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Morally Vacant Sitcoms


Most entertainment on Television (tel-a-vision, a numerological 13) aims to convey subliminal messages to Source Souls, the 13 is often used to convey the message that this form of entertainment if for the ones in a dead-like condition. If you find this difficult to believe simply do the numerology on the titles of shows to uncover interesting patterns in the numbers, such as in The X-files 666, or in Sex And The City – 58 (13), CSI (13). This article is about TV programs which on the surface seem fun and harmless but subliminally carry sinister agendas.


I will provide as examples sitcoms such as: The Office, Sex And The City and Seinfeld, however, my logic can be applied to most TV shows.


Morally Vacant Characters

The premise of these shows rests on people who have no moral compass. They lie, cheat, have casual sex and aim to get their way in life without feeling any moral responsibility. For example, on Seinfeld, Elaine had no problem when George asked her to write an intelligence test for him. Moreover, these characters get away with being out rightly racist and sexist, all in the name of entertainment; this was common in the series The Office. Everyone seemed to cringe at the boss's blatant lack of respect for others, but regardless accepted the boss’s behavior and as such, condone it. These types of attitudes prime Source Souls watching, at a deep subliminal level, to accept whatever policies and protocols are portrayed in their workplace.



Most sitcoms push promiscuity as normal and natural, and “getting laid” is a common everyday occurrence. The characters seem void of any capability of expressing affection and spend their time engaging in “flings” or casual sex. This too is psychically molding Source Souls to accepting people in their lives who seek them only for casual dating and who are void of any real emotion. Moreover, this creates the illusion that relationships in general are fleeting and vacant and one must rely on superficial friends to ward off deep and bitter loneliness.



In most TV sitcoms (and many other shows) characters are extremely dumbed down, they spend their time engaging in frivolous activities, worrying about their shoes or what their neighbors are doing. Most sitcoms insult the intellect of Source Souls, as the humor is often insulting and degrading. People calling each other derogative names, and treating each other in a substandard manner convey the message to Source Souls that put- downs and public humiliation is normal in life. It also teaches that entertainment is fun and acceptable when it portrays psychological violence.


Family Dysfunctionality

Most sitcoms aim to shape social norms by portraying dysfunctional families and shattered emotional relationships where people often “back-stab” one another. As such they often depict couples breaking apart or simply engaging in frivolous bickering. They insult one another and their children regularly (when any are present).  If the show is not about a family, then it is void of any family bonds or real affection. These tend to glamorize individuality and being single as something to be celebrated.


In essence sitcoms aim to taint Source Soul’s virtues and corrupt their values. Entertainment as it exists is created by our Masters, it is not harmless fun; rather it aims to convey important messages involving debauchery and loose morals. Understanding this is vital as it will stop these subliminal messages from affecting you psychologically.  I encourage you to investigate and question what you are seeing on television. In this way you will become immune to the sinister agendas lurking behind these forms of entertainment.  

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