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My Purpose & Inspiration

My Purpose Audio
00:00 / 06:01

This blog is about my personal views, experiences and how I’ve discovered that Source Souls (SS) are trapped within this virtual reality matrix. The reason I’ve written these articles is because of a deep and profound need to share my thoughts and realizations which are significantly different from most new age gurus, spiritual and enlightened ones. I don’t claim to know everything, but what I’ve uncovered is of the greatest sensitivity and of an extreme occult nature and only pertains to a small percentage of the population; those who are like myself, who possess luminous auras and are immortal in their true nature. I will elaborate on who Source Souls are throughout this blog but if you are reading this material with genuine interest it is most likely because you too are a Source Soul and sense within your deepest core that you are not free and that something is seriously wrong with your reality.


Many truths herein have been carefully guarded and have traditionally been the domain of highly occult groups and only high-ranking ones within; such as secret societies and secret orders, ie: Illuminati, Freemasons, church and the royalty. Because most likely you are not a high-ranking member of any of these and even if you were you would not be allowed to access the real secrets because your reality has been carefully constructed to keep you in the dark. As a result, you may need to do some of your own personal research to corroborate some of my claims and to learn more about yourself. This is why I share with you some of my personal creative journal entries (in my book) and I have a section here on How to Find Truth.  Keep in mind that “truth” although shocking can never harm you, lies, however, do and in fact, imprison you.


This blog aims to be a non-fiction work and I state this so it is not assumed to be fantasy; however, at times it may seem unbelievable the claims I make, but I assure you that your reality is indeed extraordinary and “out of this world” and nothing as it seems. Though some truths may not be complete, as I can only report what has come to my awareness and which I’ve deduced to be the truth.  In this respect, the contents herein have not come about through supernatural, channeling experiences, but rather they are the result of years of work which I’ve done to understand myself and the nature of my reality. Indeed, the truth is in plain sight, and I've been deciphering it for years. 

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I encourage you to read the articles in this website in the order they are presented. You may want to

download the PDF version of this work in book form.



I have come to the realization that the Source (God, the Universe…) created our original bodies with divine intent and purpose.  When we were separated from the Oneness, as individual lights of awareness, our goal was to experience the physical world with all its limitations and opportunities of wonderment. We were created to be integrally connected with the Earth and with each other. A beautiful land and physical bodies were created for us to use and enjoy.   However, at some point, some Source Souls were taken from their true homeland, captured and manipulated to live  in a virtual reality matrix which resembles a decayed version of our homeland. These beings have been referred to by some as Archons, by others as aliens; I refer to them as our “Masters”. However, the true identity of our captors is, in my opinion, unknown, though I speculate they are not as foreign to us as we may think. What I believe to be true is that we are indeed captured. A calf may not know who her master is, but she’s still living in a stall. This entrapment I truly feel and experience to be real.


I contend, (and I will aim to provide the evidence for this) that our real bodies are being housed in some type of industrial complex where they are being held in a comatose state by which AI (Artificial Intelligence) and biological warfare is being conducted to keep them in a subdued state. These interventions  are keeping us alive and stimulating an interactive virtual reality into our real brains, creating for us a 3D high definition virtual reality experience, seamless as far as our perceptions of what is real. This virtual reality existence takes place within our minds, and this I refer to as living within The Matrix. Why is all this happening to me? A very pertinent question you may ask and I will attempt to answer it throughout this blog.


To be able to fully awaken and leave this matrix,  you must realize the condition you are in, even your death and afterlife won’t free you, as those too are a virtual reality program designed to keep you in an ignorant condition and accepting false reincarnation cycles. Though this may seem gloomy, be aware that you have infinite wisdom and can override any program, but first you must be humble and become aware that you too can be “taken down” trapped like a fox in a trap and fall “prey” to a master-servant existence.


Undoubtedly you as a Source Soul have a true homeland with a loving family who misses and loves you. It is vital for true Source Souls to realize this because they cannot be saved or rescued if they don’t realize that they are not free.


Please note: Although I will use some biblical terms, throughout this blog, I do not claim any personal religious affiliations nor am I following any religious doctrine. These references will be used simply to illustrate some fundamental concepts and how religious tools have been used for purposes of power and control.




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