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Symbols & rituals

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Everyday Rituals

To understand how the information which I’m sharing is kept secret from us, is to understand how our Masters do their due diligence by presenting it to us through everyday symbols and rituals. In this respect, our truths are presented to us in plain sight.


Everyday Rituals

You may not be aware but on most days you are engaging in some type of ritual. Rituals are primarily used by our Masters as a form of control, in essence to subjugate you to their will and to monitor your behaviour. For example, when you go to work you are required to perform job duties during the “work week”. The word “week” can also be spelled “weak”, meaning as the days progress you become weaker and weaker while you give them something of great value, your time and energy. In return they give you protocols and illusionary money. On Saturday you sit and rest (“sat”, past tense for sit) on Sunday you relax in the “sun”, and on Monday, the moon day, you go back to work under the influence of your Masters. You work 9-5 (or something similar) following a pre-made schedule for you, whereby you check-in and check-out according to their rules. Your holidays are managed as are your vacation days. Your personal life is tightly managed as you are limited by the authority’s control of your time. Your life is one big ritual with you performing tasks as assigned to you, including when you work, when you shop, when you sleep, and when you socialize. Other rituals start at birth through the birth-certificate, (baptism for most), then followed by the marriage ritual, the death ritual, all requiring predictable actions which are often backed up by contracts ensuring your adherence to it.


These are just the big ones, then there are minor ones related to education, the healthcare, your living arrangements (mortgages, rents), your entertainment and your communications. Even dating and sexual activity is managed through propaganda campaigns involving the media and “popular culture” ideals. Our masters set the social standards, which are based on ritualistic behaviors, because these create predictability and make it easier to control the daily (dream) reality of Source Souls.


Other Symbols

Other popular symbols allude to parts of a square, to the beetle, the beetle dung and the heart. These can be observed as squares, wings, circles, apples (or any red fruit) and through the colours red and blue. The Nasa logo has a V shape running through it, this shape can be referred to as a vector symbol and represents the snake's tongue. Honda and Toyota clearly depict the beetle with its spread out legs holding a ball. Others depict the beetle wings, as the Egyptians also did in much of their art.


​Here are some popular mainstream logos,  see how many use square shapes, the colours red, blue, black and white. See how many 9:11s or 13s you can find.

Other Symbols
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Colours as Symbols


Colours as symbols

All colours correspond to something in the body and in nature plus they also have a numerological value. Here is the breakdown of the most popular colours along with some key minerals based on their numerological value (keep in mind the 3 master numbers which are not reduced).


The colours red, blue and green (in this order) are the most common colours used within our mainstream media, logos, ads, brand names and flags. All you have to do is begin to observe this phenomena. In some respects colours are identifying blood lines, for example, basic research will reveal that only a few families own the world’s entire media network. Red seems to be the predominant bloodline as it is most abundant.


Apart from black, grey and white most cars sold in the US and Canada are red, then blue, then dark green. Needless to say, the variety of other colours are not usually available in most models. Therefore, on the road you mainly see a monotone of cars, sparked  by the occasional red and blue. Monotone colours are the most difficult to see in most weather conditions, as they blend with fog, rain, snow and sun glare. Seeing a flaming red amidst a sea of monotones creates the subliminal sensation equivalent to an alarm bell, a fire in the forest.


Additionally, the red represents the heart (left ventricle) and as such it represents the dominant powerful elite. The blue represents the heart (right ventricle), and alludes to the other faction of powerful elites, the blue bloods. Also since red is a numerological 9, paired with the whites (11), blacks (11), prompts you to unconsciously see a distress signal. The event on September 11, 2001, can be spelled 9:11. It was created to be a memorable and fearful event primarily designed to cause psychic trauma; any mention of it triggers an adrenaline response in most people.


The 11’s are master colours, meaning they are key tools being used to shape your reality. The black represents the Masters who are aligned with the moon energy, who keep you in the darkness and work through hidden and obscure methods. The white represents the sun energy and innocence. The white often represents the Source Souls who are in an ignorant condition of perpetual sleep, whereas the black represents evil, magicians and sorcery. Moreover, the numbers "1" and "11" are associated to the Tarot cards The Magician and Justice, meaning that these colours are associated with the magicians who dictate the laws and order within society.


Moreover, the blue and green are paradoxical colours, blue is a 13, symbolic of the death card in the Tarot, and the green is simply the reverse 31, so it too reverberates death, disguised within. Green is used to a lesser extent because it is also connected to nature, chlorophyll and as such is connected to our air and food source. When our Masters want people to adhere to something they often use green to entice them. Both colours echo the 4, which is the cube; the Source Soul entrapment. Any colour with red + blue, or red+ green, equals Death. Because a 9+4 equals a 13. It’s a way of communicating to Source Souls that they are in a dead like condition.


Orange is the only master 33 colour, similar to red, it alludes to fire. It is used strategically to create a sense of warning. It also denotes a particular blood line of great import but smaller in size.


Observe the key colours used in flags, notice the repetition of colors. Note their numerology to reveal the hidden forces behind them. For example, the USA flag produces a 9+11+13, added numerologically, it is a 15, corresponding to the Devil card in the Tarot.

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