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Karma, ESP
& Gurus


Many religions and gurus explain the concept of reincarnation and karma in various forms, often in ways which leave Source Souls feeling helpless to its nature and having no recourse other than to accept it. I don’t claim to be the sole holder of the knowledge, but I will try to explain reincarnation from my personal understanding of it. Reincarnation implies a perpetual cycle of lives by which a soul can live new lives, assuming different identities, different family lineages, different bodies, different genders and in some cases even assume different species type. This means that when you die, you are given the opportunity to be re-born and live another life. Often this life will be connected to previous ones and will allow you to stay within or near your previous family lineage. 


Many religions tie the concept of Karma to reincarnation. What karma means is that you will be held accountable for your actions, during the life or in the afterlife. Dictionaries define it as: “the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as  deciding their fate in future existences”.


The Egyptians believed that after death, Osiris, God of the Underworld judged the human soul. After a person died the heart was weighed against the feather of Maat (Goddess of Truth and Justice). If a person had led a good life, then the heart was equal to or lighter than the feather and the person was deemed worthy to live forever in paradise with Osiris. If the heart was heavier than the feather Osiris helped a soul cleanse itself of “sin” by having them perform certain good deeds and prayers. This was a form of paying karma. This Egyptian concept of death and retribution is one which is currently being used to manipulate Source Souls to staying within the matrix. This is why Egyptian mythology is prevalent in our society today, but not taught in schools, because the goal is to have you accept it, not learn anything from it.


The Karmic Scam

The key tool our Masters use to enforce the Egyptian standard of retribution after death is by presenting the life review immediately after a Source Soul dies.  They refer to Karma as a universal truth, and you as an  immortal being accept it, because you feel a need for balance and harmony within your soul. Therefore, if within your life review you are observed to have injured someone, intentionally or otherwise, you will want to make amends for it; of course these realizations will unfold with the assistance of your guide. Since you are no longer living, you can only make amends in your next life.  The culpability of others and how they treated or mistreated you is not explored, rather it is explained by the guides that each soul has their own journey and that each will be accountable in their own way. Therefore, the concept of karma is a trick, one that will make you feel accountable and stimulate the need within you to pay retribution without anyone else being accountable to you. 


There are two main reasons why you should not pay karma in the (pseudo) afterlife. 1) you are not truly dead 2) you are a prisoner, lying in a vegetative state. In these conditions, you can’t really be held accountable for your thoughts, dreams, feelings and mental wrong doings, any effort to make you do so is simply a scam. Therefore, you do not need to live any other life to make amends for the things you experienced because they were experienced through a dream-like condition.


Clairvoyance & ESP

Clairvoyance and ESP do exist, though within the Matrix there are many fortune tellers, channelers, psychics who simply claim to have these powers to impress and to capitalize on it. However, I do believe that all Source Souls have the ability to be clairvoyant because of their highly complex chakra and aura systems. Upon searching for an official definition of “clairvoyance”, I found the following on “a clairvoyant individual is someone having the apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses. Also referred to as; Extrasensory Perception (ESP), second sight, para-psychology, psychic phenomena and telepathy”. The antonym provided in the dictionary for clairvoyance is “ignorance”.


Remember that as a Source Soul you have electrical brain activity, science supports this reality as the brain has synaptic brain nerve impulses which act as electrical charges; “a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (nerve cell) to pass on electrical or chemical signals to another neuron”; this is a common scientific definition of brain activity. Radios, satellites and wireless technology function similarly, through invisible wave lengths.


In sum, Source Souls are made of pulsating light energy, capable of emitting electrical discharges with infinite range. Opening up your mind to this possibility is to allow yourself to use your third eve effectively and switch on your clairvoyant channel. This is technology you were inherently born with and which you rule. This is not based on digital technology, it goes beyond human constructs, as electricity is a universal truth and is not owned by anyone.


How do you turn on your clairvoyant abilities? Spending time alone and self-reflecting will help you focus and gain awareness of this true power you naturally possess. This ability is something you have which your Masters do not possess, and they aim to dim it in you as much as possible. The reason for this is that through your natural ESP abilities you can access people from your homeland, especially your soulmate. Your Master’s source of ESP is totally technological, as they need devices, such as implants, to experience anything resembling it. The matrix is designed to keep you from understanding yourself, so refraining from partaking in mainstream forms of entertainment which promote violence and aggression is a good way to begin. Despite what mainstream gurus say regarding your third eye calcification, bad diet, and any other unhealthy lifestyle habits you may have, your clairvoyant abilities will not be hindered. The only thing that can suppress it is your non-acceptance of it. Once you accept this power within, you may find yourself reaching a higher level of awareness.


Begin by aiming to sense the presence of someone kind and caring who wants to speak to you. This will not be an auditory experience, so don’t think you’ll become schizophrenic and start hearing voices. It should feel relaxing and pleasant. Keep in mind that to be clairvoyant doesn’t mean that you will be channeling information or that you will instantly become psychic or masterful at talking to ghosts. This has nothing to do with that, the voice you will hear will be subtle and in thought form.


Sometimes it’s difficult to decipher what is being communicated to you because your tendency will be to translate everything into the English (snake) language; however accept your intuitive knowledge and trust your higher senses. You will begin to notice clear and distinct personalities reaching out to you. Some of those may be of your sweetheart, a brother, a sister, or a parent. These connections will give you much needed support during your awakening process as you return home. In time, as you connect with key people in  your real reality, you may be given music, photos, and other clues pointing to what they look like and who they are. This will be a way to make their presence stronger in your reality, as you will recognize them because you have lived with them and have a strong emotional connection to them.


Though clairvoyant connections can at times be mixed with memories; as you awaken you begin to unlock suppressed memories. A clairvoyant connection leads to interactive conversations, where questions and answers can be exchanged. Consequently, as you awaken, both memories and clairvoyant connections become possible and prevalent.

Clairvoyance & ESP
Karmic Scam
Gurus & Asc Masters

Gurus &
Ascended Masters



Many new age gurus are not authentic and purposely withhold or obfuscate information. They are there to trap Source Souls who are anxious and on the verge of awakening. These gurus aim to trap souls by providing them with part truths and part lies. They aim to have Source Souls become  obsessed with their information. They steer Source Souls in all types of directions, all away from the true source of knowledge, their intuitive and innate abilities, to astral travel, to be clairvoyant, and to be able to uncover the truths about their reality all by themselves. This is why I share my personal notes in my book and encourage you to do your own work. No Source Soul should rely simply on others to gain self-awareness, personal work always needs to be done.


Ascended Masters

For the most part are trapped souls. These individuals are often referred to by new age gurus as being angelic and wise teachers. Many claim to have written books by having channeled information from such Masters.


Source Souls  can engage in two ways with Ascended Masters, one through direct communication with them, the other, by becoming one themselves.  Becoming an Ascended Master is the last refuge our Masters use to stop an awakening soul from wanting to leave the Matrix. When a Source Soul cannot be broken and wants to claim their sovereignty their masters use this technique to further trap them. They do this by offering them this alleged elevated position while the Source Soul is in the afterlife program. Here the Source Soul is convinced by another Ascended Master that they have learned all their lessons and have overcome all their karmic debt, and as such, they are now wiser and enlightened and can serve humankind by becoming guides or masters to others who are still struggling.


From research I have gathered the following points about Ascended Masters:


  • They have completed their reincarnation cycles.

  • They are to be revered and seen as demi-Gods, offering teaching of their own to be obeyed by their followers.

  • They are immortal.

  • They have colossal powers ie: clairvoyance, telekinesis.

  • Their highest attributes are wisdom and compassion.

  • They tend to live in mountainous areas.

  • They have “spiritual energy batteries” within them.

  • They engage in rituals such as The Festival of Carrying the Light

    • This festival is meant to send their highest quality energy light to heal the world.

  • Their powers can affect the karmic balance of earth and without these earth would collapse.

  • Their most important function is to be who they are and to “remain on earth”!


I believe it is clear from these points that Ascended Masters are being used for their energy, as rituals are required from them to be performed. The idea of being used as “energy batteries” implies that they are still trapped souls, being harvested for their bodily and energy resources.


Ascended Masters are not born as babies into that condition, they immediately wake-up as adults; in this way they can remain trapped within the matrix, and only be released as per their Release Contract; therefore serving the entirety of their sentence.  Ascended Masters have no biological families and are void of sexuality and intimacies. Their knowledge comes from their past experiences on earth. Most likely they are very lonely souls but distracted by the amount of teachings and rituals they are required to perform.


Ascended Master may appear to other Source Souls in some subtle yet supernatural way. This can take the shape of an ESP connection, such as an intuitive inner voice seemingly guiding and advising. Other forms of communication can involve the appearance of repetitive numbers, frequent synchronies and coincidences. Becoming an Ascended Master or communicating with one is not the answer to returning home early, it is a clever ruse to keep Source Souls within the Matrix busy, distracted and ensnaring one another into believing they are living in a real reality.

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