers to a female “she’s” and that she is up all night to the sun, implying she is made of solar energy; a different type of person; and that she’s up all night for good fun. The part of the chorus which implicates a female is simply stating that she’s up all night to have mindless fun; as any Source Soul would be having at a dance club.

The second part of the verse further states that THEY, as a group,  are up all night in pursuit of the soul who has sun energy, and that 'they' want to get some. If this statement was about getting 'laid'  then why would a group of people be chasing one woman? Note, the ‘some’ is referring to something within her, as they’ve toasted to her, therefore implies they’re after some bodily fluid. This part of the verse and the second part is affirming how they want to get her…Lucky or Lucy, and ensnare her in their trap to exploit her.  


The present has no ribbon
Your gift keeps on giving,
What is this I'm feeling?
If you wanna leave I'm with it (ah)


This verse clearly shows how they play on words using double entendres. At the present moment, they have a gift; a present, yet the gift is unaware that it is being offered to anyone, that is why it has no ribbon. Yet the gift keeps on giving, because the SS once depleted of blood, can self-heal and therefore keeps on giving. The American Red Cross often refer to blood donations as “giving the gift of life”.


The question “what is this I’m feeling?” is the only one in the song, implying a strong feeling, something overwhelming, it is followed by the statement which offers to take Lucky somewhere.


We've come too far to give up who we are
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

She's up all night to the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

(We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get)

This chorus is then repeated throughout the remainder of the song in a hypnotic style.

They change the chorus slightly, to re-emphasize the message of the song; that they are out to get something….not to have sex; as the shallow message intends to highlight. The first part is tied to the last part of the chorus, because it states that they can’t change who they are, it’s within their nature to hunt mindless prey and to get what they need.


To sum, the consuming of something is alluded to in the song, by which they toast to the stars. Additionally, to have fun in a night club, one usually needs to drink alcohol. This implies their weapon of entrapment, as alcohol is used as a weapon to ensnare SS, weakening their senses and making them vulnerable. As SS are out to have fun, drinking alcohol in nightclubs, others are stalking them, aiming to drink something entirely different. To distract SS they have created a culture of sexual predatory behaviour, imbued with alcohol, drugs, and satanic lyrical music to entice and ensnare them and use these literally as bait.  


In the real world real vampires don’t bite and kill their prey, rather, they use syringes to extract blood from them. A shot could be referring to alcohol, but a shot could also be referring to a needle prick. This is the real rape that is going on; sexual allurement is simply a cover-up for what is really going on.

Gained the World

Song: Gained the World

Performed by: Morcheeba
Written by: Paul David Godfrey, Ross Godfrey


I heard I lost it
On the grapevine
I must admit
I had a great time
There are words for people like me
But I don't think there's very many


Speaking from the I perspective, someone is stating that they lost self-control, on a grapevine, alluding to wine and blood; as wine is connected to blood as per the church teachings.

Then the person admits that they had a great time; doing something occult and illicit. Then they aim to reveal themselves in the song by saying that there are “words for people like me….” Meaning she is a different type of species, … “ but that there aren’t very many” referring to the names to refer to people like her. In fact there aren’t very many names that come to my mind, other then ‘vampires’, ‘demons’.


I've gained the world then lost my soul
Maybe it's cause I'm getting old
All the people that I know
Have gained the world then lost their souls


She’s gained the world and lost her soul because she’s been able to survive only by exploiting others. This is why she is getting old, because her life has been extended due to this occult macabre behaviour; of drinking the blood of others – the grapevine. All the people she knows are like her, doing the same thing, and living longer lives as a result.


There's no persuasion that I'm into
I've made some sense of what we've been through
We should form a new foundation
If we could find the right location


Here they reveal a bit of their vampire history. The word “persuasion” in this context is referring to a belief system. She is saying that she adheres to no particular rule set. She justifies her current condition by saying that her species has gone through a lot in the past; possibly nearing extinction at one point. She understands that her species survival depends on exploiting others, and that a new way of existing could possibly be conceived, yet, it would mean a total re-structuring of their old ways, they would need a new foundation and a new location…an entire new lifestyle and finding a new place to live. This of course is too much work.


Is it prey
On display
I'm feeling weak


From a predator’s perspective, the song expresses the glee at seeing a prey. Their prey are SS. They can detect them from sensing their body heat. This excites them and makes them feel weak with need to have a meal.


I've gained the world then lost my soul
Maybe it's cause I'm getting old
All the people that I know
Have gained the world then lost their souls
I've gained the world then lost my soul
Maybe it's cause I'm getting old
All the people that I know
Have gained the world then lost their souls


The chorus is repeated to celebrate the essence of who they are – ruthless, blood thirsty vampires. Meanwhile SS who hear these types of lyrics are unaware of its true subliminal messages and the power these have over their unconscious mind.

I'm Every Woman

Song: I’m Every Woman

Performed by: Chaka Khan
Written by: Nickolas Ashford, Valerie Simpson


I believe this song was written to express how vamps trap Source Souls and lure them into their vampiristic web of deceit and lies.  The cover of the album shows Chaka looking sweet and innocent, nothing could be further from the truth, as per their song lyrics.


I'm every woman, it's all in me
Anything you want done, baby
I'll do it naturally
I'm every woman, it's all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z
(Woah, woah, woah)
(Woah, woah, woah)


I’m like most women…I’m what you are looking for. I am a person who does things naturally; accept my authenticity. This is how vamps cast their net of allurement. It implies hypnotic trances, as then she says that she can read thoughts from A – referring to SS vowel names, and Z, referring to other entities whose names begin with consonants.  “Woah, Woah”, a sound used to tame horses.


I can cast a spell
Of secrets you can't tell
Mix a special brew
Put fire inside of you
But anytime you feel
Danger or fear
Instantly I will appear, 'cause


Here the song further describes how vamps capture their prey. “I can cast a spell” referring to their ability to hypnotize, which is an ability they highly guard from SS. She will “mix a special brew”, meaning, she will use drugs; or alcohol which can produce feelings of fire within the body. This helps her in her endeavor.  When the prey, the SS feels danger or fear, the vamp will present herself as their savior.


I'm every woman, it's all in me
Anything you want done, baby
I'll do it naturally
(Woah, woah, woah)
(Woah, woah, woah)


The chorus further states that she can be trusted. The SS is referred to as baby – a helpless victim.


I can sense your needs
Like rain unto the seeds
I can make a rhyme
Of confusion in your mind
And when it comes down
To some good old fashioned love
That's what I've got plenty of, 'cause


Here the pronoun “I” continues to be used, specifying a real live person. She claims to sense the need of her victim; she not only knows their thoughts; as stated in the other verse; but knows what they need; implying sexual fulfillment. A seed is connected to semen and rain on the soil to ejaculation. SS are looking for romantic connections and this is referred to in the term “old fashion love.” This implies that SS long to find their soul mates, and this is their need which the vamps capitalize on.


The vamp further states that she can create confusion in the mind of the SS, and make them believe that she cares or loves them. A truly loving person would not want to create confusion in anyone’s mind.


I'm every woman, it's all in me
Anything you want done, baby
I'll do it naturally
I'm every woman, it's all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z
(Woah, woah, woah)
(Woah, woah, woah)


Repeated chorus


I ain't braggin' 'cause I'm the one
You just ask me ooh and it shall be done
And don't bother to compare
'Cause I've got it
I've got it, I've got it, yeah, I...


She claims not to be bragging, implying a sense of pride in how this work is done. She presents herself as someone able to fulfil someone’s needs, but tells them not to think too much about anything, no need to compare, because she’s got it…. meaning she’s captured the attention of a SS; through hypnosis and drugs; and has been able to fool them into believing they’re in love.


The cover of the album implies women’s rights, something meant to seem justifiable, however, this is a trick, a cover story for SS not to suspect that the real injustice are inter-species. There are many songs which use words such as “spells” or “magic”. These are referring to vampiristic techniques by which drugs and hypnosis is used to entice and capture Source Souls.


I'm every woman
I'm every woman
I'm every woman
I'm every woman (Woah, oh, oh, oh)
I'm every woman (Woah, woah, woah)
I'm every woman (Woah, woah, woah)
I'm every woman (Woah, woah, woah)
I'm every woman (Woah, woah, woah)


The remainder of the song just repeats the chorus “I’m every woman;” The repeated nature of the words is meant to be hypnotic to the unaware listener, implanting the hypnotic suggestion that women are to be trusted.  “Woah”, is repeated to emphasize how wild horses are tamed and claimed.


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Song: Grease
Performed by: Frankie Valli
Written by: Barry Gibb


The song Grease is also about how real life vampires capture their prey; a Source Soul, by fooling them into thinking they are being properly seduced and loved. The lyrics are not benign and the script of the movie is often used in high school plays. Similarly, stories about gangs, such as West Side Story are used to convey similar messages.

Note that the cover shows Olivia Newton John glowing, as if her aura is visible, whereas John Travolta’s is not. He is only getting a bit of her shine. In the movie and in real life I believe these two represent a Source Soul and a vampire. This is alluded to in several ways; by their names by which one is a vowel starting name and the other is a consonant; by the symbolism in the cover of the album, the songs which are sung throughout the movie, and the roles they perform. Olivia is clearly the victim, and John the predator; his hair and dress indicate a vampire look; wearing black and slick hair.

Lyrical analysis:


I saw my problems and I'll see the light
We got a lovin' thing, we gotta feed it right
There ain't no danger we can go too far
We start believin' now that we can be who we are
Grease is the word


The first verse is referring to someone seeing a solution to their problems “see the light”. The second line clarifies what the problem is, hunger. They have to feed themselves right, meaning they need something other than regular food. They know what they as vampires exploit the bodies of others, and this can be dangerous, as they can inadvertently kill their victims, but they’re confident that they won’t do that as they have plenty of practice; as killing their victims is getting rid of a renewable source of energy, and this can easily deprive them of their sustenance. The second last line is meant as a morality boaster to each other, affirming that they have the right to be who they are, the consumers of grease –the fuel or blood, which courses through the human body.

They think our love is just a growin' pain
Why don't they understand? It's just a cryin' shame
Their lips are lyin', only real is real
We stop the fight right now, we got to be what we feel
Grease is the word


The first line now moves beyond the individual to insinuate that they are a group, or a population, by using the pronoun ‘we’ and that their love is nothing but false, as it creates pain. Then they further state that “they” their victims, the SS, don’t understand, “it’s a crying shame” for them as they are the ones who suffer. ‘Their lips are lyin’ is referring to SS who don’t even know that they are lying to themselves when they tell these vamps that they love them (for example).

Only real is real, meaning that they (the SS) don’t know what reality really is as they are imbued in a world of lies and deceit. The word ‘lips’ can also be referring to their kisses which are void of emotion and leave SS feeling empty. The song states that they 'need to stop the fight', implying they need to stop fighting their true nature. This statement could be indicating that among them, there might be some who feel some pity towards their victims; as one would feel for a pig before eating bacon.


Grease is the word, a reference to the bible as in “the word of god”. Therefore, grease, which is a fuel is the word which needs to be honoured and held in the highest regard.   

Grease is the word, is the word that you heard
It's got a groove, it's got a meaning
Grease is the time, is the place, is the motion
Grease is the way we are feeling


The chorus celebrates their worship of ‘grease’ fuel; blood. “It’s got groove and meaning”, which can be interpreted as “it flows, and it’s vital for life.  It implies that to get ‘grease’ one needs to be present at the right time and place, in order to take action. Grease is the way we are feeling, which is a need they have, and as such can be restated in the song as – “grease is what we hunger for”.

We take the pressure, and we throw away
Conventionality, belongs to yesterday
There is a chance that we can make it so far
We start believin' now that we can be who we are
Grease is the word


Second chorus states that they don’t need to follow any social rules, they can do what they want. Conventionality is something of the past; possibly alluding to their history that at one time they were governed very strictly. They now believe they can manage their civilization well enough, accepting their true nature and their pursuit of grease or blood.


This is a life of illusion, a life of control
Mixed with confusion - what're we doin' here?


Here they state that reality as it is being perceived by the SS is just an illusion. It is a reality by which they are being controlled by strategies which confuse them. “What are we doing here?” is a question which SS often pose, because living ignorantly in this type of civilization leads them to feel unsettled. This verse is in the song to provide the victim’s perspective.


[Chorus x2]

Grease is the word
Is the word, is the word
Is the word, is the word
Is the word, is the word
Is the word, is the word

“Grease is the word”; as in the word of god, which gives them permission to be and do what they please.



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