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Music Videos
Which Talk About
The Source Soul Reality

Colors of the Wind

Colors of the Wind

​ by Vanessa Williams


Colors of the Wind

This song expresses what Source Souls are all about. Their true nature, by which they are in-tune with their environment, understand animals and truly care about the earth and each other. Yet, within the matrix they are the ones made to seem savage, when those who exist all around them are the true savages, ruthlessly claiming and exploiting what is truly not theirs. The lyrics don't need any interpretation as I believe they are clear and have no hidden messages.


You think I'm an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places I guess it must be so
But still I can not see
If the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know

You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon,
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends

How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know

And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper-skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind

You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

This Is What You Came For

Written by Calvin Harris and performed by Rihanna

This is What You Came For

This video, both lyrics and images are telling us a very important story about the Source Soul’s true condition.  Here I break it down based on how I interpret its meaning. The video begins with flickering digital lights, alluding to a computer system. A cube then appears which is located in the real world. It’s a white cube, transparent in nature, to allow anyone from the outside to see in. The video starts this way to show us that our bodies are trapped in a cube and  housed in a real world facility resembling an industrial complex.  Initially, the protagonist is isolated and looks like a rag doll, no structure to her, no emotions – indicating that her physical body is inactive and without life. The real her is a male,  which is shown in the middle of the video by which a man appears behind her. He is the real dreamer and she is the manifestation of his dream. Most of the video shows his/her dream world.




​Lyric analysis:

“Lightning strikes every time she moves” … meaning that beams of lights are being directed onto her brain, triggering real life scenarios within her mind.

​“Who knows why it has to be this way…” We don’t need to know why we're in this condition, we just need to accept it.

​“We say nothing more than we need….” we are programed to behave and act a certain way based on scripts.

​“This is what you came for….”  we agreed to this at some level and are consenting to it.

​“And everybody's watching her….” we are being monitored and watched by others.

“But she's looking at yooou (cubeeeeub)” …. ​When she says “YOU, You, you” often times she says “CUBE”. Meaning she’s distracted and is only really looking inside a cube. She is not seeing anyone, not even “you” (others).

​“I say your place when we leave…”our place is an artificial playground which these entities move in and out of, we can’t leave therefore we only exist within their place. This is equivalent to having a farm, they come in to feed the animals but then they leave. Also when we do leave, we reincarnate back into their playground.


​In sum, the protagonist of the video is a happy go lucky mindless rag doll, living in a cube experiencing delusions which resemble reality.


By the Moody Blues


video Analysis

This song, like many others, can be interpreted from various angles, usually people interpret musical lyrics from the superficial messages they convey, which are about love and loss of love. However, some have deeper meaning and I believe this is such a song. I also find the overall musical messages from this band to be extremely profound and other worldly.


Lyrical analysis:
“Just like the driftwood of a dream, left off the seashore of sleep, just like the words that wouldn't rhyme, lost in the desert of time” ….. As you lie in a comatose state, you live your life through a dream. Nothing makes sense anymore, because you’re lost in time.


“Time waits for no one at all, no, not even you, you thought you'd seen it all before, you really thought you knew”….Even you, who were mighty, strong, and intelligent were brought down to this vulnerable state in which you’re just lying down like a piece of driftwood.  


“​I don't remember what was said in the confusion that night, I only know what's on my mind, what's in the future we will decide”… I don’t remember how I got trapped in this or agreed to it, it was a confusing time. I only know what is happening now.  I don’t have any other memories of my other (real) life. I don’t know the future – I don’t know how to get out of this yet.


“Time waits for no one at all, no, not even you, you thought you'd seen it all before, you really thought you knew”…Time is an illusion, so I don’t really know how long I’ve been in this condition. I thought I was invincible, but I too fell into a trap.


“I've shattered the illusion of fortune and of fame.
But darling now I know you, life could never be the same. Oh no... don't leave me driftwood, on the shore”…
I now see how we can get trapped in illusions. Now I sense I have a sweetheart, someone I had forgotten. I don’t want to remain like a piece of driftwood any longer, lying in a dead-like state, I want to go home, I want to be rescued.


“I've shattered the illusion, of fortune and of fame, I'm waking up, I'm reaching up, I'm getting up from this game, oh no... don't leave me driftwood on the shore, oh no... don't, don't leave me, driftwood, on the shore”... I am now awakening, and seeing the tricks and traps which have been set out for me. I’m waking up and reaching out, because I know that I’m trapped in an illusionary game. Now that I know this, I ask my loved ones to help me, and I reach out for their assistance. Please don’t leave me here drifting in this semi-dead state, please come take me home.

The River of Dreams
River of Dreams

Written and performed by Billy Joel

video Analysis

This video begins with men wearing sunglasses, which represents people interacting within the matrix, who can’t see what is really going on. It also represents death. Boats also indicate transition to the afterlife, as per the Egyptians. The video also shows industrial buildings, alluding to where our bodies are housed in. In the end, it shows happy people in a paradise, swimming and loving each other, which is the true nature of Source Souls..


Lyrical analysis:
“In the middle of the night…. I go walking in my sleep”… he refers to astral traveling, when we sleep at night our tendency is to be out of body and to travel to the astral plains. However this also refers to the dream-world he is living in.


“To a river so deep ….I must be looking for something…..something sacred I lost”….His memories are so deeply buried he can't remember who he is. He is looking for something he lost, which is his real body and his homeland.  

“But the river is wide…and it's too hard to cross….and even though I know the river is wide I walk down every evening and I stand on the shore ….and try to cross to the opposite side”…Meaning he senses that something is wrong with his reality. He feels there is something else out there, but it seems so distant and hard to get to.  


So I can finally find out what I've been looking for”… I know that I need to awaken from this condition to finally get home.

“And I've been searching for something…taken out of my soul…something I would never lose…something somebody stole"…here he is realizing that he has been searching for something, referring to his real life, and that even his soul seems to have been taken; his vitality. He is becoming aware that he is a prisoner.


“I don't know why I go walking at night…But now I'm tired and I don't want to walk anymore I hope it doesn't take the rest of my life …. Until I”…He states that he continues to search in the middle of the night within his dreams for an escape, but he realizes this is exhausting, but hopes that somehow he will escape this matrix through some miracle.


This is the condition of most Source Souls trapped in the matrix, they sense something is wrong with their reality, but they are tired from work and daily life and don't have the energy, time or desire to find out the truth. Then they rely on faith and hope that some savior will come rescue them.

the phantom of the opera
(Theme Song)
Phantom of the Opera

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Performed by Sarah Brightman &

Michael Crawford

The song takes the voice of a female, who expresses that “he” a male exists inside her mind; alluding to role reversal. It seems that she is the performer of her opera; the actor of her own life. Behind it all lies a man, dreaming it all (the phantom dreamer).


The word “phantom” as per means: an appearance or illusion without material substance, as a dream image, mirage, or optical illusion.


Lyrical analysis:

“In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came…” When I dream, I’m living my life (song), when I sleep (my subconscious self) I sense the real me.


“That voice which calls to me, and speaks my name…” I sense that there is more to me; there is an inner voice which guides me and wants me to acknowledge it.


“And do I dream again?” I realize I’m always dreaming, but I don’t know why this is so.


“For now I find, the phantom of the opera is there
inside my mind…”
I now realize that there is someone else within me, thinking and observing me.


“Sing once again with me, our strange duet…” Together my illusionary self-coexists with my real self. Together they function as one, like a song.


“My power over you, grows stronger yet”…I’m beginning to recognize who I am and I’m beginning to take control of all my faculties.


“And though you turn from me, to glance behind.

The phantom of the opera is here, inside your mind…” And even though I try to ignore who I really am and ignore that wiser voice within me,  I know I have a real  phantom self, suppressed and living through my mind.


“Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear… I am the mask you wear…” my current identity is my mask, my real condition is frightening to look at, because I’m a captive of mind and body.


“It's me they hear”…I project my false personality to the world.


“My spirit and my voice, in one combined…”my sleeping self and my illusionary self is the duality which I exist through.


“The phantom of the opera is there, inside my mind…” My real self is always there, thinking and sensing the truth.


“In all your fantasies you always knew…” deep down inside you’ve always known who you are.


“That man and mystery were both in you …”

That there is an actual reality and a false reality.


“And in this labyrinth, “Where night is blind…”

You’ve been trapped in a labyrinth of the mind and can’t see what is really going on.


“The phantom of the opera is here, inside my mind

He's there, the phantom of the opera.” The phantom of the opera is you, the real person and the real soul, who lives trapped in a false illusionary reality, held captive in a dream-like condition.


by Ria Mae


This song Bend, is sang by someone who has the word "mae" in her performance name, meaning "mother" in Portuguese. Shockingly, this song expresses the battle source souls face on a regular basis while interacting with others within the Matrix. These beings aim to "break" Source Souls, strip them of their integrity and virtues. In essence they aim to torment and keep Source Souls within a condition of trauma and befuddlement. These are the people in the Source Soul's life, often including their parents, lovers and friends. Their aim is to not only bend a source soul, but to break them, like a horse is broken, into accepting a false reality and to forget their true identity.


Here is my interpretation of the lyrics:

All night, straight ahead at the headlights - feeling confused and lost, (as nights are dark and headlights blinding)
Scream at me baby, yellin' like I ruined your life - I've been yelled at, for reasons I don't understand (especially when I was a child)
All night with my back against the wall -  so often I have felt trapped
Push me, push me, I'll never fall - I feel pushed lose control, but I resist your pressures

Baby - another word for "ignorant" -  as Source Souls are ignorant of their true condition
This mistrust is contagious - I am often betrayed, seems like everyone is consistently untrustworthy
I'm going crazy - I feel lost and out of place
Lookin' for somethin' to save us - I need help (from beyond this reality)

You can try and bend my heart, but it won't break - I have been hurt so many times, but I won't blindly obey and accept
You can change my clothes, you can change my name - (implied here is the notion of having had many lives), my physical appearance has changed and so has my identity
Break, break, break out of these chains - I feel trapped, like I'm chained in a prison
I can bend, bend, bend so far, but I won't break - I know I have bent considerably by following conventionality, but I resist full acceptance and integration

Hoho ho - sounds of pain and struggle
Hoho ho it hurts!, it hurts!
Hoho ho ho it hurts! hurts! hurts!

Disappear in the middle of the night - I get lost in the darkness and within my dream world
Shame baby, when it's good, it's so right - I do things which shame me, and which go against my morals and values
I'm tired of it, now stop buildin' all these walls - I get tired of resisting all those things which feel wrong to me
Head trip now, head trip, then we fall off, oh - I get high, I engage in debauchery, in the end I feel vacant

Baby (I am ignorant and cry to no end)
This mistrust is contagious - I feel like I can't trust anyone
I'm going crazy - I must be the one that is insane
Lookin' for somethin' to save us - I'm looking to be helped, me and my multiple personalities

You can try and bend my heart, but it won't break - you all pretend to love me, but I won't give in completely
You can change my clothes, you can change my name - you can get me to reincarnate, change my body and identity...
Break, break, break out of these chains - I know I'm a prisoner here and I need to be freed
I can bend, bend, bend so far, but I won't break - I have done many things against my nature, but I won't succumb completely to these social pressures

You hold on to my heart so hard - you manipulate me with care and false love
And I just follow, just spin me around - often I follow, but it doesn't feel right and I feel lost
You fill me up with fear so far that I can't swallow - fear tactics are used to control me
I can't make a sound - sometimes I feel like I can't speak, like I don't even have a voice

Hoho ho - it hurts! it hurts!
Hoho ho it hurts! it hurts!
Hoho ho ho it hurts! hurts! hurts!


Chorus is repeated....


This song to me expresses the voice of a Source Soul screaming for help and begging for release from the matrix. Unfortunately, many of us are in this condition, feeling lost and hurt in a world of people who seem superficially appealing but treat us in ways which cause us great pain. I take solace in the notion that some Source Souls sense something is wrong and resist giving in to the matrix reality completely.

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