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Who are the source souls

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Who Are the SS

From research, mythological and biblical depictions  and from personal intuitive awareness, I believe Source Souls are individuals who are originally from a place resembling the Garden of Eden. It’s a place of wonderment and joy filled with natural beauty and  abundance. Their  homes resemble great palaces with grand halls made of marble and crystal chandeliers, decorated with glorious artwork throughout. They are a very advanced people, highly creative, having great technologies and innovative ideas. They are also very physically beautiful and healthy, as the two are intertwined.


Their values are grounded in their connection with one another and nature. They are highly spiritual beings, possessing high morals and values; family bonds and relationships are paramount . They spend a great deal of time developing their artistic skills and celebrating life through dance and music. Theirs is not a monetary society and their governance is based on small community enterprises by which they are self-sufficient, self-governing and self-sustaining.


Genetic Composition

According to the ancients, our souls are flickers of light, created from Source energy (also known as God, the Universe, Ra...). This energy has been broken down into fractals; smaller units creating individual bits of awareness or consciousness. The Source, which can be compared to a SUN, did this to experience itself in a multitude of different ways.


The word soul, without the “u” spells SOL, which in many languages means “SUN”. Within its “light” form, the soul has virtually no limitations, it is all knowing and has virtually no boundaries. For this reason, the Source (which you are a part of) created a physical reality by which the souls could experience challenges and express their unique creativity as individual units of consciousness. These bodies were created to look like the bodies we have today and were made of durable materials guaranteeing health and longevity. Their core substance was made of silicon dioxide, also known as silica which is comprised of 14 electrons 14 protons and 14 neutrons. In the virtual reality you are living in you have been informed that your body has been downgraded to mainly carbon with 6-electrons, 6-protons, 6-neutrons. The number of the beast as represented by 666 refers to the structure of Source Souls in their degraded condition. It is a weaker substance creating the justification for bodies which age and manifest illnesses.


Source Souls are genetically related to the mermaids, who possess a silica structure and strong luminous auras. These entities exist outside The Matrix and are extremely peaceful and benevolent; hence the Source Soul’s webbed fingers and toes and resemblance to mythological mermaids.

Genetic Composition
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Energy Bodies

Source Souls were created with luminous auras which can extend many meters outward from their bodies. The aura of the Source Soul can be appreciated by observing a rainbow, as it manifests the same colours. Along with these, Source Souls have the 7 Chakras which indicates 7 bodies of awareness, though they have more chakras (sub-units of awareness). The 7 are their primary and these are: The Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and the Root. Source Souls also have a 7 layer aura system, which is luminous and powerful, and these are comprised of: the Casual Body, Celestial Body, Etheric Template, Astral, Mental, Emotional, and Etheric Body. In essence,  a living entity can be defined by the existence of its self-awareness expressed through its aura and chakra system within the physical body .

Energy Bodies
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Source Souls in general are very loving beings and within their homeland there is nothing more valuable than family bonds and connections. Source Souls tend to form love unions for life; they are truly monogamous and most form their love bonds before incarnating into the physical; hence their love transcends time, space and physical restraints. Their love unions are very peaceful, void of any conflicts or aggressions. Source Souls feel double the pain when they hurt someone, therefore, it is within their nature to love and care for another to the fullest of their ability. Finding one’s true soulmate is a goal all Source Souls have and that which their communities facilitate and celebrate.


Although it is possible for some Source Souls to develop meaningful relationships within the matrix, very few, if any, will actually ever meet their soulmates. First, it’s important to understand what a soulmate is. Soulmate definitions can vary depending on the species, I can only speak based on what I intuitively know about the Source Souls. In this context a soulmate is a partnership divinely created within the twelfth dimension by which two souls make an agreement to become jointly connected in spirit and body. These pacts can only be created by them and terminated by them, no one else can sever them, though they may try. These pacts were initially created to ensure that species would not experience loneliness within the physical realm. Therefore these soulmate bonds are of an ancient origin, they are deep and powerful, and most soulmates can sense one another and can communicate through clairvoyance, regardless of distance and condition.


History of the Soulmate:

At one point Source Souls incarnated as one being, with two awareness’s within one body, such as a conjoint twins. The term “oneness” refer to returning to the true soulmate connection. In time, their initial creation of being conjoint was changed and they experienced a split of their emotional and ethereal bodies. This led to the creation of the soulmate search, by which they no longer were born together, “joined at the hip” “ but had to find one another in a complex and vast sea of reality. 


Therefore, a soulmate connection is not a simple love bond, nor sexually driven, it transcends time and space and many lifetimes. In the matrix soulmate connections are often described as emotionally overwhelming and chaotic, however, these gurus are only there to befuddle the captive Source Souls, so they do not aspire to communicate with their true soulmates.


Soulmate Imposters:

In the matrix there are soulmate imposters, these beings have studied Source Souls and know how to imitate their soulmates and exude some of their essence, but in actuality, one always causes pain to the other and causes the relationship to spiral out of control. Careful observation of “supposed” soulmates will reveal this.

True soulmates heal one another. When true soulmates meet, all their traumas and emotional injuries dissipate; true soulmate love is extremely healing, and it heals those around them. Soulmates only want to love one another and never harm one another, to do so would be to destroy oneself, as soulmates feel the other’s pain.


Don’t despair, most Source Souls have already met their soulmates, and these individuals await for them in their true homeland. This powerful soulmate bond is in all probability what is keeping Source Souls living within the matrix, as they know at a deep level that they are destined to return home to their true love and to their true soulmate connection.


Learn more about Source Souls, their homeland and lifestyle by visiting the page The Homeland.

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