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Please note, I depict SS people as white as my homeland is aligned with my European heritage. However, what I say here can and should be applied to women and men of other cultures, as their homeland also exists as portrayed within the matrix, only that it exists within its optimal form and beauty.

Beauty, Dress & Lifestyle

Source Soul women in their homeland celebrate their beauty in a natural and vibrant way. Makeup is not used, except during special celebrations. They do not cut their hair but groom it in extraordinary and creative ways, such as complex braiding. They exude their inner beauty outwardly, and dress in colorful dresses, made of the finest fabrics, from silks to satins. These are often adorned with real jewels of all types. Jewellery wearing is common, as most women wear diamonds, emeralds and rubies; jewellery is often made by their fathers or husbands. Beautiful dresses are common everyday wear, these are not designed to be sexually provocative, but designed to enhance the female curves and general figure. There is clothing which women and children wear when performing highly active outdoor activities, these can look like jumpers.


Taylor Swift exemplifies the beauty of the unmarried young woman, and Elizabeth Banks an older woman, past child bearing years. SS women don't age as they do within the matrix, as aging is considered an illness in the homeland, because sagging skin, weakened vision, bad bones, are all indicative of ill health. Any such symptom is quickly treated, though most do not manifest due to the incredible healthy lifestyles and exceptional nutrition inherent of the homeland.


SS families value virginity and it is not something imposed upon them as mothers teach their daughters all the nuances of sensuality and lovemaking. A woman's offering of her body, is an offering of fertility and something that is treasured and celebrated within the communities through festivities and great balls. Equally highly valued within the homeland are monogamous relationships and soulmate bonds. These unions are common in the homeland greatly anticipated and celebrated. This is the key reason children are happy and healthy because they are born from true love bonds.


My drawings aim to illustrate how SS dress and live within their homeland; visiting the little people, picking yellow, red and blue bananas, dancing in great balls. These are just some of the exciting things they do with their families. SS don't exercise for the sake of exercising, their lives are filled with excitement and physical activity.

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Source Soul men are equally attractive and fit just as the women, and exist within their optimal physical form. They care about their bodies and dress in equally fine fabrics and jewellery as the women do. They exude outwardly, through their clothing, and mannerism their inner beauty. SS men are extremely polite and courteous, and hold their women in high regard. Physically, SS men are taller then women, by at least 12 'inches (one foot), they don't have any body hair, except on their heads; which they never cut, as hair is viewed as a sign of virility and strength. Men do grow facial hair but only after a certain age, the equivalent to a 30 year old within the matrix. Facial hair is a sign of age and wisdom in men and is celebrated and never shaven. Hair does change colour becoming lighter over time in both men and women, this is the most salient sign of aging, yet both males and females keep their attractiveness and physical form throughout their entire lives. Sexually, SS men are truly monogamous once they form their love unions, there is some exploratory sexual behaviour when they are younger which is something experienced outside their communities and for learning purposes. SS men are naturally circumscribed, and that is why this behaviour is mimicked within the matrix and is associated to violence inflicted upon a child; this is a way to disway SS from their inherent male beauty and sexual form. This ritual is done mainly by certain religious people who aim to align with Source Souls.


The images of the men presented here exemplify SS men, in their clean and youthful appearance, with Josh Holloway indicating an older man, charming and debonair.

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Babies & Parentng
Babies, Children & Parenting

Babies in the homeland are greatly treasured by not only their parents but by their extended families. The birth of a child is cause for a large and elaborate festival which lasts for days. Babies are born in natural environments, within a warm water bath. Women often choose the people they want with them during child birth, along with their husbands they usually choose their mothers, grandmothers and sisters (if they have any). Babies in the homeland are born earlier then what is presented within the matrix. Nine months is a lie, to justify babies which are overly large and who become independent of the mothers prematurely. In the SS homeland, babies are born at six months (equivalent), they resemble premature babies, fully formed and healthy. A baby is carried by their mother close to their bosom, day and night for an equivalent period of 3 months. At nine months they resemble newly born babies of 6-7 pounds as depicted in the matrix. Therefore, child birthing is not extremely painful and torturous rather, it is a pleasant experience, for both mother and child.

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A husband's presence during the birthing event is imperative and an event he greatly anticipates. He supports his wife lovingly, and usually holds her from the back as she births their child. The birthing experience is not only memorable and exhilarating, but a sensual experience between the couple.

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Men and women jointly raise their children, never punishing them or rejecting them with cruel words or reprimands. They teach through love and respect, giving their children true eye-to-eye attention, listening to their voices and spending immense quality time with them. They never leave their child feeling alone or hungry for attention, there is no such thing as giving a child too much cuddle and love. Children in the SS homeland feel loved and accepted by their parents and greatly respect them. As a result they grow up to become happy and well adjusted adults.

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Seniors & Aging
Seniors & Aging

The images for this age group were the most difficult to find, as most seniors within the matrix are in a degenerative condition, highly disfigured and resembling little of their true and original selves (see image of Robert Redford). In the Source Soul's homeland, seniors maintain their physical appeal and exude wisdom and vitality. Seniors are highly valued by their families and communities due to their life experiences and knowledge. They are true leaders and role models and are important carriers and conveyors of culture and its oral history.

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Source Souls are absolute vegans in their true homeland and don’t adhere to any violent practices to satisfy their biological needs. They are stewards of their environment and only take from it what is freely offered to them through the abundance of nature.


Within the source soul’s homeland there is a particular type of food which has not been available to SS within the matrix, and that is "bread fruit". Within the SS homeland, this food comes in a wide variety of shapes, flavours and textures. Bread fruit was created by the Source, as a staple food to provide full nutrition to Source Souls. It is the only food that a source soul can live on exclusively. Because our masters know that we need it to be healthy and strong, they have purposely obfuscated its existence from our reality, and instead have incorporated its nutritional elements into meat, especially white meat.

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Though I have found that a type of bread fruit is now available within the matrix, I wonder how similar it is to our homeland's indigenous food, and if it is, I wonder how many Source Souls are aware of its existence and benefits? I found an online source, Valley Isle Excursions, that provide bread fruit tree facts, they state the following:  "One of the most important plants (known as “canoe plants”) brought to Hawai’i by the ancient voyaging Polynesians is the breadfruit tree. This beautiful tree played a major role in colonizing the Pacific and was a key staple food. For hundreds of years before western contact with Hawai’i this fruit tree, called ulu, was a large part of the cultural and spiritual life of ancient Hawaiians. Ancient Hawaiian breadfruit groves were so large that some were capable of sustaining around 75,000 people! These trees were also an important source of wood, craft materials and medicines. Today few of these trees remain in Hawai’i compared to ancient times".


The reason many Source Souls aim to be vegetarian or vegan is to align themselves with their true nutritional values, however, within their captive form their masters will not provide to them an adequate supply of bread fruit elements for their ingestion, unless the Source Soul eats meat; this creates physical discomforts and nutritional deficiencies within the source soul’s virtual reality condition, and a profound psychological paradox as SS do not like to harm life in any way.  This is why many vegetarians replace meat with bread type foods; which do not satisfy their real hunger. This obfuscation and manipulation of our diets is a key way our masters force SS into accepting living within the matrix and within its nutritionally void and exploitative environment.


​Understanding this is vital to letting go of guilt and shame regarding meat eating. Source Souls in the matrix are in essence not eating real meat, and only consume what is directly being fed to them. All food in the matrix is “digital and artificial” no guilt needs to be attached to it as this further makes a Source Soul vulnerable.

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