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The Snake Language


I’ve come to realize that English is a language artificially created meant to keep Source Souls in a constant state of bewilderment, in this respect I’ve created my own esoteric art, which I term the Snake Language. The word “obfuscate” is defined by most dictionaries as to “obscure and confuse”; this is the primary function of the Snake Language.


I will start with the word ‘words’ which implies swords; all that is required is the reposition of the ‘s’. In essence, to speak with words is to be fighting, or attacking with swords. This is the main tool people use to hurt and attack one another, the term, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a playground rhyme stating the opposite, as most kids end up fighting after exchanging a few words.


Many words provide a double entendre and are juxtaposed; implying one thing but subliminally conveying something else. For example, the term “to know” is to become aware of something, but “no” means to refuse something. Hence, the message you absorb when you say “I know” is entangled in a mix confusion, voiding its intent, making you feel that you don’t know what you are talking about. Other words such as ‘meet’ and ‘meat’, allude to a more sinister connotation; to meet someone is to unconsciously be allowing yourself to be seen as a piece of meat, a consumable product. The words “wake” and ‘awake’ implies that one must be dead to feel awareness. To “mean” what you say is an important concept, but are you being perceived as a “mean” person when you affirm yourself? When you “pray” to God are you falling “prey” to others? Is it just the “week” day, or are you feeling “weak” throughout it? It’s virtually impossible to be saying these words without it’s secret alter ego lurking in the background. Other words are suspiciously strung together such as: “together”, which can be read “to-get-her”, “therapist”, can be read “the-rapist”.


Other words have anagrams within such as “earth” is “heart”, "night" is "thing", "cat" is "act", "funeral" is "real fun". Backward readings are also valid in the obfuscation process; for example,  “live” is “evil”, “dog” is “god”, devil’ is ‘lived’. ‘Alive’ is also evil backward, with the ‘a’ being silent.  Backward, all three words ‘live’, ‘love’, ‘life’ can be phonetically pronounced ‘evil’.


Then there are tricky words disguising truths. The word ‘hello’ is basically ‘hell’ without the ‘o’; are you welcoming someone into “hell” with an inquisitive “o” when you greet them? The abbreviation “He’ll” (he will) implies that males are living in hell. This is also implied in the abbreviation “she’ll”. “I will” or “I’ll, conveys the word “ill”. Are you claiming to be sick when you use “I’ll?”. The word “catholic” has the word “alcoholic” within, minus the “t”. Are catholics prone to alcoholism? After all Jesus did celebrate the last supper with wine.


The subconscious mind may detect these idiosyncrasies but does not defend against them unless the conscious awareness is on it too. The only way to protect yourself from being infiltrated with subliminally charged words is to become aware of them; this will have the effect of shattering their illusion. Here is a chart you may want to copy and add more of your words to:


An “s” is the letters which makes words plural; is this another coincidence? The “S” is the shape of a literal snake and is the first letter of the word “snake”. Does this imply that to pluralize a word is to add snakes to it? Most Source Souls have had several snake changes within their incarceration period because a snake’s  life span is shorter than a person’s. Multiple snakes also refers to the many Source Souls who are trapped, each with their own snake. The more Source Souls trapped, the more ‘S’s’ there are (please read article on Biological Warfare to understand this better).


Here are the various ways the snake can be alluded to through the Snake Language:


  • The number 5 and the 14  - The 5 is the numerology for the word “snake”. Any number which is not a direct 14 or a 5 but adds up to a 5 represents a hidden snake ie: 32, 23, 41.

  • The 8 - Represents the snake curled into itself, as it is represented in the  Ouroboros symbol, and the two snakes of the caduceus, which are also S’s

  • The S or s -The S shapes alludes to an active snake due to its shape and sound “ssssss”

  • The E or e - It’s the 5th letter of the alphabet and represents a curled up snake

  • The G or g - is the shape of a hanging snake. The G is the 7th letter of the alphabet, representing the  “heart” which is a numerological 7

  • The i or the j - These letters in their diminutive form represent a stretched out snake reaching for a dung ball


Notice in society how the letters “e” and “i” are used symbolically, for example: e-mail, i-Phone, e-transfer, i-pad, e-commerce, 5G. These letters don’t really mean anything other than their occult meaning.


The S in the superman logo is illustrated as a snake, with an eye. The “s” is a numerological  “1” and has the vibrational sound of a hissing snake. It also alludes to the chosen one, the one who lives under the power of the snake. It is my contention that “Superman” represents Jesus, and both represent the Source Soul.


Train yourself to see beyond the obvious, aim to see words in a different way, question what you are being told, even what you are seeing. Seeing is not believing, the events of 911 were orchestrated to be broadcasted on television, to be seen through this lens.  Research this if you still believe the official story; I suggest looking into the work of Dr. Judy Wood who has a double PH and is a respected engineer.


As a final note on the Snake Language and its ties to words and numerology I refer you to the title of my book, “Beyond a Virtual Reality, Finding Your Way Home”. This title adds up to a 14 or a 5. This was not intentional on my part and I only discovered it upon revising the book two years later. It illustrates that we have a higher awareness within ourselves, a deeper consciousness struggling to expose truths.  

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