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The Breaking
of a Soul

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The Breaking of a Soul

Like horses, Source Souls too have to be broken from their natural, carefree mindset to one which accepts an imprisoned condition. Being in a vegetative condition is not enough to keep a SS in perpetual ignorance when that condition is being induced by other beings. Source Souls have a higher awareness and though they can be fooled for a prolonged period of time, there are limits before their sleeping bodies becomes wrestles. As mentioned before, souls can only be imprisoned when they are attached to a body, otherwise souls would wander off and explore. Our Masters of course know this, and they understand that Source Souls while in an unconscious state still have higher reasoning. Therefore many tricks are played on the Source Soul’s mind to keep them fooled and consenting to remaining in the coma. The goal of our Masters is to break the soul completely so they can’t even remember their true name and identity and never question the nature of their reality.


Mixing Up Identities

A common technique our Masters use to confuse and break souls is by using names and identities familiar to the Source Soul. These are often names attached to people in their homeland. For example, a Source Soul’s mother in the matrix may look like his aunt and have his sister’s name. A Source Soul’s sibling in the matrix could look like their own child. A brother within the matrix could look like his cousin, and have his actual brother’s name, a sister could look like his wife, leading to feelings of incest, and her name could be applied to a teacher, to create a negative association. Another master technique is to have the actual Source Soul be birthed looking like one of his/her own children, for example, a Source Soul could be born looking like her own daughter, having brown hair and blue eyes and even having her child’s birthmark. Her name could also be of someone familiar, like her sister’s. The rationale behind this is that if a Source Soul looks like her daughter then she will forget that she has a daughter, and consequently, she will forget that she is a mother and has a family of her own to return to.


The Ultimate Break

The ultimate break occurs when a Source Soul accepts an opposite gender identity which increasingly looks like their lover’s. Therefore, a man would be absorbing his own wife’s identity into his pseudo identity, in this way becoming her. This is the final breaking point, especially if the Source Soul accepts fertility within that identity. He will effectively have forgotten her, as he himself is her. This only leads to immeasurable suffering but some Source Souls adapt and develop family lineages within the matrix.


Once a Source Soul is totally broken, they will most likely be taken to the extreme end of their Release Contract. The good news is that all souls will be returned home, as per this contract, however, if they become “broken”, they could live in the matrix up to 1000 years (anywhere from 17-20 lives). This accounts for about two decades lost within their own homeland. If they don’t break and realize their condition, they can refuse to partake within the matrix by refusing to reincarnate. At that point the game is over and their Masters will have to release them.  


How Souls Resist

Some Source Souls resist adaptation to the matrix, albeit, most are unaware that they are doing so. Resistance is indicated by how much they refrain from aligning with the normal social construct and by how much they refuse to develop their own family lineages. Others show resistance by choosing to be perpetual virgins, others by being single and celibate and never having children of their own, others choose to identify as homosexuals, as this reduces their chances of conceiving children, while others, decide to marry, but find themselves experiencing infertility, impotence, or spontaneous miscarriages. Because many Source Souls don’t know they are resisting, they suffer greatly, experiencing long bouts of anxiety and depressions mixed with insufferable loneliness.


The reason for this great suffering is because most Source Souls already have families, and they are homesick and desire to reunite with them. Often they are unconsciously looking for their soul mates within the matrix, and can’t find fulfillment with anyone else, yet they are attracted to people who possess even a few of their spouse’s characteristics. Because Source Souls bond for life, these love unions are extremely strong and endure the test of time. They sense their lovers calling them, and they desperately desire to return home to them.


Letting Go of Attachments

It is possible at any stage for Source Souls to override their condition and request to leave the matrix, the problem which keeps Source Souls from doing so can be summed up into one word “attachments”. When a Source Soul begins to build a family and becomes a parent, strong attachments to that lineage begins to form. If they become grandparents, the attachments become even stronger. This may sound contradictory to what is conventionally believed to be a natural and healthy goal for any individual, for Source Souls it is a trap. However, in their sovereign state, and in their homeland, it is an ideal situation for all Source Souls, but not within their imprisoned condition.


It is vital that Source Souls begin to deconstruct their reality and begin to psychologically prepare themselves to let go of everyone and everything which is meaningful to them within the matrix, and this means letting go of all attachments, including to their children, spouse/partner, siblings, friends, pets and all family members. If you have children try to respect the legal age for adulthood, this means parenting them until they are officially adults.

It’s not an easy idea to grasp, but as you become more aware of your true predicament, it naturally becomes easier to detach from them and eventually you will find yourself naturally drifting away from them.​​

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Your thoughts are not all your own. This is the reality of the Source Soul within the matrix, as they are hooked up to devices which give others access to their very thoughts. Thought control is a master tool used by our Masters to keep us under the illusion that we have control over our decisions. Your brain is connected to probes which send mild electrical impulses, causing you to receive thought waves. These thought waves are often sent to you as concrete ideas, and are communicated in the “I” form as if they are your own thoughts. For example you drive by a fast food place and instantly you think “I want fries”.  Then you think, “but I shouldn’t they’re unhealthy”, then the thought “ I really crave them, I haven’t had them in such a long time, I’ll get some”.  The original thought could have been yours, but then its reinforced with other thoughts, which persuade you to follow through.  Your Masters and the Zeta Reticulans have direct access to your mind all the time, and interject into your thought frequencies as they wish. It becomes indistinguishable at to determine which are your thoughts and which are implanted thoughts. Sometimes they repeat thoughts, unbeknownst to you, for example “ I want fries, I want fries, I want them so badly!” They repeat this until you feel compelled to follow through. 


Your thoughts are manipulated for various reasons, first, you need constant brain activity to stay alive; because of your condition, you could easily slip into the void and really die. Second, it keeps you functioning within the matrix, engaged in making decisions, and this is taken as a form of consent. Lastly, by manipulating your thoughts they get to see all types of scenarios played out, these pose great entertainment and gambling opportunities for your Masters who eagerly await to see what you will do based on the prompts you get.


Even dreams are thought implants because you still need brain stimulation when you sleep. This state is similar to being in the fourth dimension, or the fake afterlife. I believe Source Souls do dream in their real bodies but very little, as deep sleep which puts them into the void for a short period of time is needed to help re-charge and repair the SS body. This period of no brain activity is carefully monitored by your caretakers, which intermittently interrupt it with thought injections as they don’t want you to wander off into an inaccessible realms.

Methods of Operation – MO’s

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I’ve comprised a list of techniques I've uncovered, which I believe our masters use to break Source Souls into accepting the matrix false reality. Their aim is to keep the imprisoned soul fooled, bewildered and confused. Each of the following MOs (methods of operation) represent an angle by which our Masters attempt to break us within and outside the Matrix. Each would require a full book to be fully explained, however their application to your life is what is vital to be understood. Please ponder over each and reflect on your own personal circumstances to reach deeper levels of understanding. This is not an exhaustible list, I'm sure there are more, but these are the most salient ones, to me.


(The order here is arbitrary)


  1. Homeland Destruction – the presentation of an environment which is constantly being destroyed, through wars, fires, removal of nature and trees; the destruction of old architecture

  2. Gender Reversal – living a life within the opposite gender of your natural body

  3. Identity Confusion – Assuming a look and an identity which resembles someone from your homeland

  4. The Birth Enigma – awakening as a toddler, not actually being born to a matrix mother.

  5. The Aging Enigma – made to age quickly and become sickly to justify the abuses being done to you and to your real body.

  6. The Rejection Principle – being rejected by others ie: friends, parents, co-workers; people who make you feel like an outcast

  7. Trauma – all types of scenarios are created to cause trauma; keeping you mentally busy and struggling; ie: parental abuse, rape, homicide, abandonment, accidents, illnesses, betrayals

  8. False Flag Operations – within society and within one’s life; these are events which cause feelings of doom and chaos but have been purposely orchestrated to fool you

  9. Time Manipulation and Acceleration – time within the Matrix is artificial and accelerated, the real time outside is much slower

  10. Dream Control – artificially induced dreaming occurs to convince you that you are actually living a real life and dreaming within it, when the entire reality is induced and is a lucid dream

  11. Love Bond Tearing – soulmate connections and meaningful relationships are portrayed as superficial, lust driven and prone to conflicts and raptures

  12. Language Replacement and Confusions – the English language has been created to confuse and create ambivalence within the mind; it is laced with subliminal phonetics and double entendres

  13. Creativity Downgraded – the downplaying of creativity within schools and society, is replaced by logical abstract thinking, such as math and grammar

  14. Contractual Obligations – contracts before birth and after, ie: life contract, parental bonds, baptisms, marriages, school, work etc.

  15. Death Fear – this is played out by religions, media, literature and popular culture

  16. Poverty Worship – accepting scarcity and poverty as natural and normal; ie: torn clothing as fashion

  17. The Work Life – a way to trap your attention and your time and harness your energy into doing things unrelated to your living condition; working for money and not directly for your sustenance

  18. Master Servant Relationships – accepting inequities in relationships ie: at work and personal life

  19. Homosexuality & Transgenderism - manipulations designed  to have you accept your reversed gender condition; from repression to glamorization

  20. MK Ultra – the provision of acts of love and care followed by the removal of its expression,

  21. Pseudo Alignments and False Rewards –supports and false celebrations of achievements contradictory to one’s values; ie: high school diploma, university credentials; these shift your attention away from real truth and from real introspection

  22. False Education – learning materials created by others; shifting your attention away from real truths and undermining your own knowing

  23. Following Rules – laws designed to keep you following authority, fearing it, and agreeing to be of servitude to it

  24. Competition - in sports, work, entertainment, this creates divisions and insecurities as people compete to be better than the other

  25. Debt and Money – institutional traps based on artificially constructed resources which are based on illusionary money and false loyalties

  26. False Friends and Lovers – people who interact with you with the underlining agenda to fool and hurt you

  27. Illnesses Manifestations – generated illnesses to keep you struggling to survive while distracting you from your real physical suffering

  28. Their Illnesses of those Around You– they model suffering so you can accept it as normal

  29. Living in a Different Time Period – the illusion that you are living in an advanced time, highly evolved, where the opposite is true

  30. Breakdown of Values and Respectable Human Behaviour - ie: public swearing, lack of respect

  31. Sibling/Family Polarizations – ie: family conflicts designed to keep you feeling bewildered

  32. Illness Transference – illnesses from others are transferred on to you, ie: someone has the flu, and you get it too under the guise of contagion

  33. Reverse Psychology – when you follow a path which was insidiously created for you and unknowingly you claim it as yours

  34. False Choices – choosing options based on the limited selection provided to you

  35. Romantic Ensnarement – lover betrayals, rejections, unrequited love,  obsessions, abuse...

  36. Guilt Over Causes – ie: animal rights, human rights, vegetarianism, pity for the poor

  37. Insults and Put-Downs - mental abuse in the form of beings yelled at, insulted and undermined by family and others

  38. The Internet Trap – creates distractions, false friends, loneliness, confusions while still providing some useful information and reasonable opportunities.

  39. TV and Movies – attention harvesters which provide powerful subliminal messages shaping one’s morals and conduct

  40. Pets as Emotional Supports – a cushion for loneliness and a replacement for real human contact

  41. Follow the Leader – social pressures by which we are conditioned to follow leaders, gurus and false prophets.

  42. Destruction of Culture – multiculturalism, racism, ethnocentrism, the idea that we need to blend and mix people to preserve culture, when the opposite is true

  43. Violence as Normal – depicted in entertainment, sports, literature, news – reinforces the notion that deviant human behaviour is normal and expected

  44. Fear and Safety Culture – social strategies which create fear and a need to have government protection

  45. False Health Care – inferior health care services, based on drugs, money, waiting times and healthcare practitioners who are "only doing their job”

  46. Displaced Health Goals – dieting fads, specialty diets, rigorous exercise regimes

  47. Sexuality Debauched – pornography, casual sex, sadomasochism, sex as an industry, orgies, body piercing, tattooing and body objectification

  48. Misplaced Knowledge – ie. following gurus, self-help books, tarot, pursuing higher education – diverting one’s knowing away from the self

  49. Materialism as a Righteous Pursuit – Living in opulence is a Source Soul’s divine right because it resembles our homeland; materialism diverts the truth

  50. Degradation of Beauty and Abundance – the idea that we need to accept a downgraded version of ourselves and others, follow a decayed lifestyle and accept debauchery and lack of abundance

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