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There are two commonly used numerological charts, the Pythagorean and the Chaldean. The one I base my numerology on follows the Pythagorean method, the reason is because it is the most used chart by occultists. The numerology is very simple and follows a 1-9 rule set based on the 26 letters of the alphabet. Therefore, an A =1, D=4, and double digit numbers as per their sequence in the alphabet are reduced to a one digit, for example, a Z=26, so it’s a 2+6=8, an M=13, 1+3=4. Here is the chart; I would advise you to practice writing it and memorizing it thoroughly.


Pythagorean Numerological Chart:



Here are some numerological examples of words:

Life: 3+9+6+5=23 (5)

Cube: 3+3+2+5 = 13 (4)

Heart: 8+5+1+9+2 = 25 (7)

Truth: 2+9+3+2+8 = 24 (6)


Once a word is broken down, both the double digit number and the single digit is important in the transmission of the message. For example, since the word “cube” is a 13, reduced to a 4, both numbers tell a story. For example, “the cube alludes to death and someone being within the power of the Emperor”. In numerology there are 3 “master” numbers which in general don’t need to be reduced because they carry a higher significance as far as demonstrating power and control, these are the 11, 22 and 33. They are not reduced unless it is required to achieve a full calculation. Therefore the word Jesus adds to 1+5+1+3+1=11; the 11 remains without reduction unless you want to get Jesus Christ, then it’s a 2+5=7. The message here could be, Jesus is a grand master, imbued in conflicts and struggles as the number 7 in the Tarot is the Chariot.


I would encourage you to do the entire numerology for your name and date of birth, as well as doing it for your immediate family members and those closest to you. This is not to be shared with them, but rather for your own understanding of yourself. Start a creative journal with illustrations and record everything in it.


For birthdays, the formula is slightly different because the months are counted as per their order on the calendar not by each of their letters. Here is an example of how to get the numerology for your birthday:  

ie: September 8, 1978 = 9 + 8+  7 = 24 (6)


Both numbers are important to keep in mind but the 6 is the ultimate one. The card associated to this number is the Lovers. Look for patterns in your life where this number appears, and see how its connects to certain people and events in your life.

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What Numbers Represent:​

Numbers can mean different things to different individuals; however, there is a common consensus as far as their general meaning. Here is my list, though I don’t claim to be presenting the only accurate interpretation it does reflect my truths as I’ve come to  know them and how I perceive them to be connected to occultist agendas.


Any number repeated reinforces the message. No number is “bad” numbers only speak information and it is up to you to decode these messages. In nature numbers are everywhere, in a flower petal, on a leaf, in the design of a chair, so they too are within your body makeup, such as your 33 spinal vertebrate, and in everything related to you which may not seem as obvious such as your visa card, your phone number, your driver’s license, passport, etc. Once analyzed through this lens, you will begin to see patterns and connections in your life which you will find to be beyond coincidences.


Here is an example on how to decipher hidden messages using numerology and the Tarot. I use the long-running TV series: The X-Files.


The Title breaks down as follows:

The=6, X=6, Files=6


Therefore the number 666 is uncovered here. This number has been often linked with “the beast” which represents the average person based on their carbon footprint (the carbon atom has 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, and 6 protons). The summation of this is 6x3=18; the Moon in the Tarot. This symbolizes those under the influence of the sinister and hypnotic moon.


The X also has significance, as it represents a “6” and alludes to the x and y chromosomes; the blending of male and female. The name of one of the key protagonist is Fox, which in numerology spells: 666, the 18 once again. His counterpart is Dana, a numerological 11 (a master number representing Justice). Together their names can be written as: 9:11. Was this series foretelling events in actual society that were to come?

It can also be deduced, since the series was first aired on September 10, 1993 (a numerological 14, (5) …and the twin tower incident occurred on September 11, 2001, also a 14 (5).  One can say this is a very well calculated coincidence.  Coincidentally enough, the year 2001 was the Year of the Snake, as per the Chinese calendar.


I did this type of similar breakdown for the trilogy The Matrix. This  revealed a triple 16 for its 3 main protagonists, Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus, each add up to a 16, or a 7.  In the Tarot the 16 indicates the downfall of The Tower; which alludes to the downfall of a person or thing.


Note, words such as ‘the’, 'to' ‘and’ should only be used if they are part of a formal title. 


For analysis, numbers are not reduced if they have a corresponding Tarot card, if they do not, such as a 48, then you can find the card by getting the 12 (4+8). Further reduction is not necessary, though it only adds to more commentary. For example, if the 16 is further reduced to a 7, then The Matrix is about the downfall of society and conflicts therein.


Here are a few tarot/numerological connections to ponder on:

  • Gun: is a 15 (6 if further reduced) – the Devil card tied to the Lovers card; are we to love evil through guns?

  • Star: it the 17th card in the tarot, representing hope and joy, but a 13 numerologically. Are stars in a dead condition?  Also why does the word “star” spell ‘rats” backward. Are they mocking the souls? The word ‘soul” is also a 13, further clarifying that a soul is a star in a dead-like condition.

  • God and Dog are numerological 17s; are these the same type of stars?

  • Evil is a 21 – the World card; is this signifying that evil rules the world?   


Keep in mind that the number “9” almost always refers to lies. It is the Hermit card, indicative of isolation and  detachment from the world.  The number 9 plays tricks on the mind, for example, 2x9= 18, 1+8=9, 9x3=27, 2+7=9, reverting back to itself. In addition, it reverts back to the number it adds up to, for example 9+5= 14, 1+4=5, 9+8=17, 1+7=8. When you see the 9 you know you are being tricked or directly being lied to.


Look for master numbers of 11, 22, 33. These represent the 11, 4, and 6 in the Tarot. The 11 is Justice, symbolic of a judicial authority. The 22 is the 4, the Emperor card, suggesting governmental or royal authority, the 33 is the 6, the Lovers card, often mixed with less favorable things; aiming to have you love whatever is associated to it. If associated to names, its revealing those people are Masters at hiding truths and have a dominant influence over you. If connected to stories, they are telling you that it was orchestrated by your Masters and they want to persuade you to loving whatever they are proposing.


The combination of Tarot's Major Arcanas and numerology is a powerful tool to help you understand what real messages are being conveyed to you. If you don't consciously understand what is being said, the subliminal effect of the messages may influence your thoughts and beliefs. If you decipher it, it will dismantle its effect over you and lose its potency, as well it will give you more clarity of what is really going on all around you.

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