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Important to Watch

This list of TV series and movies are my pics for stories which best depict the Source Soul condition. Though others may touch on some important elements, these I believe are totally devoted to revealing truths about the Source Souls.

The Prisoner

the prisoner

The original Prisoner series (1967), starring Patrick McGoohan presents an incredible accurate description of how Source Souls are kept prisoner within their mind reality and how they are being used by others to meet their various needs. It shows how the Prisoner who is assigned a number, not a name (#6) is managed and manipulated by people from a control station. His reality is orchestrated and he is engaged in all types of scenarios by which he is constantly tortured, drugged and must endure 24hr surveillance . The episodes clearly allude to blood extraction, from red blood cells shown as animated backdrops, to white blood cells, or large white balls, fighting off enemies. He is often hypnotized and put into trances and forced to undergo all types of invasive procedures which manipulate his mind and sense of reality. The town's people around him are mainly actors, all performing their role (similar to the Truman Show). Others engage with him to trigger the "flight or fight response" - which stimulates cortisol release. There is so much truth in this TV series about how Source Souls are being used for energy harvest; all cleverly coded within language and symbols. I refer you to my analysis of The Prisoner series .

they live

They Live

This 1988 John Carpenter movie starring Roddy Piper depicts how Source Souls are living in a wold by which alien beings are in control. Average people cannot see them because they have been put into a deep hypnotic trance. The movie depicts how the protagonist finds a pair of sun glasses which allows him see the faces of these beings, along with their sinister agendas. From this he realizes that the world is not what it seems and that very few people around him are like himself. A great movie to watch with a discerning eye.

The Truman Show

the truman show

The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey depict the life of a captured Source Soul, by which he is raised by a corporation and is used to be the star of a reality show. The movie clearly shows how Source Souls are surrounded by imposters, even their families and friends are merely playing roles. All this is done to fool him into believing he is living a real reality, however, he is really part of a profit driven industry.  I refer you to my article The Truman Show for a critical analysis of this movie.

The Matrix

The Matrix

The Matrix, is a trilogy starring Keanu Reeves which depicts the Source Soul condition of living within a matrix (or virtual reality) platform. The movie takes the protagonist through an awakening by which he becomes aware that he has two identities, one inside the matrix the other outside. Within the matrix he is surrounded by virtual reality beings who aim to manipulate  and control him. Outside the matrix (his afterlife), he continues to be fooled by those around him and who entangle him in prophecies and hero worship. In essence the movie depicts a Source Soul's full entrapment, within and outside the matrix, alluding to his real captors the Archons, (the Machines) and to his ultimate release through death. Read my article on The Matrix Truth & Half-Truths for more insights.

jupiter ascending

Jupiter Ascending

Starring Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Eddie Redmayne, and Douglas Booth this movie is extraordinary in its depiction of the industry which harvests Source Souls.  It shows how alien families use Source Soul bodily fluids to heal themselves and keep themselves ageless. They manage these bodies as products, and hold them in containers (or pods), in a sleep-like condition. Dog and bat like beings are shown to carry out their various roles in this huge industry of energy harvest which serves the interests of powerful elite.

The 6th Day

The 6th Day

This movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as a man awakening to the realization that clone technology not only exists but there is a highly complex industry surrounding it. As such, he uncovers that clones are not just being used to create pets, but to replace actual human beings. At one point the movie shows people in pods, which resemble embryonic sacks; these are being grown to meet the agendas of occult interests.

groundhog day

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray is a movie which depicts a man re-living the same day over and over. The movie can easily be interpreted as a man going through reincarnation cycles by which each day is repeated on the calendar but which for him are still the same day (same life). The movie provides deeper insights, as the characters around him remain the same, seemingly ignorant of his condition, alluding to the players in his life, who follow clear and definite scripts, each shaping him and affecting his behaviour.

the 13th floor

The 13th Floor

This film stars Craig Bierko, Gretchen Mol, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Dennis Haysbert. Its theme centers around the idea that people can plug into a computer program and live through a virtual reality simulation. However, this simulation quickly becomes confused with a real reality, creating confusion and chaos in the user's lives. This clearly depicts how Source Souls are fooled within a virtual reality platform to believe that they are living real lives when in fact, they are in a sleep like condition, experiencing life within their minds.

The X-Files

The X-Files

The X-Files created by Chris Carter, starring Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny was a made for TV series which ran for 11 seasons. The various episodes reveal a great deal about the Source Soul condition though imbued in a context of violence and horror. However, truths are abundant throughout, such as alien abductions, snakes within hearts, doppelgangers (twins) appearing, clone technology, the aging disease, people captured and held in liquid filled pods. This latter one is addressed in a movie made for the big screen - Fight the Future whereby Scully is captured and held in a liquid-filled pod in the Arctic whereby Fox endeavors to save her.  Conspiracies and secrets are master tools used to explain away strange phenomena, but TV fiction converges with real life reality when it foreshadowed the September 11, 2001 event in its episode entitled The Lone Gunman” (which can be difficult to find). There is little that is fictional about this series, only that truth is imbued in such allegorical nonsense that it often serves to convolute more than enlighten. Aim to see it from an objective and rational perspective.

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