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A Virtual Reality

The idea that we are living a virtual reality is now being discussed by physicists such as Thomas Campbell and George Smoot, to name a few notable figures. It’s aligned with quantum science and quantum mechanics and is a concept which is now being seriously discussed in our current reality. Because the truth cannot be contained, our Masters are re-directing the knowledge into our electronic devices, gaming and entertainment systems. Therefore, as we become impressed and entertained by these, we become engaged in a virtual reality by which our minds are busy and we are kept from understanding the real nature of our TRUE virtual reality. As we accept more and more artificial and digital forms of intrusion into our lives, we are in fact agreeing to being kept locked in this matrix, by which a disconnect from ourselves, from others and from nature is the underhanded tool which effectively keeps us trapped here.

George Smoot

George Smoot


George Smoot is a Nobel Prize winner of Physics who studied the composition and structure of the universe and discovered cosmic radiation. In his book, Thinking in Aeons and in a TED talk entitled “We are living in a computer simulation and physics can prove it,” states that the universe appears to have intelligent design and that indeed it could be a computer-generated simulation. Moreover, his study involving 45-minute MRI scans mapped individual neurons to such a degree that the whole human brain could be downloaded into a computer. In this way, the potential to project onto a human mind a fully realistic computer simulation has become a reality.

Tom Campbell

Thomas Campbell


Thomas Campbell is a physicist and author of the My Big TOE (Theory of Everything) book series. He describes the nature of our larger reality as a computer simulation. His work is aligned with quantum mechanics, metaphysics and consciousness. He claims that the reality we are experiencing is constantly evolving and that it emerged from a “digital big bang”.  He philosophizes greatly about the need for human beings to reduce entropy, which is a scientific term referring to “disorder and therefore we need to become more unified with ourselves, with each other and with our surroundings. Campbell came to his various realizations not just from scientific research but from his friendship and work with Robert Monroe who founded the Monroe Institute. Together, they investigated altered states of consciousness whereby out of body travel was explored and studied.

The Matrix

What is

the matrix ?

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The movie the Matrix starring Keanu Reeves as Neo, depicts the Matrix as a place by which people are trapped within pods, hooked up to devices, living within a virtual reality platform, interacting with others in a similar condition. Each person within the pod is alive, though in a comatose, vegetative condition, by which all their bodily organs are kept functioning through the support of AI devices managed by complex squid like machines. Because their mental faculties remain intact they are engaged in a world filled with make-belief scenarios aimed at convincing them that they are living a real existence.


This movie depicts the real condition of Source Souls as being within a mind/body prison. Within the movie, Neo awakens to realize that something about his reality doesn’t feel right. He begins to notice anomalies in his life and deeply senses that something is not right. This leads him to explore the nature of his reality and the rabbit hole of manipulations and lies quickly unfold. He is informed by Morpheus that he is being used as an energy source, a type of battery, to support alien life.


Those around him aim to support his new awakening and attempt to steer him in all types of directions, with the ultimate goal of trapping him into believing that he is special and that he alone can save their civilization; hence, keeping him playing the game and remaining trapped within the Matrix.


The movie attempts to convince the viewer that the outside of the Matrix is the true reality, chaotic in nature and rigged with violence, however, it is just another program by which both the virtual reality matrix and the “supposed” real world converge into one. This setup is meant to fool Neo into believing that he is truly free, as he stays connected to the Matrix, plugging himself in and out to interact with it. Zion alludes to a real place in the movie, yet it too is under the control of authority and rulers who aim to keep Neo engaged in fighting within the Matrix for its salvation giving rise to hero worship.


The Neo character begins to resonate the Jesus persona commonly depicted in biblical texts. Jesus too was led astray by countless people, made to believe he had special powers and that he was The One, the Savior, unique and special. Yet, many people just seemed to want to antagonize him and hurt him. Analogies of Neo and Jesus can be observed within the movie, Neo is even depicted at one point as healing the ill. He is also equaled to superman, able to fly and catch bullets with one hand. All this alludes to him living in a virtual reality context, as in dreams, everything is surreal. 


Within the Matrix there are beings who only exist to provoke and stimulate the protagonist. Some are artificial intelligence, others play key roles like Morpheus, Trinity, the Architect, the Merovingian and the Oracle. These are true entities playing roles who also exist outside the Matrix. They interact with Neo as real beings, ensuring he continues to adhere to the game rules and is kept in a perpetual convoluted mental condition, chasing false prophets and false messages. Namely, these beings are “warewolves”, “vampires” and “aliens”. These three entities are mentioned more than once in the movie and are depicted in sculptures.


Neo’s character also hints at gender reversal. He develops a love interest in Trinity, who appears androgynous and exhibit mainly masculine traits. This love bond is symbolic of his dual reality condition; one living as a male within the Matrix, the other being a female, trapped in a real body living in an induced dream world in gender reversal. When Neo revitalizes Trinity from a death state, he pumps her heart, alluding to a sexual act and a heroic male, but this is for the uninitiated watching, what he is really doing is performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on himself, attempting to  get his heart beat back and gain sovereignty over his real physical (female) body.  


He also wears long cloaks (dresses) and dark sunglasses only when he is performing in the Matrix. This indicates how he is under the power of the evil dark forces and can’t see the truth of his reality. When he is outside the Matrix, he looks more natural, yet, his clothes are ragged and his surroundings indicate a decaying world. This is his “fake” afterlife, alluding to the idea that there is nothing to really look forward to and that one must live between the dreaming and non-dreaming world.


Yet his true homeland is alluded to in the second movie of the series by which he is inexplicably transported to foreign and distant mountains. As he leaves the mountains in his superman style, indicating that he was regaining his true essence and strength, an amazing castle was shown ever so briefly. This was a vision of his true homeland.


The Matrix therefore is a place within the mind by which souls interact seamlessly within a virtual reality platform, perceiving and feeling as if they are actually living. They exist in this condition because they have been captured, and in essence are prisoners of mind and body. As they look around their world, they see only what has been designed for them to see. The reality folds and unfolds around them, as per their needs. This is similar to a video game, by which players only sees the areas and characters they are interacting with.


Within the Matrix, no one is born, they simply awaken. This is why Neo is seen waking up at the beginning of each movie. So does Truman, from the movie The Truman Show and many other characters depicting the Matrix reality. Source Souls are not born to real mothers in the Matrix, they only awaken to them. This is because they have already been born, to real mothers elsewhere and it is impossible to be born to a digital mother.  The sleeping metaphor also alludes to the condition of Source Souls living in a dream world.


As Source Souls awaken within the Matrix, they are quickly informed by those around them of who they are and their names and gender are quickly reinforced by these people. It is not by chance that children are often celebrated when they first say “papa” and “mama”.  This helps them adhere to their virtual reality parents. These entities within the Matrix act out pre-scripted roles which carry hidden agendas. Their aim is always to keep Source Souls adhering to playing the Matrix game.


The underlining sub-text of the movie:

The trilogy does carry a very powerful and positive sub-text. Though it mainly focuses on the Matrix and its labyrinth of entrapments, the subtext is really about how ONE soul is released from it. ONE also being an anagram for NEO. In the end a Source Soul will need to detach from everyone he knows, offer himself up to be released by his Masters, who are machine like – the Archons. The Archons are entities described in the Nag Hammadi texts as being the rulers of the world and creators of false realities. Most likely they have created the Matrix platform by which the entire game is played upon. Though most would assume Neo died at the end of the trilogy, he died only within the matrix as his homeland is alluded to in the lights which appear overhead which also symbolize the ascension of his soul.

Earth UFO


& ufo's

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It is my contention that most inhabitants of earth are in fact kept in an suppressed mental condition. This has been done through the various vaccination programs, the contamination of air and water, genetically modified foods, as well as the over medicalization of make-belief illnesses and bogus news syndicates.  In this respect, the goal has been to keep the populace ‘dumbed down’ so they are easily malleable and accept whatever truth is dictated to them. Therefore, the shape of the earth, the moon landing, NASA, planets and space travel are all elaborate hoaxes designed to fool the masses into believing that they are small and insignificant and living in a very advanced society.  


Nothing could be further from the truth as the technology presented to the Source Soul is very primitive and the real technologies are much more extraordinary and often depicted in sci-fi movies. This convoluting of information keeps Source Souls devolving intellectually and spiritually. Because of the infantilism prevalent in society, most people believe what they are told and do not question the authenticity of what they are presented with. Since UFOs are presented as fiction, most people accept it as such, yet there are countless accounts of people seeing unidentified flying objects, and a whole series, the X-files, depicting them. The goal of our Masters is to confuse and keep the populace from questioning their reality; therefore nothing given is the absolute truth, rather a convoluted mix of reality facts mixed with fiction.


On a virtual reality platform, the earth can take any shape, size and structure, however a real physical place does exist, and most likely it is not round nor spinning.  Myths, religious texts (ie: bible) and non-mainstream science can corroborate this. For example, the curvature of the earth as reported does not support the numerous eye-witness accounts of people seeing buildings beyond what would be physically possible due to the curvature blocking them. 


Additionally, no model of a spinning globe has been produced to demonstrate how gravity works and how water does not fall off a fast spinning surface. Also, if the earth spins 500miles/hour, as Nasa claims, how can it take the same amount of time to travel by airplane in all directions. Moreover, the sun and the moon are most likely energy spheres and their distance from the earth can be measured with simple sextons. Also through personal observation I have witnessed clouds behind the moon and the sun. How can this be when they’re millions of miles distant from the earth’s atmosphere. More saliently, how can different people in different parts of the world witness a moon at the same time when the earth’s curvature should be blocking their view? I encourage you to do your own research and use such keywords as “moon landing hoax”, “flat earth truth”, “Nasa hoax”; I refer you to Eric Dubay’s work which I find very reliable and well researched. The truth is more extraordinary and amazing than we have been led to believe and some of the technologies are sinister in their aim.    


Keep in mind that even the word “extra-terrestrial” actually means “extra-lands”, not extra globes, as the word “terra” means land in Latin and is used in many Latin countries.  Planet has a “t” at the end which can represent an “x” voiding the concept of planet. Therefore planet can be read as "plane". Astronauts can be written and pronounced “astro-nots”. The word “moon” can be spelled backward as “noom” which is “no om”. “OM” is the most sacred symbol in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, symbolizing the “essence of the ultimate reality”. “No OM” can be interpreted as “not a real reality”. This is truth in plain sight the occultist way.


I do believe that there are millions of different civilizations co-existing out there, each with its own environmental uniqueness, lifeforms and cultures. Their lands can be as vast and as different from anything we’ve seen in sci-fi movies. As such, there are many types of entities, humanoid and otherwise living on these lands and oceans. Some are incredibly large, others incredibly small in comparison to ourselves, but all flourish and desire to experience life in a physical form. So you may ask; do aliens exist?, the answer is yes, many with high intelligence equaling or surpassing our own. Descriptions of these can be found within ancient texts and current Brazilian, South American and African tribes through their ritualistic practices and artwork. Do UFO’s exist? Yes. Flying vehicles of all abilities and materials exist, such as the Vimanas as described in Hindu texts as flying palaces or chariots. Do other worlds exist? Yes, but these are on flat planes and within the oceans, land and atmosphere, not on spinning planets. Planets are in fact vast“planes” each incredibly diverse and fascinating. 


Our Masters have hidden these and many other truths within their “official” documents and passed it on to the populace as entertainment. Moreover, the emergence of religions and the propagation and imposition of Christianity throughout the world has been a clever strategy to wipe out old folklore which carries the oral history of the truths.

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