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Egyptians used all types of symbols to honour their gods and to uphold their values, which were aligned with greater spiritual consciousness and eternal life. For example, Egyptians mummified some of their dead, especially their God/Kings (the Pharaohs). Along with these bodies they created elaborate coffins and tombs by which they left offerings such as precious gifts and jewels. This could be interpreted to mean that they expected the dead to return to their old bodies and to regain consciousness one day. In essence, this practice implied that a body which was in a dead-like condition was not entirely dead, rather, it was suspended in time, until the right moment when it would wake-up. This practice can be seen as an analogy for the Source Soul condition, by which their bodies are in a dead like condition but not entirely dead. The Source Soul truth was in fact presented through this custom, however only the upper echelons of Egyptian society knew this and performed this death ritual to honour this reality.  


The Egyptian Snake:

Another strong symbol used throughout Egyptian history is the snake. The harmless sharp-tailed snake was represented as the cobra (Uraeus); a much more menacing creature. This was done to symbolize the power of the snake technology; in other words, the power of our Masters. The snake is commonly featured in Egyptian head wear and facial appendages. Uraeus  is presented where the 3rd eye chakra is located, signifying the dream-like state Source Souls live in as dreams are viewed through the third eye. Multiple snakes indicate the snake changes Source Souls go through within their captive period. The chin extension I do believe represents the lower half of a snake and its sharp tail. This is depicted in its  curvature and scaly texture. Other symbols such as the crook and flail also symbolize the snake pattern, and are tools one could use to ward off unpleasant creatures such as beetles, bugs and snakes.


The Scarab Beetle:

Representations of the scarab beetle are prevalent within Egyptian artwork and jewellery. The beetle is often depicted carrying one or two balls. One, represents the ball of dung being offered to the snake, the other represents the ball of dung gathered from the clean-up (take note of the scarab’s legs holding the dung ball, it is a common symbol used in ads, movies and religious ceremonies). The scarab beetle, like most beetles has two sets of wings, a top and a bottom set. These wings are often depicted in their artwork in colourful ways. They are often seen in our mainstream culture, insignias and logos.

The Snake
The Beetle
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Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus (Eye of Ra)

The eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra in my opinion are represented by the Ventricles of the Brain. These ventricles are divided into two sections called the Parallel Ventricles. The 3rd ventricle being the center most core, and the 4th ventricle leading to the spinal column.  Viewed from the side angle it looks similar to an eye. The 3rd ventricle looks like the pupil and the iris. The Pineal Gland, which is responsible for producing Melotonin, the sleep inducer hormone, is attached to the 3rd ventricle. This gland is believed to be responsible for second sight, by which dreams are viewed. The third eye, can almost be taken literally, as this interior section of the brain looks like an eye with the ability to see images in vivid colour and motion.


What's even more amazing is that Cerebral Spinal Fluid, also known as CFS is produced within the third ventricle. This fluid is essential to keep the brain safe and buoyant and provides vital nutrients to the brain and spinal cord. Online sources state that the "Arachnoid and Subarachnoid are specialized regions of the brain which act as one-way pressure-sensitive valves allowing cerebrospinal fluid to drain from the subarachnoid space into the dural venous sinuses" .


I don't present this to be scientific, but the words Arachnoid and Subarachnoid contain the word "archonic". These valves also look like suckers; is this a coincidence? As I've spoken before, CFS is a key nutrient the Archons require from the SS body along with the brain's electrical impulses. Though the word "Arachnoid" is typically associated to spiders, it alludes to creatures with 8 legs (which could be code for squid/octopus type creatures) which also have 8 legs.  I believe the Eye of Horus is the depiction of this vital connection to our Archonic Squid masters, who extract CFS from our brains and have marked their presence not only in our brain anatomy but within Egyptian symbols.

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Pharaoh's headdress:

The Pharaoh's headdress can be viewed as the stylized texture of a snake, but in my view, it really depicts the horns of a goat. Its lines depict the rings around the horns indicative of age and longevity, and the two snakes on top depict the actual horns. This is a clever way to place the horns on the highest ranking officials, the God Kings, or Priestly Kings, without being obvious and alerting the masses to the truth.

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