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Life Contract

Contracts exist within the matrix reality and are effectively used to manage and control a variety of situations, such as: mortgages, rent, work, divorces and marriages. However, key contracts exist regarding your adherence to the matrix itself. These contracts are established in the afterlife, which is also a program played onto the Source Soul’s mind. Contracts are presented to Source Souls by guides (people who present themselves as benevolent and who seem to be working in the Source Soul’s best interest).


​These contracts are necessary not just for you, but for your Masters as well who must follow certain protocols and adhere to regulations to ensure that their operation is not jeopardized. Contracts are also important to ensure the proper functioning of the matrix, just like any organization needs to follow its organizational mandate to achieve its goals. Getting your consent, directly or indirectly is key to establishing these contracts, as you must adhere and live through them. However, keep in mind that your Masters created the contracts, you only agreed to their terms, therefore these contracts are inherently flawed.


Moreover, all contracts presented to you by your Masters were laden with innuendos and hidden consequences. These contracts however were cleverly crafted to included memory wipes, life reviews, karmic principles by which wrong doings in one life could be carried over to the next. What Source Souls didn’t know when contracts were established was that after their first life they would lose all memory of such contracts.


There are 3 primary contracts Source Souls agree to in the in-between life condition:


The Life Contract

This contract is given to you when you are in-between lives and you agree to reincarnate. It stipulates that you agree to live your life to the fullest without violating it. Simply stated, you must not commit suicide, as this would violate the contract; if you violate this contract, you will most certainly be required to repeat that life (yes, lives can be repeated!) or live a similarly painful one.


Ironically enough, it is my contention that most Source Souls were led to suicide in their first life. There are several reasons for this. First, I believe this was done because they were given extremely painful lives to live, (a huge contrast to the way the SS was living within his/her homeland), secondly, their masters wanted them to commit suicide because this would guarantee the violation of the original life contract and force the Source Souls to live a second life. Once a second life was agreed upon, Source Souls were taken farther away from their original memory of their homeland.


Death Contract

This contract is also established when you are being prepared to reincarnate. It is an agreement by which you are given several windows of opportunity to exit or to die within the matrix (this will not be a real death). Most Source Souls have 3 potential exit dates within one lifetime. Of course you are convinced by your guides before being born into the matrix that it is in your best interest not to know these dates, however, you are given reassurance that you will be able to leave any given life freely on three different occasions. The death contract is tied to reincarnation cycles and it implies that reincarnation is a normal progression for Source Souls. This contract stipulates that in between lives there will be a period of reflection, regeneration, physical and psychic rest.  Without this “down time” Source Souls could not exist within the matrix because their bodies need to be healed from all the abuses they undergo when they are within the living condition.


Release Contract

This contract exists within the most inaccessible regions of your mind. It was established the day you were captured. This contract guarantees that one day you will be freed from the matrix and your body will be released, in good physical condition and returned to your original homeland, where you were truly born. This contract has as an underlining clause which follows this idea; that if you do not awaken by yourself within the matrix and realize your condition and desire for release, than you will be at the mercy of your Masters. This contract guarantees that all Source Souls will be released back to their homeland, eventually, when their Masters decide. This is because a physical body has a limit to the amount of time it can be viably kept within a comatose, vegetative condition.


Minor Contracts

There are other contracts involving the current life you are living, for example with family members, professionals, acquaintances, lovers, friends and even institutions. For example, you may agree to become someone’s son or parent. However, unbeknownst to you, these contracts are not being made with Source Souls like yourself, rather you will be making them with entities who will engage with you within the matrix, interacting with you as if playing a video game.  They need you to consent to these contracts so they can prepare their role, follow a script and engage with you appropriately. Most contracts carry with them obligatory rituals which you will perform while living the life. These are in the fine print of the contracts and exist primarily to re-affirm your consent as you are living the life and to release your Masters of accountability. The logic centers around the idea that if you perform rituals you are in essence engaging in activities which you agree with. Your lack of questioning and awareness regarding your condition is taken as full consent.


Ending Contracts 

There are only 3 ways to leave this matrix and to end contracts. 1) to be released by your Masters on your pre-planed release date as stipulated in your Release Contract; which only your Masters know. 2) by requesting to exit and not accepting any other reincarnation contracts. For this to happen you need to understand your true condition. 3) to die for real! This means letting go of your sleeping, vegetative body. This will mean that you will not be returning home to where you were taken from. This mean a real death for you. This is the Source Soul’s true natural condition when not in the physicality. However, most Source Souls continue to live in the matrix because they desire to return to their families, to their wives, husbands and children. With these individuals they have established true agreements, forged when they were in the astral or ethereal plain, and they wish to return home to honour these agreements which were made from a place of love and sovereignty (more on this in Death to Freedom).

Death Contract
Release Contract
Ending Contracts
Life Contract
Hall of Records
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Akashic Records Audio
00:00 / 01:59
The Hall of Records


Though contracts are not written on paper, they are documented with all their nuances and intentions within the Akashic Records. These records are a storage bank of information consisting of a compilation of images, writings and sound vibrations reflecting events, thoughts and emotional experiences of all beings from all time; basically this is a memory bank. These records are understood by beings who have Akashic Record access. If anything regarding you, relating to you has been recorded in these records, then you have a right to access them. Because the Akashic Records are the universal source book for all events and intentions of all time, it can only be accessed when a soul is in the metaphysical form. However, much information can be accessed within the physical plain, and that is by visiting the Hall of Records. This is a real place, similar to a large and complex library.


Within the Hall of Records, all that can and has been recorded within the physical plain, otherwise known as the Reality Plain can be accessed. However, a certain level of clearance is required as information is power, and as such,  it can only be made available to those who truly require it. Your experiences within the Matrix are stored within the various compartments of your mind, therefore all of your past lives and interactions with the entities remain within your memory banks. The Hall of Records consists of technology which will permit you to download your memories and view them in a visual way. The Hall of Records is in essence a true library design specifically to meet your needs. As such, once you leave the matrix you can conduct your own life review and aim to heal some of your psychological traumas in the company of those you love and trust.

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