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​The Abduction

Source Souls (SS) in their true homeland are natural explorers and love to discover new lands and natural wonders. A great deal of land within and surrounding their homeland is filled with valuable mineral resources, such as gold, emeralds, rubies and diamonds. It was this interest which led them to fall prey to a particular alien entity who devised a complex ruse to ensnare and capture them.


The following information which I’m about to share is extremely secretive and which I’ve learned by combining many pieces of convoluted facts, however, it has also been confirmed to me recently through the contact which I’ve established with one of my Masters. The following outlines how I was captured and how most males were captured from my homeland. Females were also captured through this means, only the caves and the lure were different.


It began when strangers entered the domain of where Source Souls live.  This happened when an alleged UFO crash occurred nearby by which two humanoid beings emerged from it, seeking help and shelter. These beings were much smaller in stature then the  Source Souls and were dressed in hunting uniforms. Their ambush was one by which they befriended Source Souls, impressed them with their technologies, mainly their flying vehicle, flashlights, levitation devices and iPhones. Source Souls being hospitable in their true nature sought to help these strangers who seemed benevolent. In actuality, these beings devised a complex ambush not only to  trap Source Souls, but to first learn about their way of life as much as possible. In this respect, they selected Source Souls with strong familial bonds whom they calculated would be a good choice for their endeavor.

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Additionally, these beings were also in the possession of cloaking technology by which their flying vehicles had the ability to absorb the image of its environment and become invisible to the naked eye. This technology they did not share with the Source Souls. After about one year and having established a strong friendship with a few Source Souls, the two foreigners informed targeted individuals that they wanted to repay them for their hospitality by taking them to an incredibly rich mineral cave their elector-magnetic sensors had recently detected.


On a designated day a small expedition of six Source Soul men (SS) embarked in search of precious minerals with their two guides. Once they arrived at the cave, they were led to a peculiar yet beautiful space within the cave. The cave shone with brilliance and its crystals were incredibly large. What was unusual was that the cave had a large opening in its most center core allowing the sun to shine through; resembling a pyramid without a capstone.


As the men wondered around studying its contents the two entities who had escorted them there disappeared from site. Subsequently, the Source Souls, now properly positioned, were violently attacked by flying vehicles hovering above, cloaked in a type of invisibility shield. These sprayed over the unsuspecting men a type of gas which led to their immediate collapse and  to fall into a deep sleep.  Then, each man was pulled into the craft and literally abducted. Once in the vehicle a technology unknown to them was used to keep them in a deep coma.


How Souls Were Fooled

Since Source Souls were technically still alive and at a very deep level were aware of this, they had to be convinced to remain within the coma; otherwise they would allow themselves to die. Therefore much mental tampering had to be done to keep them in a fooled condition. Since Source Souls has an NDE (near death experience) at the time they were gassed they were easily convinced by a guide (or angel) who appeared to them as benevolent and acting in their best interest. These guides provided support but by omitting certain truths, they allowed Source Souls to draw their own conclusions and to believe they were in the afterlife.


Although this was a trick most Source Souls still sensed that something was not right and wanted to opt out and choose another reality. Their captors of course knew this desire would be present, so in order to trap the soul they had to get their consent to live a fake reality. Their game plan was to convince Source Souls that they had committed a great violation and as such were required to live a period of one life within an imprisoned realm to pay off the karmic debt they had incurred (karma does exist in reality, but this karma was a ruse). The violation presented to them was the act of entering a cave, intending to remove its contents without prior consideration for the beings who had already claimed it and needed its resources for their livelihood. In essence Source Souls were accused of trespassing, intending to steal, and taking the “forbidden fruit”; in essence they were accused of a crime.


Souls were told they only needed to accept one life within a virtual reality platform and could leave anytime during it, if they so chose to. In essence a part truth. Since it was only one life and the souls were in a confused state because unknowingly they were still attached to their physical bodies and not in a true afterlife, they accepted the deal which promised them freedom and a return home once that one life was lived. However, once they consented to living the first life, it was easy to trap them into a second life, because the life review they received after death only focused on the previous life’s events, and no more mention of the cave and their real homeland was ever discussed in subsequent (matrix) afterlives.


Mind Reality

In this way, the captured Source Soul’s bodies were propelled into a paralyzed condition, equivalent to a deep coma, yet still maintained alive through artificial mechanisms. The mind however was kept active, as if the head was separated from the body. Laser like beams that delivered electrical currents were used to stimulate different parts of the brain, creating the illusion of body sensations and a sense of wakefulness. Thus the person was left with the impression that they were actively alive, living a real physical reality, which in actuality they were living in a virtual reality construct. In this condition, the Masters, having claimed full ownership over these bodies, interacted with the souls by acting out roles and following certain scripts by becoming their parents, siblings, children, friends, and lovers. The unaware Source Soul was also given a role and a script to follow as he believed to be in a natural state of reincarnation.


While in this condition Source Souls produced physical responses to the dreamlike reality they were experiencing, in this respect they became the equivalent of cows, being milked for their bodily resources. In essence, the Source Soul’s captors found a way to create the inconceivable, a way to trap souls, by creating the illusion of death and life.

Snake Tech

The Technology
The Snake


The following may be hard to bare, but I believe it to be the pure truth. Once resuscitated, a technology involving a snake was administered to keep the body of each captured soul in a deep and indefinite coma. This technology was discovered in a haphazard way by which our captors, during one of their hunting expeditions, inadvertently found a particular type of snake hibernating inside an animal’s body, this animal resembled a grisly bear. In essence the animal’s body acted as a safe haven for the snake, a cave of sorts, by which the snake did no damage to the body while sleeping in it and left it naturally at the end of its hibernating cycle through the host’s nose.     


Our Masters, were at the time in a condition by which their bodies were in a stage of degradation and their species hovering on the brink of extinction. They were in need of a particular type of resource which only sentient bodies could provide, namely blood. I speculate that this condition arose because of their ruthless hunting practices by which they depleted their natural resources. I also suspect that they engaged in genetic experimentation and as a result altered their physiology, giving them some immediate advantages but in the long term served to weaken them genetically.  


Though technologically advanced, these beings lacked a moral consciousness, as a result they began searching externally for solutions. They found the discovery of the snake interesting and experimented on various creatures to see the effects of placing hibernating snakes within the bodies of diverse species. Hence began to phenomena known as animal abductions. They reasoned that if they could get what they needed without actually killing the host, they would have an unlimited supply of (blood) energy.


The results of their experiments were astounding. The snake could be naturally led into a sleeping host body and would find its way to the chest area and curl itself within the right ventricle of the heart without causing any damage to the body. It needed no coaxing as it was attracted to the vibrational sound and warmth of the heart. The human heart sensing the presence of another heart within its chamber, induced within itself a low vibrational condition, triggering a deep coma. Therefore, the term being in a “lower vibrational state” can be taken literally, as the Source Soul’s heart vibrations lowered, from a beating sound to a hum.


The Source Soul body was kept in a liquid solution 6 degrees below its natural body temperature. The reason for this was twofold; to preserve its organs and body tissues and to keep the snake within its optimal environmental temperature of 21-35C; since snakes are cold blooded they need their temperature outwardly regulated. Therefore, Source Soul bodies were subjected to a temperature of about 28C - 29C (82-84F).  Sensors and electronic devices were attached to the body along the spinal cord and to the brain stem and all over the shaven head. Umbilical cord attachments were used to feed the body which was placed in an embryonic like condition.

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The Sharp-Tailed Snake

Through a bit of research and spiritual guidance I quickly found the snake which is most likely being used in this biological warfare against Source Souls. It is called the Sharp-Tailed Snake, also known as Sharpie.  Here are some facts about it:


The Sharp-Tailed Snake is one of the smallest snakes in existence. It is reddish, brown, or grey in colour. Its underbelly is white with black lines, similar to a checkerboard. Its size is about 12’inches long (1 foot). Its size is misleading and some people have mistaken it for a large worm. It primarily eats eggs, larva and beetles. It is harmless to humans and its tendency when approached is to coil up into a ball. Its body is composed of scales, pentagonal shapes, similar to the pattern of a bee-hive. It likes to hide in dark and moist places, under rocks, caves and wood. It has an active period and a dormant period.  The Sharpie is only found in British Columbia and in some parts of the western coast of the United States.


The Snake Change ​

Digital monitoring of the snake and the human body runs 24/7 to ensure that both the human host and the snake are kept alive and functioning within normal parameters.  The snake can be kept within the human body host for a prolonged period of time, however, due to its lifecycle and its active and dormant stages it eventually needs to be freed or it will die. Through careful monitoring the caretakers (scientists) of the Source Souls’ bodies perform a snake change. Once a snake is removed from a human host, it is not  killed, rather it is returned to a designated hatchery where it is allowed to breed. The rational for this is so it can pass on its memory to its offspring;  in essence creating more snakes which become more adaptable to human hosts.

Beetle Tech

The Beetle

To understand the snake technology, I had to pursue the involvement of the beetle, as this creature is highly honored in Egyptian culture (as is the snake) and is prevalent in  their art and jewelry, additionally, the beetle was a key representative of the Egyptian God Ra. The idea of beetles and snakes being put into a human body is disconcerting to say the least, but I discovered that the beetles are not real, they are artificial intelligent devices, programmable and made to look like beetles.


Why use beetles? Any living biological creature needs to consume nutrients to survive and the Sharp-Tailed Snake is no exception. A great deal of care has to be taken to keep the snake within a dormant hibernating condition for a prolonged period of time, however, because it is an organic being it does need to be fed and its waste product cleaned. Additionally, because the snake is real, it needs to be imbued in a natural environment by which it believes to be free; this is why the AI beetles need to look real and function accordingly.


How Beetle Technology Works

During the snake’s active period AI beetles are sent into the human body host to feed the snake a ball of beetle dung, yes…beetle dung! The ball of dung is natural as it is prepared within hatcheries by real beetles. The ball is in essence filled with insect dung, eggs and larvae. Beetles in general use dung balls to house female eggs and to store food for their young. In this respect, a ball of dung is a powerful concoction of nutrients. The Sharp-tailed snake is fed this when it wakes up, then it is lulled back to sleep with a mild sedative imbued in the dung for another hibernating cycle . Other AI beetles are used to clean up any snake excrement once the snake is done its feeding. Though this seems incredible, I have been assured that this is a highly contained operation causing no harm to the human body.

Human Heart
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The Human Heart

To understand this technology and how such a thing could even be conceived I explored the human heart. Basic information on human physiology is readily abundant but illustrating it helped me to absorb the information better.  The following is only a basic break down of how the heart works, please do your own research if you are interested in the exact biological functions of the heart.  My goal here is to understand how the heart can be used in this technology.


The heart has four chambers, two upper, called the Atria, two lower called the Ventricles. The heart is divided into the superior and interior cava (cave). The Atria are storage chambers and act as pumps for the ventricles. These are thick walled muscular pumps which push blood into the entire body. What is interesting to note are the colours, the cobalt blue and the vivid red; these are reflective of the heart’s real colours. The blue side, is the right atrium with the primary function of storing impure or venous blood, the left side stores purified blood. Moreover, the right ventricle from a dissected perspective looks like the traditional valentine’s heart shape. I have observed that the heart as a whole does not look like the valentine’s heart, therefore this shape is reflective of the right ventricle.


If you think its impossible to exist with a snake in the heart, an episode of The X-Files addressed this issues directly in one of their season two stories. They portrayed a condition by which a snake could lodge itself within the human heart. During the autopsy, the snake was seen being removed and still very much alive. The main character Scully said that it was a common occurrence whereby 40 million people worldwide are known to have the condition. I believe this is truth put in plain sight disguised as science fiction.

Twin/ Clone
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The DoppelgängerThe Twin

The information which I am about to impart here has taken an extremely long time and considerable effort to reach my conscious awareness. Much like the snake technology, it came about through deep contemplation triggered by a recent deja-vu I experienced. The phenomena known as deja-vu is described by texts as the feeling that you have lived a particular moment before. First, I would like to refer to Anthony Peak, a British writer who has established a reputation for being one of the world’s most forward thinkers in the area of altered consciousness. He has published such books as The Daemon and, Is there Life After Death. Mr. Peak refers to the idea that, “conscious beings consist of not one but two semi-independent entities;” in essence, a doppelgänger; a twin self.  I believe Anthony Peak is touching on a very important truth regarding Source Souls, however, his work does not delve deep enough to explore the possibility of the existence of a real doppelgänger.



The truth as I have now come to learn is very literal, so literal that it seems unbelievable and unfathomable. Similar to the snake technology it is a truth put in allegorical plain sight within the matrix reality; often depicted as the twin, the double, the invisible man.  The evidence is everywhere, should you choose to see it.


What I am saying here, and please, take three deep breaths before continuing to read this… is that each Source Soul is not only a captured being within an industrial complex, whose body is kept within a tubular structure within an environment which simulates an embryonic womb, but that within this condition, the Source Soul is not alone, there is a double, a Doppelgänger; a clone attached to him.


The Doppelganger is defined in the Wikipedia as a “biologically unrelated look-alike, or a double of a living person.” A clone according to major dictionaries is a “biological organism, asexually reproduced from an ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical”.  Within mainstream the Doppelgänger is referred to as one’s lost twin, the idea that we all have a twin unrelated to us physically, but nonetheless exists somewhere in the world as a duplicate of ourselves.


Simply explained, it is my contention that each Source Soul has a clone of himself, most likely this clone is of the opposite gender body. This biological entity has been created artificially within a laboratory, with biological elements consisting of the actual Source Soul’s genetic makeup, created from his/her DNA, using technologies involving gene splicing and stem cell implants.


A vital question you may ask is: Why has a clone been created to co-exist with the Source Soul ? The answer is complex, but I will try to explain it simply based on my own ability to process this information. In essence, the Source Soul’s body needs to be still, quiet, inactive for it to be truly harvestable. However, as you are aware, you experience sensations and a wide range of bodily feelings and emotions. For the snake to continue to sleep and your body maintains itself within a still condition the mind needs activity, and your consciousness (soul) needs to believe it is living within the incarnate form. As you can see there is a double bind situation here; one, the real you needs to keep sleeping in profound submissiveness, two, the real you needs to live a life, to be active and feel alive. Moreover the clone helps you believe that you are of the opposite gender further befuddling your condition and keeping you in a profound state of ignorance. As you can see from these words, they all sound like ‘evil” backward. Yes, your clone is your evil twin, as it keeps you fooled into believing that you are living a real life.

The Wiring

In actuality, your brain activity, its electric synaptic impulses are re-directed to the clone’s body, while the clone’s brain is connected to your real body. In essence you are as close to being decapitated as humanly possible without actually having your head removed from your body. Therefore, all synaptic impulses from the clone’s brain to your real body are artificially generated, keeping your body alive, but in a dormant condition. Your real brain however is active and having experiences within the clone’s body. Because the clone is of the opposite gender, it is reasonable for you to accept yourself as a female or a male. However, because your actual brain still has some connections to your real body (otherwise you would be truly dead), you still maintain some awareness of what is really going on with you. Your clone does not have self-awareness or a consciousness (a soul) of its own, it is a biologically engineered entity, an organic robot, it only exists because you animate it. Its purpose is to keep the Source Soul fooled into staying alive within its body, producing harvestable, clean, blood energy while in a sleep-like condition.


Once your brain is disconnected from it, the clone body will cease to exist. In essence, upon your release from the matrix, your clone will die as its brain and body cannot function without your energy. The real you will survive, once your brain's electrical impulses are re-connected with your body. In sum, you are the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Frankenstein, the alter ego, or the superego as described in Freudian terms. You live in a womb with an artificial, biological twin. The triumph of technology as created by our Masters, a combination of deceit and mastery, a reality which can only be described as pure and unadulterated  Evil!   



The deja-vu therefore is a glitch within the matrix, by which the clone brain and your real brain have a double experience, a double take of sorts. In this respect, an event you experienced is registered twice, with a small time lapse in between. All events you experience within the matrix are stored and compartmentalized in your memory banks, the clone does not store memory, it only repeats it, like a video repetition. Sometimes it does that and you become consciously aware of the repetition.

Other Aspects

Other Aspects of Biological Warfare


There are other aspects of the biological warfare which is being conducted against Source Souls, though this is most likely not a complete list, its aim is to provide some further truths as I have become aware of them.


Tooth Removal

Teeth management is necessary to keep captured Source Souls from connecting with one another. This seems strange, but it is not without scientific backing. Teeth are made primarily of 2 electrodes, cathode and anode, conventional batteries are also composed of two sides, a negative side, anode, and a positive side cathode. This is no coincidence, as our teeth can act as a battery pack and can omit strong electrical impulses, referred to as Oral Galvanism.  This means that your mouth is able to send and receive electrical impulses in the form of radio waves; yes, your teeth can act as a receiver and sender of information. These facts are readily available online.


In our natural condition we can at times literally hear voices as we can capture someone else’s radio thought frequencies. This is a skill we have and it is something we can manage effectively. Similar to our ability to see micro and macro details with our eyes by simply squinting in a particular way.


Our Masters within the Matrix have realized that they need to remove teeth from the Source Soul’s mouth to disturb teeth connectivity and disrupt any incoming signals from nearby Source Souls or even other entities. It is not by chance that people's wisdom teeth are routinely removed. Fillings and fluoride are used to provide a covering by which radio-active signals are deflected and not received. Most if not all Source Souls within the matrix have had teeth removed and fillings implanted.  The risks of not having this done are high, as Source Souls within the Matrix could communicate with one another if these procedures were not conducted. Source Souls communicating with one another could awaken each other and the whole enterprise could collapse.


In your current condition the concept of hearing voices has been so severely tainted to ensure that you reject any notion of capturing actual radio transmissions from the minds of others; should any slip through. Hearing voices is the most severe of all mental health conditions in our society, most people equate it with the condition to being “crazy” or “schizophrenic”.  Because our masters know we have the ability to capture signals with our teeth, they have created a whole industry, this they call “dentistry” and “water fluoridation”.

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The following are a list of drugs which I believe are intermittently or regularly being administered to Source Souls. This may not be the extent of it, but it is what I’ve been able to uncover.


Clonazepam: (a derivative of the word “clone), is administered regularly to keep the real you from rejecting the clone. This drug is known to curb hallucinations in schizophrenic patients.


Midazolan: this is a drug which produces short term comas; this drug is used when the Source Soul is without the snake; during snake changes, post capture and pre-release.


Famotidine: this drug is used to help with digestion and food absorption. Source Souls are not eating foods naturally and sustenance needs to be absorbed into the body, hence the use of this drug to facilitate this process.


The Cat

One last element by which I would like to end this section with involves the cat. As I’ve explained, the Source Soul is in a condition by which there are several  strange attachments. The snake in the heart, the doppelgänger, and finally the cat. I believe that most if not all Source Souls have an animal attachment, a real live creature taken from their homeland. Most have a cat, although some may have a horse. In this brief overview I will only refer to the cat as I believe it is the most common animal attachment.


Cats are peaceful creatures, vegan in nature and very playful and affectionate; they are not true hunters in their homeland. They have strong luminous auras and possess real souls.  It is not by chance that 99% of cats have A+ blood type, similar to the Source Souls. They are much loved by Source Souls in their homeland who visit their habitat often and respect their independence.


Cat pets within the Matrix are kept in a similar condition to Source Souls. They have a snake within their hearts and a doppelgänger; a copy of themselves. The word “Tom” Cat refers to the twin, as Thomas means “the twin”. They exist alongside the Source Soul in their own pod. They are connected to the Source Soul’s real brain through technology.


Cats too are acting out a reality, as they too are in a dream like condition fooled to believe they are free.

The main reason Source Souls have a cat attachment is for the purpose of averting loneliness and stimulating in them the feeling of being connected to at least one other soul from their homeland. Because Source Souls in the Matrix only interact with entities not of their own species, this condition can lead to extreme loneliness and as a result lead them to rejecting the life.


Depressions are a tool Source Souls use to reject the matrix as depressions can lead to suicide. Cats are used as tools, yet are not meant to be a permanent feature of the Source Soul’s reality, rather they are there to provide stability, until the Source Soul can attach properly to other (matrix) humans and develop a family of their own.  The truth about cats is the key reason the Egyptians honored the cats and why cats are associated to “nine” lives and to other psychic phenomena, because cats go through matrix reincarnation cycles.


Fortunately, cats too will be freed upon the Source Soul’s release from the Matrix. Therefore, when you are returned home most likely you will be taking your cat along with you.

Cubes & Boxes

Cubes & Boxes

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Source Souls are stored within large cubes in sets, by which the set includes their clone attachment. This cube reality is clearly depicted in the video "This is What you Came For" performed by Rihanna. At one point the video shows her with a man in the background, alluding to her real self; as the female is the identity "living the dream" and the man the dreamer. The video also shows her hallucinatory condition by which her whole reality takes place within the cube.


Cubes or boxes can be easily moved as the  shape is conducive to being easily stackable or set side-by-side along with other cubes and boxes. The cubes can change colours, as they are made of a material similar to plexiglass. Colour changes can transmit a range of messages, such as: the black cube represents bodies which have just been captured and are ready for market. Other colours can represent the type of entities within the cube, (not all captured beings look like the Source Souls). The colour also changes when Source Souls are to undergo maintenance or some type of transition.

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Additionally, snakes are held and transported in little black boxes which provide them with warmth and security.  All boxes are highly managed and guarded and are handled only by those beings who have special access keys. There are other boxes designated by different colours, such as gold and silver for the AI beetles, gold for those who feed the snake, and silver for those who work to clean and perform other related tasks. White boxes are for snakes which have finished their cycle within the human SS body and are ready to be returned to the hatchery. Blue boxes are used to collect the removed snake excrement, and the red boxes are used to transport viable dung to be fed to the snake. These are just some of the few applications that boxes and cubes have within the Source Soul industry.

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