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for the Existence

of Vampire Entities (VEs)

Proof of VEs

In the book Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators & Parasites by Dr. Joe Slate, various studies were conducted to study the human aura. These were funded by the military and were classified at the time. Dr. Slate, used a specially designed photographic machine by which auras could be viewed. At first, full body photographs were taken, however, soon he realized that a simple photo of a finger would produce accurate results. Through his research, Dr. Slate and colleagues photographed and interviewed literally hundreds of people. He reached the conclusion that many people have strong luminous auras around their bodies. These can be of different intensities and hues and can change colour based on the individual’s mood and physical condition.  He detected however, that some people did not have luminous auras at all, but instead had dark tentacles which surrounded their heads. At times, when couples were interviewed together, he witnessed one person’s tentacles infiltrating the aura of the other. He also observed that some of the luminous aura individuals appeared to have dark threads emanating from their bodies extending outward into the unknown. Signifying that they were connected to an unknown entity somewhere else.


​In his book Dr. Slate identifies 3 types of vampires: individual, institutional and parasitical. He claimed that people can be attacked in multiple ways. 1. By individuals who interact with them on a daily basis; 2. by institutions, such as pharmaceuticals, through drugs and vaccination programs; 3. by inheriting or acquiring tendrils which can span through genetic lineages. Although these attachments can be difficult to remove, Dr. Slate claimed that it was possible, and that any and all such attachments can be removed and repaired once the afflicted person becomes aware of their existence. Dr. Slate provides in his book many exercises by which this can be done.


In another book entitled, AURAS: How to See, Feel and know by Embrosewyn Tazkuvel the reader is taught how to see, read and sense auras. The author who was gifted from birth with the ability to see auras, didn’t realize until later in life that he was in the minority of people who had this gift. From his experiences and from direct observations he could see that some people have auras, while others have none. Rather, he noticed that some people had black or grey tentacles emerging from their bodies, others, simply had a darkened shadow around themselves.  By seeing auras, the author was able to determine aspects of the person’s personality, along with some of the problems they were facing, both physical and emotional, and he was able to accurately point to areas which showed vulnerabilities. These areas showed scratches over the auras, sometimes discolorations, other times black tentacle attachments. From his observations, most people have various areas in their bodies presenting anomalies, and most individuals have 2-4 negative attachments. In his book he teaches people how to remove these attachments and how to self-heal.


Though he helped many people clear weakened and severely impacted auras, he does caution the reader that individuals need to possess the right intention and must have the drive to permanently remove the negative attachments through their own efforts and not depend on others to do the work for them, otherwise recently removed attachments will quickly reappear.

Blood Types

Blood Types

and a re-classification of Humanoid Species

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Blood types within our reality provide the clue to the different humanoid species which exist and interact within and outside the Matrix with Source Souls. According to our government there are 3 classifications of humans, the Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. However, true species differentiation lies in whether they can mate and reproduce with one another. Because all people within the Matrix look similar in their human structure and as such can inter-breed and produce healthy offspring, they are essentially the same species type; hence they are referred to as the human race.


The suffix “oid” as per dictionary definitions, denotes an incomplete or imperfect resemblance. I will now re-define humanoids as distinct species by re-classifying them as: Goatazoid, Wolveroid, Vampiroid, and Soursouloids (I prefer to call them Source Souls).


The true differentiation is hidden in the blood types. According to our medical system there are two blood groups, the ABO Blood System, which is the positive blood type, and the Rh Blood System, which is the negative type. Rh is a protein which the majority of the population carry in their blood. Those whose blood is missing the Rh protein are classified as RH negative.


Blood Types

Here are the blood types as designated by our medical system:

O+ , O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-

The chart indicates compatibility within types.

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RH Positive

The O+ is the most common blood type and is considered the universal donor, representing nearly 40% of the population. The A+ is the second most abundant at 35%. I believe these represent the Soursouloids (or the Source Souls).  Comprising nearly 75% of the blood supplied.


The Wolveroids are primarily the B+, able to give and receive their own type; some have developed the  AB+, blood type due to mixing with Soursouloid blood over many generations. These comprise 12% of the population.


RH Negative

The negative RH blood group represent the Vampiroids, and these comprise 15% of the population. This blood type lacks antigens, indicating a weakened blood system and giving rise to their need for blood.  The combination of AB-, is the rarest of types and  belongs to the upper echelon of society (ie: bishops, royalty, and other elite) from the Vampiroid lineages who have been able to mix their genetics with Source Souls, most likely through artificial means (a rare occurrence). These beings keep their bloodline pure by being highly selective in their breeding practices;  however, they consume blood and organs of the Wolveroids and Soursouloids and this renews their blood, regenerates their organs and helps them live longer and healthier lives. This is done through occult and unorthodox social practices and rituals. 



The Goatazoids have a rare blood type, the Golden Blood(GB), and these beings are only compatible with the Source Souls A+, 0+. They do not consume SS blood, but accept it through blood transfusions. This blood is like gold to them as it can be used to treat their various illnesses and genetic disorders. Through scientific medical advancements they have been able to strengthen their genetic lineage by mixing Source Soul blood with their own. This they have done by using all types of elements from the SS blood such as white blood cells, stem cells and hormones to re-structure and fortify their own bodies. This has given rise to their own unique positive (+) blood types (which are unknown to the population).


All these truths are played out in our matrix reality, cleverly hidden within the blood types. This is done to appease Source Souls who at a deep level know that there are many types of humans each uniquely different with unique blood signatures. Here is my revised classification list of humanoids as I believe they truly exist within and outside the Matrix:


Data on Blood Donations:

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there is an oversupply of blood within the system based on the demand reported. Information obtained from the Red Cross informs that each year an estimated 6.8 million people in the US donate blood, 13.6 million units of whole blood is collected. I did the math, since 1 unit of blood contains 525ml and a normal blood donation is 500ml, I multiplied 500ml x 6.8 million people and the result  is: 3,500,000,000ml of blood donated yearly in the US alone! (approx. 925,000 gallons).


To learn about how many transfusions are performed in the US I found inconsistent information from official websites, with the numbers differing greatly; changing the language often from units to components, making it difficult to understand. The following is quoted from the Red Cross: Nearly 7,000 units of platelets and 10,000 units of plasma are needed daily in the U.S. Nearly 21 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S. The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 units. The blood type most often requested by hospitals is type O.


Another official source ( stated that: in the United States, it is estimated that approximately 14.65 million units of whole blood/RBCs are transfused each year. On average, the procedure is going to cost anywhere from $900 to as much as $3,500 per unit (525 ml).


If it costs minimum $900 per transfusion, and one transfusion being one unit of blood (500ml), then the US medical system is making the minimum of $1,350,000,000 (that’s over one billion dollars on blood transfusions alone!!!). I only make this simple calculation based on the 14 million units of blood donated and based on the lowest mark, $900 per transfusion. Even if insurance companies pay for the bulk of this, the medical industry is still receiving payment. This to me raises many Red Flags!


If giving blood is such an important act to help those suffering, then why does the medical establishment make those suffering from a critical condition pay for it? Especially when blood donors give their blood for free. Are we supporting an insidious and malevolent business industry? Why so much blood is being collected and how it is truly being used I believe is being occulted from the public. Although on the surface blood donation campaigns seem benevolent and altruistic, I believe it is hiding a very sinister agenda. (Please read my article on The Harvest of Body Organs to gain further insights on this topic).

The Alphabet

​The Alphabet

& Name Associations
Who is Who?


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Now in this section I’ll provide more deeply entrenched secret information, though I caution you as far as its application, as the information is not one hundred percent a true science. Through my research I have come to realize that the alphabet is not just a list of letters used to create words, rather, its letters are symbols, each carrying a specific vibrational sound, pointing to a particular species type or genetic affiliation.


Additionally, words have syllables, which can be expressed through drumming, or tapping one’s hand. For example, “America” a-me-ri-ca, has 4 syllables, “city” has two, “john” has one. What I’m saying here is that entities can be distinguished by their sound vibration, and sometimes the first letter of their names along with the number of syllables they carry. Vowel names vibrate sounds from the chest area. They also  require the mouth to open more widely when sounded out compared to consonants. Most consonants tend to produce sounds from the throat or mouth, requiring substantial tongue or lip manipulation. For example, pronounce S, T, P, then pronounce A, I, U and notice the difference.  Check to see how many syllables your first name has.  


I invite you to observe the following “coincidences”. All continents begin with a vowel, America (south, central, north), Asia, Australia, Africa,  Antarctica and Europe. All those which begin with an A are the distinct land masses. The oceans are the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Artic; again, mainly vowels. The names Alexandre, as in Alexander the Great, Elizabeth, as in the queen, are commonly known as titles, and are passed on from monarch to monarch. Names beginning with Js and Ms are the most commonly used in the world, and often used in biblical scriptures. These tend to be followed by ‘P’s. Vowel names are the least common, but are often used as heroines of movies and books. A quick Internet search revealed top names of all times as follows: James, John, Mary and Patricia.  Popular names tend to be Olivia, Oliver and Emma. The most popular name for gods are: Yahweh, Aten, Eloheim, Adonai, Allah, Brahma, Jehovah, Jesus and Abba.  Top civilizations throughout history: Incan, Egyptian, Aztec, Maya, Chinese and Roman.​Considering that there are only 5 vowels in the English alphabet, and Y being used as a vowel (only sometimes, when its most silent), it is more than a coincidence that so many important people, places and events are named with the first letter being a vowel.

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Baby names are not given to a newborn haphazardly, especially to a Source Soul mother. Names are carefully selected by our Masters based on their vibrational sound to match the entity which will be inhabiting the baby’s body. The parents of the baby may think they are selecting the name, but these will be thought implants which they will be receiving. A Source Soul mother will be given a few names to select from, but her spouse and others around her will help her make the final decision. If the father is a Source Soul and the wife is not, then he will have very little say in the matter.


Here is my breakdown as I see it,  keep in mind that this analysis is applicable to only first “birth” names, it does not go beyond that. But these are coded sounds to help beings identify one another and know what the playing field consist of within The Matrix.


  • ​Goat People use primarily the: J, M, P

  • Vampiristic Entities: L, N ,V, W, X, Z- sometimes Y

  • ​WDs : B, C, D, F, G, K, Q, R, S, T

  • ​Source Souls: all vowels: A,I,E,O,U sometimes Y


​I believe all the vowel starting names belong to the Source Souls because these sounds emanate from the chest and heart area. Consonants which have harsher and stronger sounding vibrations stemming from the throat and tongue area therefore are the domain of the more fiery beings, the WDs. The letters pertaining to the VEs and Goat People have vector symbols within, symbolic of horns and the snake tongue. These sounds are breathy and require a mixer of lung and tongue action.


The key exception to all this is the ‘H’- people with this letter in their first names may reflect hybrid beings who have crossed their genetics with the Source Souls by using artificial insemination methods. This letter is usually silent in a name and is followed by a vowel; creating the sound vibration of a vowel name; ie: Henrique, Hans, Helen. These names are often used by the Goat People as I believe they are the main ones using this type of reproductive technology.


  • Goat People: John, Joseph, Mary, Maria, Michael, Peter, Paul

  • Vampiristic Entities: Leo,  Lisa, Linda, Nancy, Nicholas, Victor, Wendy, Zelia

  • ​Wolverines: Bob, Barry, Cathy, Christopher, Christine, Chris, Daniel, Douglas, Debbie, Frank, Francis, George, Gregory, Garry, Kelly, Kim, Kyle, Robert, Roy, Tim, Tanya, Terry, Thomas.

  • Source Souls: Amy, Allan, Emily, Edward, Elizabeth, Ingrid, Indira, Osvaldo, Ugo (sometimes Y – Yosef, Yulia, if the name originally started with a vowel).


Note that Adam and Eve both start with a vowel. According to the Gospel of Matthew Jesus Christ’s real name was Emmanuel, or Immanuel (often spelled with an “e” or an “i”.

​Names starting with W,  X’s and Zs are not common and the X usually appears to de-mark an entity which is of a very high rank and is only entering the game temporarily and under exceptional circumstances. These are often played by the VEs, though sometimes by the Goat masters. These can be Xena, Zoey, Xavier and any other derivatives.


​Cautionary Note: Though this is not an exact science as I mentioned, I do believe this alphabet letter breakdown and assignment to entities is true in most cases. If your first name does not have a vowel starting letter, don’t worry about that, it probably did at some point in its original history. Only you know if you are a Source Soul or not and no one can take away your truth. Some Source Souls have been conditioned to accept a diminutive form of their name, with nicknames replacing their original names, for example, Tony, instead of Anthony, Liz, instead of Elizabeth. In their true home, Source Souls tend to have 3-5 syllable names, breaking these down into one or two syllables is a way to break a Source Soul’s connection to their real name. Aim to revert back to a name and sound which resonate truth with you.


​To find supports and personal alignments aim to find people who carry your first letter and who have the same number of syllables as your name. ​This should help you navigate through this sea of entities and manipulations. Those most similar to you will hurt you the least and most likely are in The Matrix to be your friends and supports.

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