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The Prisoner
The Source Soul True Condition Revealed in 17 episodes


A Pictorial Analysis

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This made for TV series first aired in 1967. It was created by Patrick McGoohan and George Markstein, with McGoohan playing the lead role. The plot centers around a man who resigned from his secret agent job and as he tries to leave to go on vacation he is gassed in his own home and passes out. When he awakes, he's no longer in London, but in a place only known as "The Village". Everyone has a number assigned to them and he is given the #6. The only reason given for his capture is that his captors want to know why he resigned from his post. The entire series is about the prisoner's resistance and relentless desire to return home. My analysis aims to shed light on this incredible allegorical TV series which reveals many truths about the Source Soul (SS) condition.


It is important to note that scripts and movies are created by our masters with specific agendas in mind, often revealing important truths therein about their captives, (their prisoners, or Source Souls).  Putting out our truths in allegorical style serves as a way to validate our suffering and reinforces our adherence to living within the matrix. Doing this also serves to  alleviate our masters of accountability as they are doing their due-diligence as far as creating a leveled playing field by which we are given real truths.

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Numerological Significance

I will first provide a numerological analysis based on key words related to this series. The title of the series is The Prisoner which is a numerological 66 - alluding to the 666, the number of the beast, or the captured Source Soul. The 66 can be reduced to a 12, and then a 3. The reference being that the prisoner is someone who is suspended in time, in a dead-like condition, under the rulership of masters. The creator and star of the series is Patrick McGoohan whose name is a numerological 73, which can be reduced to a 10 and then a 1 - a reference to magic and trickery. One is also associated to the unique Source Soul who exists within the series; the ONE who is manipulated and exploited throughout.


The character is given the #6 as his identification number, this number reverberates the 33, the highest master number (in masonic terms), indicative that the actor is a key knowledge holder possessing great secrets. Additionally, the word "prisoner" without the word "the" is a numerological 6 - aligning with the Prisoner's number -this word is shown in the last episode as a signing off - without the "the". Subliminal messages being conveyed to the viewer, by which 6 holds power and secrets.


The large white menacing ball which appears regularly in the series is called "Rover" this word is a numerological 33, indicative of its powerful and hidden influence linked to conflicts and protection; (to understand this breakdown better please read my section on Finding Truth, Numerology and the Tarot).


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Word Association

The words "information" and "resigned" are repeated in the intro to the series. These carry double entendres specifically to convey hidden truths. Information can be interpreted as "in-formation" - meaning that the Prisoner needs to follow the pack, obey and do as he is told. As in the army soldiers are not to ask questions but should simply follow orders.

​The word "resigned" - can be broken down into "re-signed" - as in to re-sign a contract. This is cleverly alluding to the real question, which is why won’t the Source Soul agree to re-enter the matrix and live another pseudo life. Therefore the question could be: Why won’t you re-sign the contract?  (to re-live within this matrix). This is the real subtext of the series, getting the prisoner to accept living another false life, with a false name and false identity within the matrix reality.

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The Afterlife

The opening introduction to the series clearly states that the entire story of the Prisoner takes place within his (fake) afterlife. The prisoner is clearly shown wearing black before his captivity and walking through a long dark tunnel. He is shown engaged in a car chase by which he is pursued by a hearse and a man in black who wears a top hat. This man represents the Grim Reaper who brings death to him, by spraying him with a noxious gas (causing him to fall into a deep sleep). When he awakens within The Village he is given a life review by #2 (his Master handler for that episode). This master projects onto a large screen images of #6's upbringing and life. This afterlife is a fake one because the Prisoner remains focused on returning to his old life, and therefore not truly dead. Though the prisoner is determined to return to his home, he finds himself in a constant befuddled condition by which he is manipulated and tortured regularly, therefore staying unaware that his desire to return home is not to the matrix, but to his real homeland.

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Surveillance & Conspirators

This series may have been one of the first to show how Source Souls are spied on regularly. Cameras are placed virtually everywhere within the Prisoner's matrix reality, including in his own private residence to monitor all his actions and track his behaviour. They do this to make sure that the prisoner is following his own script (which he not aware of) and behaves accordingly. Because  he is living within an artificial environment, everything has to be managed and controlled.

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Surveillance cameras have a control station by which key masters scrutinize, scheme and enjoy the show. These controllers and scientists can intervene in the Prisoner's life anytime by manipulating his environment such as controlling elements of the weather or by introducing new players. New people are like guest stars, who come in with a specific mission. These players act out certain roles to trigger the Prisoner to behave in predictable ways. These beings present themselves as genuine and authentic and can shed false tears. Their mission always seems to involve creating some type of havoc in the Prisoner's life.  The special guests are connected to off-site workers who help them execute their roles effectively. They do this by feeding them lines and nudging them in certain directions.


In the second episode the Prisoner becomes so suspicious that he publicly states: “I intend to discover who are the prisoners and who are the wardens.” 

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Drugged & Hypnotized

The Prisoner was regularly drugged by the people he interacted with and who presented themselves as friends and trustworthy allies. They drugged him with alcohol, tea and even tap water. They did this to affect the prisoner's temperament, making him more docile and accepting of their manipulations. For example, he was drugged to adhere to a fake election and to run for office. He was also regularly hypnotized in his sleep, by which a strobe light hovered over him. Other hypnotic lights, which resembled moonlight, also served to cast a hypnotic trance on him, sometimes regressing him into infantilism.  Other times they used technological devices to manipulate his mind and force him to be truthful.
All these methods never seem to have the obvious effect which was to have the Prisoner tell them why he quit his job, this is because their real aim was not to have this question answered, but rather, to hold the Prisoner for an indefinite amount of time to harvest his energy.
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Energy Harvest

The truth about why number 6 is a Prisoner is exposed in allegorical plain sight. The answer to the question: Why am I a Prisoner? Can be answered simply as: For Your Blood! In my opinion no other TV show or movie depicts this more clearly, though this analysis will probably surprise many people. Here is my evidence:
Lava Lamps & Blood Symbolism. In the first episode when #6 meets his master #2, he is shown standing next to a unique lava lamp by which blood  is symbolized. The Prisoner is dressed in black reflective of his dead-like condition. This lava lamp was only shown in this episode, representing a blood vile by which red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma are separated from the blood.
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In subsequent episodes other lava lamps are shown, which symbolize the flow of red blood, however, more saliently, the controllers have projected onto large screens, as backdrops, the flow of blood. This is clearly alluding to the Prisoner's true purpose, that he is being used for his blood.

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If anyone think this was simply done for stylized effect, then they are fooling themselves, as the big white menacing ball, which is the threat to the Village citizens is clearly reflective of a white blood cell! - the body's defense system. That is why the ball attacks foreign invaders who threaten the Prisoner, but never harm him. These balls are symbolic of his immune system constantly being attacked by which these cells are produced to help him fight off invaders. I remind the reader that the word "cell" does not only refer to a blood cell, but to a Prisoner's cell. Patrick McGoohan was someone in the "know" and that is why he created this series with it's clever symbology.

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Blood extraction symbolism is also used by which two fingers pointing upward by the masters indicates that a transfusion is being conducted. This finger symbolism is apparent in the image of the masonic Baphomet and in many religious depictions of Jesus and other saints; indicative of blood sacrifice. In the Prisoner it is done by the Master facing his blood sacrifice. When done by the victim, it is indicating his condition.


Other blood related symbols appears throughout the series by which cortisol and other hormones are symbolized through their various blood fluids within the moving backdrops. Sometimes looking like stars within a night sky, other times, showing white blood cells attacking an outside invader. This is also reflective of the fight scenes, by which people acting as bullies approach the Prisoner for the clear purpose of engaging him in a fight. This is the only way to have cortisol and endorphins released into the blood stream, by putting the prisoner in a "fight or flight" response condition by which his body is triggered to produce these vital hormones. This is clear in a frantic scene by which the Prisoner inadvertently enters a cave-room by which he finds four people sitting around a large white ball. Clearly depicting how his blood and specifically his white blood cells are being used to help others build their own immune systems.

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Another important symbol of blood usage is the lighting effects they use to highlight the Prisoner's face. At times the Prisoner's face looks blood-shot or purplish. It seems abnormally different from those around him showing that he is in a different physical condition.


Green lighting and green fluid backdrops indicate another type of bodily resource taken from the bodies of Source Souls, and that is CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). The colour of their phones also tells what type of body resource they are aiming for in that scene. The phones come in 3 colours, red, yellow and teal, symbolic of the two dominant parts of the blood and the CSF. Most often the red and yellow phone is used and the teal seldomly, as CSF is extracted without impacting the body in any significant way. Their computer buttons also correspond with the blood fluids. The clothing worn by the guests usually indicate what they are after, usually something related to blood.

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The black globe, often shown within the control station, is often juxtaposed against a backdrop of the white balls, indicative of its opposition, the enemy, by which it attacks the body's immune system.

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Torture & identity confusion & Dream Manipulations

The prisoner is often tortured, sometimes he is aware of it, sometimes he is not, he simply wakes up feeling a bit bewildered, but refreshed. Scientists are allowed to experiment on him and torment him in anyway they choose, sometimes taking him to the brink of his demise. Their only prohibition is not to cause any permanent damage, illustrated by such statements as: “don’t harm the tissues” and we don’t wish to damage you permanently”. On one level they let him know that they are harming him, openly seeking his consent.


His life events aim to justify the ailments and pains he experiences, as his aches and fatigue need to be justified in some way. Also the triggering of cortisol release in his body needs to be reasonably explained as well, and this is why he is engaged in many conflicts.

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Another technique they use, often involving torture, serves to befuddle the Prisoner's sense of identity. Initially he rejected being called a number, yet in one episode his masters get him to impersonate someone who looks like him, calling him now #12. This had the effect of him meeting his look-a-like or doppelganger, and having the effect of him not only claiming a number as a name, but struggle to prove that he was indeed #6. In another episode he was induced, through an invasive procedure to become conscious within another man's body. That was the only episode Patrick McGoohan was barely visible as his character was played by someone else. Though he was a free man, able to navigate the "supposed real world", he was in another man's body, therefore still a Prisoner. In the end, he struggled to return to The Village and to his real body. These strategies cleverly served  to create identity chaos and confusions by which the Prisoner was kept playing the matrix game.

Additionally, these masters revealed how they could affect the Prisoner's dream world; by combining drugs and technology. In one episode they injected the prisoner with a drug to cause him to fall into a deep sleep and then downloaded character profiles from discs onto the Prisoner's mind. They even showed how they could manipulate the Prisoner's dream by dictating a dialogue to one of its characters.

Significance of final episode

The final episode seems chaotic and much can be said about it, however, I will highlight what I deem to be the most salient truths. The masked people represent the different characters who interacted with the Prisoner throughout the series.  They wear masks to indicate that they were only acting their parts and not showing their true identities. The trial was a mock trial, stating that there is no real justice for the Prisoner, the judges are masters and all are playing a game.

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The young man with a top hat is brought in to exemplify a true Source Soul - a true Prisoner (as Patrick McGoohan is not a real SS in real life, but a master).  This character reveals the Prisoner's true condition, someone who is somewhat schizophrenic, incoherent, delirious, fatigued, wearing a black top hat, indicative of being dead-like. He rings a cow bell signifying how he, similar to cows, has been milked for his bodily resources. This is why he repeatedly sings the song "Bones" blood is created within the marrow of the bones. This is also the reason why he is shown in a glass chamber (or pod) next to a master, who mocks him by laughing hysterically.


In this final episode they also reveal how their industry is highly guarded and extends beyond what the series normally portrayed. Along with its above ground control stations, there are caverns and tunnels where most of the work is done and control is held.

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Who is #1 – the Real Truth

Blue is indicative of de-oxygenated blood, vein blood, and the combination of blue and red in the series alludes to the heart and it's two colours of the right and left ventricles. However, blue on its own in the series is representative of something else, a creature which is known to have blue blood. These are the beings I refer to as the Archons and which have been described in ancient texts (please read my section on The Archons, our True Masters). It is based on these beings' physiology that the one eye symbolism exists. During the intro to each episode when the Prisoner asks "Who is #1? a camera, resembling a large eye immediately appears. This is the eye of the real #1. In the final episode #1 is visible through the eye on the metallic door.


​These Archons are colossal squid type beings, highly intelligent and Machiavellian beyond anything our imaginations can fathom. I refer to them as the Archonic Squid in my article about our true masters. They are the true blue-bloods, as their blood is literally blue when exposed to oxygen. They are alien like, live deep within the oceans and have human type eyes; this is the only physical feature they have in common with humans. They feed off the bodies of captured SS by extracting CSF.


The key reason the masters of the Prisoner sit in rounded blue chairs is to illustrate their connection to the one eye and to these blue bloods whom they take orders from. Through technology these creatures can communicate in any human language. The characteristic salute used within the series is also a tribute to the Archonic masters. The hand takes the shape of a body (or mantel) with its tentacles spreading outward. Their eyes are large, and this gesture emphasizes that feature. The one eye symbol is also alluded to in the bicycle logo which they use throughout the series, as squids are known to have asymmetrical eyes.

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In the last episode the Prisoner wants to know who #1 is, however he is never allowed to see the real truth and is imbued in mockery. This is because the real #1 is another type of life form. This fact is reinforced when #1 is launched in a rocket-ship (a ship alluding to water creatures). A rocket also resembles a squid body; see image below.


This is extraordinary strange for the unaware viewer, but makes perfect sense with this new perspective, that deep sea creatures exist in an environment similar to outer-space. The rocket alludes to their alien nature and being otherworldly. In sum, the Prisoner’s entire struggle is to free himself of this Archonic connection and to be a true individual again.

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In the end, it can be interpreted that the 4 characters return to a new life, a new reincarnation cycle. The young man and the small man, who represent real Source Souls (due to their real life names), are returned to their pseudo homeland along with number 6.  This is not their true homeland, as their masters still exists within it. Yet they are not dead as the Grim Reaper passes by them in a hearse without claiming them. The small man stays as a servant, meaning he remains within the matrix reality through reincarnation, the young man aims to find his way home, as he hitchhikes out of there. Their homeland is alluded to within the ancient and majestic architecture of London.  Number 6 becomes a free man, a liberated Prisoner. He represents the Source Soul's plight to be freed and to be returned to their true homeland. The master #2, wonders the streets looking for new prey.

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