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Finding truth intro
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Understanding the esoteric arts such as the tarot and numerology has been key to my incredible realizations and these methods have revealed to me great truths about myself and the reality I’m in. It is not by chance that these tools have been demeaned and in essence hijacked from us by new agers and religious orders and made to seem irrelevant, amusing or just mildly interesting to our daily lives. The same for the horoscopes, the western and Chinese, these too have been reduced to simple pop culture quirks of interest. Yet these same arts are highly practiced by the occultists and they use it to secretively convey important messages to one another and subliminally to Source Souls.  In this section I’ll provide a basic overview of how I use numerology and the tarot to find truths, hopefully it will stimulate you to apply these methods to your life and gain new awareness about yourself and your reality. I have also developed my own esoteric art which I call it the Snake Language, please read that article as well as it will reveal interesting insights about the subliminal meaning in many English words.

I encourage you to explore these other areas as well: 


  • Body Chakras

  • Auras

  • Astrology, Western and Chinese

  • Near death (NDE) and Out of body  OBE) experiences

  • The human body,- biological features, especially the brain and heart

  • Secret societies, ie: Freemasons

  • Church rituals and hierarchies

  • “False Flag” operations (pseudo-events made to look real ie: Oklahoma bombing)

  • 911 hoax and truths

  • Moon landing hoax

  • Flat earth vs round earth; see Eric Dubay


Furthermore, don’t let the word “conspiracy” sway you from gaining true knowledge. In its plural form it is a numerological 14 or 5, revealing the snake within. Its singular form is a 6, implying caution and the love of ignorance. This word is often used to keep the ignorant from pursuing truths. Its label implies that something unseen and un-spoken is happening, not pursuing conspiracies is to accept everything at “face value” and not to question anything.


Most poignantly, research information about yourself, events in your past, people you have dated, family you’ve had conflicts with, strange idiosyncrasies, find patterns and numerological connections. This will be the most  incredible work you will do. Schools do their utmost best to keep you from this work; it is their occult aim to keep you focused externally and not understand your true condition.

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