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Children's Story

A Source Soul Interaction with Children

While living in the Matrix most Source Souls have very few interactions with beings that resemble Source Souls. This is because most everyone in your reality is acting a part with you, and as such, they are following scripts, as you too have been conditioned to behave or "act" in a certain way due to familial and social pressures. Additionally, most entertainment, whether directed at adults or children is heavily laden with violence, both psychological and physical.  This article is about how a video entitled "The Children's Story" reveals how a real Source Soul would interaction with children if the Matrix was folded and taken over by Source Souls. Though a simulation, the depiction I believe is quite accurate as far as how a Source Soul would behave in such a context. I present a pictorial analysis based on print screens I took from the video. I encourage you to watch the entire 23 minute presentation and do your own analysis.

I present this to help you remember who you are!

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Film Analysis:

The story takes place in a neighborhood classroom after a war was won by 'Them'. It begins by showing the elderly teacher reading a memo telling her that her classroom will be turned over to a new teacher.  The senior lady presents expressions of fear and doom and claims to fear for the children, not herself. The children seem somber and frightened. The idea here is how fear is taught in schools by those in positions of authority.


Though the teacher is frightened, the boy named Johnny says something profound...."my dad says for us not to be scared, we’re scared too much….we’re dead even though we’re alive, we are never to be afraid, we must’n  Mrs Warden….”


​It's a strange thing to say, that we are dead, yet still alive. The phrase seems out of context, but revealing the Source Soul's true condition. The name Warden also implies that the old teacher has been playing the role of a "warden" a prison guard to the children, not a true teacher.

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First Lesson: Letting Go of Fear

The replacement teacher is a young, attractive woman. She has a relaxed demeanor and immediately addresses the children by name. When a little girl tries to leave because she is frightened, the new teacher picks her up and sits the child on the desk, then sings her a song. The child's fear and classroom tension, left by the older teacher, quickly dissipates. This posture clearly shows that a friendly, loving demeanor is an effective tool to help relax a classroom of young children and make everyone feel safe.


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Second Lesson:Pledging Allegiance to the Flag

When the teacher asks the children how do they usually start class, they state that after roll call they always pledge allegiance to the flag. Yet the teacher asks them to define words such as "pledge" and "allegiance". The children say they are just expected to recite it, not understand its meaning. The teacher clarifies that they are promising to be loyal to a flag, an object "how can a flag be more important than a real live person?". The children, from the teacher's prompting are led to cut the flag and throw the pole out the window. At first this seemed shocking, especially when a little girl is given a large scissors, yet this showed trust on the teacher's part and presented a powerful message to the children, that blind allegiance to the state is misplaced and unnecessary. 

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Special Note on Culture:

Important to note here is that although the class seemed well distributed multiculturally, allegiance to one flag is anti-culture and anti-diversity. Yet the teacher does tell the children that we are now united under one world; however, she does not say that we are all one culture. This is a very important point to note, as today, multiculturalism aims to be passed on as a celebration of culture when in fact its aim is to annihilate it.  As in this classroom, there are Asian, African, Indian and European children, yet all have to pledge allegiance to one nation, to one flag. This is the key reason the flag pole was thrown out the window, primarily by the Asian children, who did not feel included within the one flag.


Additionally, the birthday girl was the one chosen to cut the flag, symbolic of the end of an old nation and the re-birth of a new one, a more fair and just one. I would assume that subsequent lessons would involve understanding the importance of culture and reconnecting children back with their true land and people.

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Third Lesson: Adults are Children and all Need to be Healed

When Johnny yells out "Where is my dad, what have you done to my dad?" The teacher addressed him in a caring and sensitive manner, and provided a valuable lesson to the entire class. When she approached him, she brought herself down to his level, meeting him eye to eye. She placed both of her hands on one of his arms, calming him down through the power of touch. She explained to him that his dad was being re-educated because of having misguided thoughts. She reassured him that his dad would be going home in the future. The boy had a difficult time accepting that his dad had "wrong" thoughts. When the teacher gave him an example, it left all the children understanding what a "wrong" or "bad thought" was. In this Matrix reality it is acceptable for parents to dismiss or undermine their children. In this lesson the children learned that their thoughts and experiences matter and that their parents needed to be re-educated to this important fact.

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Last Lesson: Praying Gets You Nowhere

When a child declares that prayers need to be said, the teacher uses this opportunity to teach another valuable lesson, a lesson which within this Matrix reality would be viewed as sacrilegious.  She asks the children something to pray to, one child says "bless mommy and daddy" (jargon without meaning), so she suggests something very practical to children "let’s pray for candy".  She plays a trick to help them understand that nothing is given to them by just praying to a higher authority, she brings it down to earth by saying "no one will ever give you anything, only another human being". At that point she gives each child a chocolate candy, a Hershey's Kiss; a very clever and symbolic act of affection. This helped the children to see that praying and believing that invisible forces give you things is an illusion, a real trick played on their minds.


Another potential future lesson could be talking about Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the shape of the Earth. A globe earth model is often shown hanging near the teacher, juxtaposed to the flag. This is indicative of the lie being perpetuated onto children, who then become ignorant, superstitious and gullible adults.

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In essence, in 23 minutes, this teacher won over the children through strong leadership, guidance and care. The senior teacher taught them blind obedience and fear, this new teacher taught them to question things and that they were worthy of respect. This teacher was a true adult, unlike most teachers in the matrix reality who simply do what they are told.


Here is a list of the most effective techniques she used:


  • ·        attentive listening

  • ·        respect children's ideas

  • ·        eye-to-eye level communication

  • ·        appropriate touch

  • ·        verbal encouragement

  • ·        appropriately assigned rewards

  • ·        leadership and warmth

  • ·        smiles, sense of fun


Within the Matrix these qualities are not often found in schools, rather the opposite seems to be true. This is the natural way of Source Souls, to be truly present with others, to really care for them and want to heal them from a place of love.


To sum, this is what happens if true Source Souls were allow to run the world. Truth, care and understanding would reign.


Other Observations:

The snake is alluded to in several places, through the sound effects which run throughout the movie. Also when the teacher is talking to Johnny we see many S's in the background. Moreover, the hidden snake is alluded to with the number 23. The teacher is 23 years old, the clock only tracks 23 minutes of class time, and Johnny has the number 32 on his sweater, (a backward 23). The 23 in numerology can also be reduced to a 5, which alludes to the visible snake, as the word SNAKE is a numerological 5.


Then there is the very pertinent statement made by Johnny at the beginning of the movie "we're dead even though we're alive", telling us our true condition by which we're half dead, yet still living; alluding to our dream-world reality.

The doppelganger (clone) is also alluded to when the older teacher mistakenly calls Johnny, "Tommy". The name Thomas means "twin".  Johnny is also the most rebellious child, a special needs child, whom the teacher addresses as per his unique personality; indicative that there is only one true Source Soul per matrix reality, everyone else around is playing a role. Johnny is also the only child whose real life name is different, as it appears in the credits that his name is James. This was done intentionally to have the name “Johnny” rhyme with “Tommy”.


Additionally, the only child absent from the classroom is named Christopher, echoing the Christ name.  This name, as is any other name starting with "Christ" alludes to the sacrificed Jesus; someone who was special in many ways but was betrayed by many, in a reality he did not belong to, died and then resurrected....returned to another place and time. This reinforces my notion that all Source Souls in the Matrix will eventually be released; therefore the reference to a missing Christ in the classroom alluded to this truth.

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