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Death to Freedom

Virtual Reality Death is the Only Way

Out of the Matrix

Virtual Death

According to the psychologist Carl Jung death is psychologically as important as birth and it is an integral part of life, death is not an end but a goal and one which we need to prepare ourselves for because it’s a time of transition. Death is simply a shift in body consciousness. As a soul you will not die, Source Souls are immortal, they are energy bodies, fully conscious, fully intelligent and infinitely creative. Source Souls create life, they create the physical and the ethereal and they decide to inhabit within its limitations and challenges. When a Source Souls dies he/she is merely leaving that particular body and this will feel like a drowsy state, one which pulls him/her into a deep sleep. It is not a painful condition, rather a peaceful relaxing one.


Therefore, Source Souls awaken into reality and they fall asleep out of reality. This is the reason movies depict their protagonists sleeping and awakening. This is also the reason why the word “dreams” appears so often in music.  The Source Soul is living a lucid dream in the physical form, but the Source Soul is a real living entity in its energy form. Once a Source Soul leaves its body conscious it returns to its starlight family. They will subsequently spend some time reflecting on their previous physical life and enjoy a time of peace and contemplation. At a later time they may decide to re-born once again within the physical plain and within their preferred lineage. Currently as a Source Soul within the Matrix you are technically physically alive, so you won’t be dying but awakening to your real body. However, a real death is possible, if you decide to abandon your real body. The decision is really up to you.


There are only two ways out of the Matrix:

1) You die a real death and do not return home to your earthly family, but you go directly to your starlight family;

2) You are released by your captors on your designated death date as per your release contract. This option will allow you to return to your earthly family safely where you can live out the remainder of your life. Most likely these people are waiting for you, they are your real family, your parents, your children and your love union mate (spouse).

​Word of Caution:

Most Source Souls are not ready to leave their true families and most want to return home. Your goal right now should be to prepare yourself to accept the Matrix’s pseudo death, which means accepting your release. However, you must wait for that day and time and not make haste of it, suicide will not free you as it violates your life contract. This infraction could be used against you and force you to live another life.  


Furthermore, if you commit suicide with the intention of being released your Masters may not have enough time to rejuvenate your body to its original condition. In essence, you will need to go through a resurrection of body and mind. Your body is in cold storage, hooked up to devices and there is a snake in it, moreover a clone needs to be detached from you. All these need to be properly removed so you can regain all your senses and return to your body awareness in a healthy form.


Death within the matrix should not be a painful event, illnesses, medical interventions and fear mongering aim to make you believe that it is. Aim to face your death in the Matrix with an attitude of hope and liberation and this will help you transition into wakefulness painlessly and effortlessly.

Life Review

The Life Review

If you have set the intention to go home and not reincarnate within the matrix any longer, then most likely this is your last life. However, you may still be given a life review and efforts to ensnare you into accepting another life might be made to hook you. This section is to help you navigate that potential minefield. 


Most likely you have lived many lives within the matrix and after each you were given a life review highlighting key events in that life. Most individuals who have experienced a near death (NDE) have relayed stories of having been approached by entities who gave them a life review. These reviews have been described as depicting moments in their lives which had great significance to them. Many claim that they learned about their actions, and how those actions impacted others and the ricochet effect some of those actions had.


What I find interesting after having read countless accounts is that the reverse does not seem to be discussed. For example, how have others impacted you and affected your mental, psychological and physical well being? What were their intentions regarding you and how those intentions negatively or positively impacted you? How were events setup to have you respond in a particular way?  How much did you really hurt them, and how much did you really benefit them, and were they faking their responses to your actions?


The tale of Ebenezer Scrooge is a fable meant to exemplify this afterlife mongering. The story is really about how a man had a near death experience by which he was given a life review by 3 guides; each with their own missions. As you can witness from the story, only certain parts of his life were shown to him, he didn’t choose any of it, nor did he question anything. He was simply befuddled by the whole event. The guides didn’t dictate or reprimand, the guides simply allowed Scrooge to draw his own conclusions. This is a great technique, ensuring that the Source Soul takes full responsibility for his actions and is moved to make decisions based on partial truths. However, ignorance is not bliss and as a result Scrooge embraced another life within the matrix!



In the pseudo afterlife, many Source Souls are confronted with a guide who resembles someone they admired, such as Jesus, Buddha a movie star, a family member. They will seem very benevolent and will appear to be genuinely interested in your well being. However, these are false guides and they have a hidden agenda; to get you to accept another life within the matrix.


The following 4 statements are pertinent for you to address with your guides should you ever find yourself in another life review:


  1. Show me your true face and body.

  2. Show me your true intentions in relation to me.

  3. Show me my real body.

  4. Show me who you represent?


In the afterlife realm they cannot lie to you because they are mimicking a real afterlife. I strongly encourage you not to accept a life review which you did not request, you have the right to reject it!  Moreover, you can do your own life review using the Akashic records when you are truly free. No one needs to be your mediator. Rather, I suggest that you start doing your own life review here and now, while in the matrix to prepare yourself for leaving it.


Keep in mind that a life review is a personal journey and should not be shared with others, if anyone gets a hold of your entries, discard them and re-start over.

The Life Review Exercise

Life Exercise


I stress a tremendous need for self-compassion and forgiveness while doing your life review exercise, and I encourage you to face it with curiosity and true self-care. I believe this exercise will most likely prepare you to leave the matrix feeling balanced and at peace. 


Part A, Journaling: The life review exercise is intended to help you deepen your understanding of yourself. I suggest doing your life review through creative journaling, this can and should include your own illustrations, clippings, video and audio entries. Of course it should include writing, poetry, highlighted quotes, and any other way you can think of to express yourself. I strongly recommend audio journaling as a particular important piece, as it will help you gain deep insights into yourself. Listen to them often and keep them for a period of time. In essence, you will become your own guru.


Aim to reflect on the following:

Life History:


  1. Major life events from childhood through adulthood, preferably chronologically.

    • You may want to do a visual map to demonstrate this.

  2. Aim to note first memories and other key memories which are still vivid today.

  3. Reflect on your family, your connection to them, ie: Why do you only have one sibling, or why are you the middle child? How have your parents treated you throughout your life? Have they hurt you? If so, in what way and how often? What were the circumstances.  How do you truly feel about them today?

  4. Track your sexual/romantic relationships. Do the numerology for each person’s first name. How did you feel in these relationships? Who caused trauma in you? Were you prompted to feel insecure, ashamed, blamed, guilty? Who started most fights? Why did you break up? Aim to find patterns.

    • Have you had any romantic obsessions

    • Anyone rape you? or violate you in some way?

    • Was there any mental or physical abuse?

    • Have you done this to anyone?

  5. Reflect on friendships and other connections. Think about those who have been your key friends and who have truly been there for you. Are you still friends with some and why are you not with others? Again, aim to find patterns.

  6. Contemplate on social institutions and how they contributed to your sense of accomplishment, or isolation. For example, what types of jobs have you had? What kind of people did you work with? How did you feel within your job roles? Were you valued or undervalued?  Do this for other institutions such as the education system, governmental bodies, the health care system,  religious affiliations and other memberships.

  7. Review your emotional and mental conditions, have you ever been anxious, drugged, beaten, depressed, panic attacks, agoraphobia; look at the circumstances which led up to these events?



Note the times you felt….

  • lonely, isolated, shun by others, rejected, abandoned, betrayed

  • beaten, violated, abused

    •  What led to these conditions; Who injured you? Who helped you heal?

  • Times you felt extremely angry, rage, jealousy, fear

  • Suicidal - what circumstances were present, did you attempt it? who or what triggered it?

  • Note manipulations and names of people who…

  1. Caused you sexual obsessions (or who were obsessed over you)

  2. Hurt you directly or indirectly

  3. Who pushed you to making certain decisions

  4. Who enticed you to drink, or do drugs, smoke, or engage in any type of deviant behaviour

    1. Also note of your achievements; Have you won any awards? Been honored in some way? Did you have good grades in something? Why do you think you excelled at those particular things?

    2. What goals, milestones have you accomplished in your life? Why did you set them? How did you feel once you achieved them? What are your current life goals?


Part B, Questions: Ask yourself key questions. You could use a scale 1-10 (10 being most severe). Here are sample questions, you should not limit yourself to these:


  1. How much pain and suffering have I endured in this lifetime?

  2. How happy have I been in this life so far?

  3. How much freedom have I had?

  4. Did I find true love? Was I truly loved by someone?

  5. How safe and loved did I feel by my family members ie: mother, brother, sister…?

  6. How supported have I felt by friends…list them?

  7. Aim to answer this question: If I could choose only a few words to represent my entire life, which would I choose? (ie: “I lived a full and happy life”, or “My life has been a series of unfortunate events”)

    1. What statement or mantra have I been living by?

    2. What new statement or mantra should I now create?


Part C, Intentions: It is now important to set new intentions for yourself to help you navigate the remainder of your life within the matrix. Document them in some way. Here are some examples:


  • I expect to wake up in my real body and leave the matrix upon my death.

  • I  intend to return to my homeland and be re-joined with my true family.

  • I will not consent to any new contracts with anyone, at any time within the matrix.

    • I will void all my contracts within the matrix upon my awakening.

  • I let go of all my attachments within the matrix, past, present and future (if any have been per-set).

  • I intend to only accept truth and I will naturally reject lies, miss-truths, and manipulations.

  • I only intend to communicate with beings who have demonstrated a willingness to assist me leave the matrix and who are truthful and clear.

  • My only goal is to leave the matrix I will not negotiate any alternatives.

When doing your life review aim to be as objective as possible in your documenting although it is natural to have emotional reactions. Remember, your life review does not have to meet any particular standard, it is done by you and for you only. No judgement needs to be attached to it. Review your entries regularly and until you feel you need to do so. One day you might feel the need to discard all your entries, and this will be the right time to let them go.


By doing your life review while still living within the matrix will ensure that you are using the same conscious awareness which has been guiding you. As you are in a duality condition, with two levels of awareness, a subconscious (which is your real self) and a conscious one (which is your dreaming living self), it becomes vital that the two aligned and become in sync with one another. In this respect, your goals will be one, your intentions will be one and your return home definite.

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