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Vanishing Trees on Our Streets


I truly sense and feel that the reality of the Source Souls homes is one in which there are lush and green spaces, and where forests are preserved and honoured to the highest order. The movie Avatar, though very violent in nature, does depict what the landscape of the Source Soul home could look like (minus the menacing animals and wild hunting savages). Since this is the reality Source Souls were accustomed to, our Masters created a virtual reality with all its elements, but over time have endeavored to destroy our homes in front of our eyes. This has been done to create trauma in the Source Soul’s psyche, because as we see trees being cut and turned into pulp, we are mentally sent whirling into a state of confusion and pain as we see our homes destroyed.


Evidence that nature is deliberately being destroyed can be seen in small towns. In and around these, there are vast areas of agriculture land being used for mono-cropping. Development for housing is also a large contributor to the devastation of the land, and the habit of mowing lawns destroys habitats and pollutes the air.  Golf courses are virtually everywhere, and these also destroy habitats and pollute the top soil of the land.


All these factors contribute to the loss of habitat and the virtual extinction of some animals, such as badgers and some birds and insects, such as monarch butterflies and bees.  Often farmers use trees to outline their properties, as markers or as fences. Most don’t hesitate to spray their land with whatever is necessary to get rid of “pests”.Wild and untamed areas are also shrinking, and forests as we used to know them are merely little patches of trees scattered about.

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If there are large forests anywhere, we, the common Source Souls usually don’t have access to them. Land we are allowed to explore is usually government owned, and as such are provincial parks requiring reservations and payment. Moreover, there seems to be a gradual process by which nature is being removed from city streets. The devastation has been gradual, but detectable over a span of a few short generations. Within my life time I have seen trees removed from my neighborhoods, most never to be replaced. Within city blocks, where once there were large trees, many have been removed. Some have been replaced with smaller ones and confined within the sidewalk’s cement.  


Considering that trees have many vital properties, as they produce oxygen, clean our air, filter our soil they have also been deemed to increase property values. Treed lots are always more valuable then un-treed ones, according to a real estate magazine.


The removal of nature seems to be part of an insidious agenda to traumatize Source Souls into accepting a degraded physical environment. Some people may say this is nonsense, but simple observation and a camera can document how streets have become barer and barer over the last few years.


Some say this is a necessary evil in the name of progress; meaning that entire forests must be taken down to feed us and to build our homes and to provide us with paper. This is propaganda of the highest order, because many patents have been suppressed by which free energy devices could be used to supply our energy needs, freely and cleanly.  The Venus Project is a good example of this more progressive and sustainable way of thinking. I encourage you to visit their website and possibly join their movement.


Benefits of Trees

  1. Oxygen Provider. One day's worth of oxygen for a family of four is provided by a single tree.

  2. Money Saver. Properly placed tree cover in urban areas can save cities millions of dollars annually in stormwater management, air purification, and energy conservation costs.

  3. Power Investor. It's estimated that 50 million well-placed shade trees have the potential of eliminating the need for seven 100-megawatt power plants.

  4. Emission Combater. If a tree absorbs 1 ton of carbon over its lifespan, it's like erasing 11,000 miles of car emissions.

  5. Air Purifier. One acre of trees has the ability to remove up to 5 tons of carbon dioxide and up to 13 tons of other particles and gases annually.

  6. Natural Coolant. One mature tree has the same cooling power as 15 room-size air conditioners.

  7. Stress Reducer. According to Morton Arboretum, the sight of trees reduces blood pressure, exposure to trees makes children less stressed, and drivers who can see trees are less frustrated.

  8. Energy Saver. Carefully positioned trees can save 25 to 30 percent of energy consumption. ...

  9. Stormwater Filter. One hundred mature trees can capture up to 100,000 gallons of rainfall per year, reducing runoff and filtering water.

  10. Peacemaker. Trees reduce crime and illnesses. According to North Carolina State University, a well-placed tree can also block noise by up to 40 percent.

Source: Bright

Two additional points:

11. Habitat. Trees provide valuable habitat for animals, ie. birds, bats and butterflies.

12. Increased property values - Studies indicate that treed lots sell faster then un-treed ones.

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