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Gender Reversal
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Gender & Sexuality

Most Source Souls have been setup to have very unhappy relationships within the matrix and to engage with entities who lure them into relationship traps which make them easy prey for energy harvest. In this section I will discuss issues around sexuality and gender identity. These are fundamental to understand as they dictate the actions of Source Souls and are used as devices to bend and break souls into accepting the matrix as a real reality and developing strong lineages within in.



Gender & Sexuality

Sexuality is a very natural aspect of who we are and as human beings I believe that the Source created individual souls with sexuality in mind by which there would be opposite genders to be compatible with one another. The creation of males and females was not something done haphazardly, rather it was done with intelligent design and heterosexuality was created as the standard norm. I am in no way demeaning or undervaluing those who identify as homosexual or bisexual, I am however going to explain why many of us are living in a confused sexual state.


It may seem shocking and I will try to present some evidence regarding what I’m about to say here, and that is, that SS are living an illusionary reality by which their current bodies are of the opposite gender of their natural, captive bodies. And most likely, this has been the case in most of their reincarnations.

In a video game such as the SIMS we are allowed to choose our avatars, such as  hair style, body structure, clothing and other interesting features however, when we were choosing this life’s avatar while in the pseudo afterlife we were given many choices based on family genetics and lineage but not given the option of choosing our gender. So within the matrix, if you are a man, most likely you have a female body and if you are a woman, you have a male body.

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Homosexuality & Transgenderism

Heterosexuality is the norm for SS in their true homeland, but because of gender reversal many Source Souls assume a homosexual identity within the matrix. In essence Source Souls are always trying to align themselves with their true nature. Homosexuality in this respect is brought into a new light. This means that a lesbian would want to be a lesbian because her true self is a male and therefore his true emotional and romantic ties are with a woman. The same would be true for a gay man, by which he feels that he is indeed a woman, therefore, he wants to be intimate with a man.  Most Source Souls are aimlessly searching for their soulmates within the matrix, but being in an opposite gender body skews their aim and focus.


As history has shown us gays and lesbians have traditionally expressed a certain degree of gender confusion as per our social expectations. Lesbians have been known to be butch and to express certain mannerisms which are attributed to males, and gay men, often referred to as queer, or effeminate types, by which they have expressed traits which are characteristically female. In general, they have assumed heterosexual positions, even in their intimate relationships, expressed through such statements as “bottoms” and “tops”, butches and femes.


These reflect a natural tendencies by which the unconscious mind, connected to our bodies, is trying to wake us up to the realization of who we really are. Additionally, transgendered people, at a deep level, understand that they are not of the gender their physical body expresses, and as a result are actively seeking to claim their original gender. This of course is wasted energy, as they will never feel whole until they understand their true condition. No matter how much they change this current body, it will never look exactly like their real selves. There is only one of you, and that one is lying, sleeping, no avatar transformation of yourself within the matrix will change that.


Gender reversal and confusion of roles is a great trick our Masters use to keep Source Souls in a perpetual bewildered state. It leads to a great deal of personal frustration, loneliness, depressions and often social isolation.


Relationship Chaos

Many Source Souls who assume a heterosexual identity within the matrix while in gender reversal tend to experience failed relationships riddled with conflicts. Gender conflicts occur between males and females because at a deep psychological level the man feels like a woman and the woman feels like man. The social context created for Source Souls aims to divert their attention away from the truth by creating feminism, and disparity between the genders. Therefore, males and females don’t get along not because of gender reversal, but because of injustices in society. This agenda aims to convince Source Souls that there are no intrinsic differences between males and females, that gender differences are insignificant, and insidiously aims to blend the two into one homogeneous gender. In this way, a Source Soul can claim both his male and female sides, without questioning the truth.


Mockery of Roles

Our Masters love to mock us in our gender reversal condition, and they exhibit this in plain sight.  This is clear in the dramatic arts, in movies and theatrical performances where men often appear dressed up as women, for comical relief. This is an act of mockery, as if saying  “look at you….you know you’re of the opposite gender, but you can’t see it, we think it’s so funny that you are so ignorant”. It seems that when we laugh at men dressed in women’s clothing we are both mocking the man and the woman in their gender reversal. Many movies and shows can be exemplified, such as Mrs Doubtfire, with Robin Williams, Hairspray, with John Travolta, and Yentil with Barbara Streisand just to name a few.  


Homosexuals also constantly play with gender reversal as it is illustrated through their enjoyment of drag shows. In these they perform as their favorite celebrities, exaggerating their feminine or masculine qualities. This is cause of great amusement and entertainment within this community which also attracts the attention of many heterosexuals. It acts as a cathartic release of emotion, validating their true condition of being in gender reversal.


Cross Dressing

is another role reversal condition expressing frustration with one’s gender. It usually affects straight men, though not much research has been done on this. These men seem to enjoy dressing in their wives or girlfriend’s clothing, often in secret. This seems to excite them, as it helps them escape the current befuddled gender reality they are in.

Mockey of Roles
Cross Dressing
Relationship Chaos
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Gender Engineering

Gender Engineering

Homosexuality and transgenderism have been topics which have been very much a taboo throughout history, and in most “civilized” societies, which have banned, shunned or criminalized it. I believe this has been done on purpose to keep Source Souls from awakening, because if Source Souls were allowed to express themselves naturally, most men and women would come to the realization that they are in role reversal. However, the need to awaken is so great, and the soul cannot be confused forever, that the our Masters are redirecting the awareness by making homosexuality and transgenderism the norm.


It seems that their goal is to create a one gender and a one sexual orientation type individual, where there are no distinctions between who is a man and who is a woman, and who is gay or who is straight.

This has come about within the last few years, where homosexuality has been taken “out of the closet”, into Gay Pride Parades, to legalized marriages and to same-sex adoptions. Homosexuality is now being glamorized in movies and in the promotion of products. Therefore, there seems to be a trend to marginalize heterosexuals by emphasizing the need to celebrate the minority orientations.


In this same respect, transgenderism is being pushed into the mainstream social awareness as a way to further confuse souls and keep them in a deep perpetual cycle of role and gender confusion.  Bruce Jenner, for example is the poster child for this new revolution, glamorizing and normalizing the issue. Moreover, gender neutrality is now a concept being pushed into the political arena, by which public institutions are providing work-place training on gender sensitivity and are actively implementing workplace policies by which individuals learn to address each other in gender neutral terms. Case in point, the Girl Guides of Canada are now revamping their manuals to include this gender neutrality concept. The idea of being a “girl” in girl scouts is now open for debate.


Moreover, our Masters are attempting to create a one gender society, by which androgyny is becoming the norm. This is evident in the media, in the various shows by which females and males dress similarly, act similarly and identify as both genders. For example, women are to be physically strong and sexually exploitative just as men are. Men are to be emotionally sensitive and to be child rears the same as women.  Everybody wears pants or skirts and has the same haircut. It’s all done in the context of equality, yet equality is an egalitarian concept, which means the loss of diversity. In this respect, the women’s liberation movement has been conceived to be a sinister agenda by which roles are blurred, relationship undermined and the family unit dismantled. As such there are YouTube channels which indicate that heterosexual men are in deep turmoil because they don’t understand who they are and their function in society and in relationships. They don’t trust women, yet they struggle with the need to be in loving unions, because it is natural for people to want to bond and to build families, but in this chaotic social context, the result is loneliness and isolation.

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Sex and Orgasmic Energy

Through the displacement of gender roles, sexuality is further victimized through a culture of pornography, debauchery and sexual exploitation. The unfortunate results are not just conflicts and tumultuous relationships, but a culture by which sexual abuse, rape, incest and other forms of sexual violence and dominance are expressed. These are celebrated in our movies, books and general culture by which they are considered horrific, but normal.


The further belittling of sex, by which it is just an expression of lust, the need to release tension and to seek orgasmic pleasure, removes the love bond that it aims to express. I believe that the Source created sex and sexuality as something to be expressed in the context of a love union, and to be shared at a profound soul level. It was not meant to be superficial, but rather a sacred act, by which a child could be conceived. In our current state, it has been reduced to just a physical meaningless act. Therefore, leading men; and increasingly more women, to feel empty and lonely and resorting to serial monogamy, one-night-stands, open relationships, promiscuity, pornography and excessive masturbation.


Orgasmic energy is very potent and should be handled with care. The orgasmic energy when kept within a strong union, builds trust and security between the couple. When the orgasm is released on its own, such as in the context of orgies and casual sex, it’s energy can be captured by interested entities lurking in the shadows. Consequently, the current culture of drinking, drugs and casual sex is so prevalent because our controllers want people to lose themselves, compromise their morals and principles and allow themselves to become vulnerable to predators. Also when Source Souls begin to take on the popular culture’s lifestyle of debauchery and decay they are more easily broken and do not question their life within the matrix.


Sex and Orgasm
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Fertility & Reproduction

Infertility could be a condition signaling a desire for a woman or a man to reconnect to their opposite gender bodies. Infertility  is rampant in our society, impacting between 10%, to 15%  of women both in the US and in Canada according to national statistics. However, we don’t need to look at statistics, but observe within ourselves and our families to see how common it really is. From the gender reversal perspective, it could be expressing at a very deep level an internal conflict, because if a woman is infertile, it could mean she is becoming more aligned with her male avatar, and as such men don’t impregnate. A man could also be having infertility problems, expressing a deeply seated frustration of knowing that he has a female body but cannot access it to conceive a child, therefore creating deep anguish and expressing himself through a low sperm count.


This could be why people have become so vulnerable and susceptible to accepting new artificial reproductive technologies which are too readily available. These include artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, sperm injections, donor eggs, surrogacy and donor embryos. These interventions also come with a high cost, both physically, economically and emotionally, as many people require multiple attempts, with many spontaneous miscarriages in the mix, and sometimes producing multiple births, taking its toll on the couple and adding further pressures to the family unit.


An important aspect of these artificial procedures is the underlining Machiavellian messages they aim to convey to negatively impact the SS’s psyche.


  1. In most cases the man is totally removed from the process,

  2. The male and female sexual act is also removed from the scene, turning reproduction into something mechanical, scientific and void of love and affection.

  3. Reproduction becomes a medicalized process, associated to injections, medicines, and hospital visits. In sum, it becomes hijacked by the medical institution.


By corroborating with the medical establishment and by accepting artificial forms of conceiving, Source Souls are in the process demeaning and destroying the sacred sexual and reproductive act which was divinely gifted to them. Even though in the matrix they are not with their soulmates, they need to align themselves with natural processes, and aim to resist social pressures to behave in ways contradictory to their true selves. I believe these agendas of artificial insemination and reproduction aim to break SS to allow themselves to be exploited reproductively by which their eggs and semen maybe used and extracted from their real bodies for the purpose of artificial reproduction onto other species.

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Sexual Abuse

Pedophilia, incest, rape are other examples of the dysfunctionality which results from deep inner turmoil stemming from role reversal. When we are born into a reality which is based on having bodies which are the opposite of our true ones, psychic havoc is created and displaced sexual behavior can result.


There seems to be a movement in our society to normalize pedophilia by the constant displaying of children in sexualized positions and engaging them in flirtatious play with adults. True Source Souls know at a deep level that children are to be honored and respected for their innocence. What they need is guidance and protection from adults, not to be their prey. They need a strong adult/parent child bond which is conducive to trust and feelings of safety. Any violation of this bond could lead to a full disconnect between the child and adults.


There are entities all around us which want to decay our moral values because this is how Source Souls are weakened and made vulnerable. When a person is highly traumatized through sex and abuse, emotions such as fear and pain produce energy which can be harvested. Movies about violence, rape, sexual exploitation, provide a venue by which Source Souls indirectly agree with their agenda. If you participate in anything, even as an observer, you are condoning it and accepting it as normal.


If you find yourself as an abuser, or a victim of sexual abuse, it is important to begin to heal yourself immediately. Understand that you can heal any sexual trauma, it just takes the desire to do so and understand that the matrix has created conditions to traumatize you and to exploit you sexually. Sometimes the support of a counsellor or a support group could be helpful to further deconstruct your trauma. Much self-compassion and forgiveness may be required on your part, but it is work that needs to be done. Understanding that trauma is a tool used to keep Source Souls from awakening, healing all your traumas, including your sexual traumas becomes imperative to your freedom and awakening.

Sexual Abuse
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