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The Struggle to be the Best

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Competition is a tool by which Source Souls have been enticed to emulate and celebrate. Within society, it’s tooted as a fantastic way to build team spirit and cooperation and it’s a way of having immense fun. Yet, at many levels I believe it’s expressing something else. Competition means that there is a winner and a loser; one who celebrates and one who mourns. It implies failure and struggle.


In essence, it’s alluding to a reality by which Source Souls feel defeated, as there are always more losses then wins. Additionally, the winning team usually enjoys a bitter sweet victory because they know the pains of losing and how much effort it takes to win and to stay on top.


It seems to me that competition is a method to keep Source Souls in a state of dichotomy by which they experience emotional volatility. It makes them feel unstable and insecure about themselves, as they have to defeat others to derive any sense of accomplishment.


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I’ve observed parents signing up their children to play baseball, hockey and soccer.  Most teams suffer many losses and enjoy very few wins. Only a few make it to the finals where a great deal of stress is placed on the children. I wonder what real benefit parents are providing to their children when encouraging them to participate in competitive sports. Are they preparing them for the competitive world of education, where grades define one’s value? Or are they preparing them for employment where the strongest and most resilient get the highest paying jobs or best promotions?


In essence, competition is the cog in a very large social wheel which keeps the entire mechanism of servitude working. In this system Source Souls are subjected to pain and torture as a way of experiencing pleasure. Through their own releases of adrenaline and dopamine they self-drug momentarily, creating an addictive drug high.  


Moreover, this type of addiction is fueled by popular culture, such as game shows and dancing, singing, cooking and all other types of competitions. They even have children competing in these. Vicariously many enjoy these shows and take them as entertainment, however, do we really enjoy living in a world which measures one person’s skills against another’s? Is performing and being judged by others good and just?


I contend that we do have a choice, to either support oppressive systems or reject them. Following the crowd can be easy, swaying from its influence is a much harder task but much more empowering. In light of this argument, I would encourage parents to think about spending more time with their children engaging them in activities which do not require any competition. I think of how happy children are in playgrounds, building sand castles, playing hide and seek. These are fun activities which require no competition. I would encourage adults to do the same and find creative and fun ways to express themselves, without the looming feeling of not meeting the expectations of others. Once competition is added to any mix the fun is easily replaced with anxiety and a drive to be better than others. It’s a lure, to trap energy and keep it focused there.


It’s everyone’s right to be able to express themselves creatively without fearing the judgement or rejection of others. Choosing to disengage ourselves from competitive endeavors will most likely align us with our true nature, which is to enjoy being with each other, in a relaxed and peaceful way.

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