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Caution: This Article May be Hard to Bare, as I believe it conveys the purest of truths. Use your discretion and your higher sense of knowing to navigate through this information.

The Big 5

I believe there are 5 main resources being extracted from the Source Soul (SS) body. These are vital to our captors and the key reasons why such an industry even exists, these are:​

  1. Blood, other organs and chemicals

  2. Bone Marrow

  3. Reproductive elements ie: semen, sperm, eggs, hormones

  4. Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)

  5. Psychic Energy (mind reality)​


Source Souls are primarily being used as ‘blood cows’ yes, I don’t say this term lightly, but it is the most graphic representation of the truth. SS blood is like gold to our captors, and from it much can be extracted or harvested, even actual gold. In fact, gold exists within our bodies as a trace element. The Gold Traders of the UK state that a  “70 kilogram person contains a total mass of 0.2 milligrams of gold”.

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Utility of the SS bodily resources:


Used for medicinal purposes mainly by most entities, its purposes are numerous:


  • Blood extractions for the purpose of transfusions are performed routinely by which plasma, platelets, white and red blood cells are harvested from the SS body to  treat or cure a variety of chronic and life-threatening illnesses such as: hemophilia

  • Blood stem cells help treat leukemia and lymphoma type illnesses.

  • SS blood is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial, parasitical (viral) infections, such as: cellulitis, UTIs, Salmonella, etc.

    • This is done by first contaminating the SS with the offending bacteria, resulting in the SS’s body developing immunity to that bacteria; leading to the production of disease specific antibodies. SS will feel the full spectrum of the illness as delays in treatment are designed to purposely occur so enough time is given for the illness to fester so the SS body produces the most potent antibodies.

  • Enzymes and hormones such as thyroxine and cortisol, are frequently extracted from SS blood to treat all types of inflammations and help with pain management. Steroids are also used to boast the immune system, build muscle and treat skin diseases.

  • Blood for its nutritional value - some entities have what in the matrix is referred to as a rare yet real disease - called Porphyria. This is a blood disorder resulting in a " deficiency of enzymes needed to create heme,” (heme being a blood protein). This quote is taken from the Publication: Porphyria: The Vampire Disease, By Dr. Peter Kujtan. Though it is not stated within the matrix individuals with this disease can thrive on consuming blood. I believe this is the case of the entities I refer to as the VEs (Vampiristic Entities).

  • Experiments are also being conducted on SS, by which their blood and bone marrow and various organ tissues are being used for testing and experimentation purposes. Areas of research may include: stem cells research and deeper exploration into the creation and improvement of (AI) artificial intelligent life ie: clones.

  • Drugs such as serotonin, oxytocin endorphins and dopamine, are being used for recreational purposes. Robert Monroe referred to an energy being taken from SS body as "loosh"; could this have been implying the extraction of blood and feel good hormones?

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Another key resource being extracted from the SS body is bone marrow.

​Bone Marrow

  • Bone marrow is extracted from the SS body to treat their various bone (and blood) illnesses. Bone marrow is often taken through needle aspiration by which a piece of bone is removed. Often it is removed from the hip, pelvic area or ribs. Other bones can also be tapped into if their aim is to obtain stem cells specific to that region.  SS will feel the effects of these invasive procedures, but will often have events in their lives which they will use to rationalize their pain.

    • Most often they will feel pain in the area, lightheadedness and general fatigue, many will accept the pain as normal, due to the frequency of the occurrence. Sometimes, bone marrow extractions will manifested in the SS matrix life as a broken bone or fractures. Bone marrow helps heal bone diseases of all types, including spinal cord injuries and various bone and blood disorders such as aplastic anemia and bone marrow disease.

  • It is within the bone marrow that stem cells are produced which lead to the formation of new blood, including white blood cells which are vital to our body’s defense system.

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Another way the SS body is being harvested is to treat their infertility problems


  • SS hormones of all types are used to treat infertility in the various beings interacting with them within the matrix. These hormones include: estrogen, testosterone, thyroxine, cortisol, etc…combined with other elements of the reproductive system, such as sperm/semen, ovaries, uterine tissues, whole thyroids and lymph glands. These can be extracted in full or in part to cure/treat infertility problems and reduce miscarriage incidents and birth defects. These can also be used to stimulate ovulation and libido, and help a female carry her fetus to term. 

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Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

  • Cerebralspinal Fluid is a clear, colorless body fluid found within the tissues that surrounds the brain and spinal column. It fills the space between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater of the human brain. Subarachanoid chambers which surround the brain also store CSF,  these look like small appendages which resemble suction cups. The word “Arachnoid”, has imbued within it the word “Archonic”.  I believe the Archons our key squid masters use one of their tentacles and wrap it around the brain to extract this vital fluid, they also have their grip in the brain stem, at the back of the neck, specifically in an area called the midbrain which is scientifically known to manage our consciousness.

  • CSF is also extracted from the SS spinal cord, through needle aspiration to treat CSF leakages which many humanoid entities suffer greatly from. These are often manifests through migraines, strokes and seizures.

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Psychic Energy

This is being used for the mental stimulation of various beings interacting with souls in and outside the matrix.

  • Reality: The mind of the SS is being used for its psychic energy, by which the SS is engaged in a pseudo reality (ie. lucid dream). In this respect, the SS believes a real life is taking place, by which they are born, go to school and work, and some form families and long lineages. This is all part of harnessing the SS psychic and mental energy, by which it serves as a trap to keep SS participating in the matrix game; a game which is based on prey-predator interactions.

  • Entertainment: SS mental reality is projected onto screens to serve as amusement to paying customers who watch the SS mental life as entertainment, much like in the Truman Show and reality programs.

  • Gambling: Actions and decisions made by SS are used for gambling purposes. For example, decisions such as: Will the Source Soul buy a white car, or a black car today? Will the Source Soul have breakfast at home or out? Bets are placed based on the outcome, much like online gambling.

  • Commerce: Source Souls are a commodity, a product to be bought, sold and traded. As such there is a complex business involving how they are managed and their capital value. For example, SS are valued based on their blood type as this often needs to be compatible with their owner’s.

    • SS blood carries trace amounts of gold. Often a SS’s value in the open market has to do with how much gold can be extracted from their bodies.  SS blood-gold is measured in carats, such as 18 carat gold (because carrots are eaten by rabbits, and rabbits are vegan guinea pigs).

If you find yourself constantly tired, fatigued, now you know why!


​The Good News –by this point you need some!!!

You as a SS are not ill in any way, all your symptoms are a result of what is being done to you.  SS feel the symptoms when they are spinal tapped for CSF fluid or marrow is extracted from them or when they have a bacterial infection, but these are symptoms only, and not the true illness.


​​The SS body is extremely strong and resilient, and can re-generate everything that is being extracted from it within hours to a few days; though some organs may take a few weeks to regenerate. Therefore the ailments you feel are a result of direct attacks and not any real physical problems you have. If you were to be left alone your body would heal quickly and thoroughly. This is why SS are so prized, because so much can be taken from them without causing any permanent injury.

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Body Replenishing

Body Replenishing & Treatment:

The American Red Cross states the following:

  • Whole blood (red + white blood cells) can be donated every – 8 weeks

  • Platelets – every 7 days (up to 24 x year)

  • Plasma – every 28 days (13 x year)

  • It is known that as little as 25% of the original liver mass can regenerate back to its full size.

  • Bone marrow – is constantly regenerating itself

  • Cerebral Spinal Fluids – is also constantly replenishing itself, within a few hours.


See studies on the regeneration of such organs as thyroids and lungs. Truth is made available in the matrix, but often difficult to find:

​Study Gives First Evidence that Adults Human Lungs Can Regrow

An in vivo model for thyroid regeneration and folliculogenesis

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Treatment for SS:

SS Treatment is usually based on replenishing the SS body with a saline solutions to curb the effects of dehydration. Other treatments are infusions of vitamins and minerals extracted directly from foods indigenous to the SS homeland. Never are any real medications or animal based products fed to SS. These would harm the SS body and would be counterproductive to their purpose.  SS never eat meat, they are only led to believe they can consume meat within their matrix reality as a form of mind violence to bend them into accepting what is being done to them. Medications taken in the matrix by SS serve only as placebos (sugar pills), as SS heal their bodies once they believe they are being treated.


Another piece of good news! All SS will be released when their bodies have reached their limit level of tolerance. Over time the SS body becomes taxed and susceptible to permanent injury which it will not be able to heal from. At that point the SS body will die or it will have to be released. Our masters will release us and will not allow us to die for two reasons: 1. They don’t want to incur karmic debt, which hinges on the next point 2. They must honor the SS Release Contract, as this contract exists and is the only reason SS have allowed such abuses to be done to them.  


​​This is the only silver lining in all of this, that we will all heal and be released and returned to our homeland. Have faith and trust that your suffering will end. And due to the fact that you are reading this, signifies that you are on the threshold of your release and freedom.

Treatment for SS

For further insights on how energy harvest is done, I refer you to my article entitled The Prisoner, based on the prisoner TV series.

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