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Crime Worship


I truly sense that the natural state of a Source Soul is a peaceful one. Source Souls want and crave what is joyful, beautiful and that which expresses love. If you are engaging with people who don’t value this then most likely they are not Source Souls.


Because the desire for peace and tranquility is a fundamental characteristic of Source Souls the social engineers work diligently to destroy these core values as a way to suppress the Source Soul’s awakening process. This is evident in TV programming where crime and violence is central to most plots and is evidenced in the sleuth of shows about police and detectives. Even programs aimed at children and teenagers are filled with crime stories, often about vampires, warewolves and other such monsters.  


Some people might read this and wonder, “well, what other type of movies are there other than sappy romantic ones?” True, movie scripts and most novels have a definite story line where the core theme is about good versus evil. This structure of plots has been carefully constructed to be acceptable as normal and is taught to would-be-authors and in film schools.  It’s important to have a “hook” they say, to entice the reader, and this hook usually involves some degree of violence.  


Regardless, I care to challenge this notion of violence as being entertaining and necessary by suggesting that these story lines are created primarily to entertain the wolverine and vampiristic type people. These humanoids which interact with Source Souls within their everyday reality enjoy violence in their entertainment (please read the article on The Entities to understand this further).


The wolverines love hunting, fishing and competitive sports. They run on high adrenaline and violence and movies stimulates them.  The vampiristic beings love supernatural themes, such as vampire and zombie stories, sci-fi and other other-worldly themes. Relationship, romance and nature stories are more appealing to Source Souls, however, even these seemingly banal themes carry insidious message of family violence, lover betrayals and wilderness survival struggles.


The sheer volume of violent stories in films, theater, music and literature along with the endless reporting of local and world events in the news media presents paradoxical messages; that crime within society is something to be abhorred, while at the same time it is something to be accepted as normal. Moreover, history lessons remind us that many wars and battles have taken place in our recent past, these are told and re-told in many books and movies, as if celebrating these events. The word “Great” has been underhandedly added to such terms as The Great War, the Great Battle, the Great Depression, to imply that the orchestrators of such events take considerable pride in their creations.


It is interesting to note how many movies about the holocaust have been released since the second world war? I care to venture at least one per year. These are the movies which tend to receive great acclaim. Is there a hidden agenda aiming to keep this particular story viable and very visible? Simple research will reveal that the numbers of Jews killed in the war have been grossly exaggerated. Is the recounting of this story casting a shadow over other stories, such as the Irish Potato Famine whereby countless Irish people died because their food was taken by British soldiers?


Additionally, the quality of entertainment in general has downgraded substantially within the last twenty years, by which vulgar language is used as if its normal and trendy. Benign entertainment such as singing and dancing have been turned into ruthless competitive reality shows. Explicit sexual acts, depicting rapes and violence are shown to be necessary to convey brutal reality. Consistent stories about black slavery aim to reinforce a history which is one sided and serves to pin blacks against whites. Once again, simple research will reveal that white slavery existed and currently exists in its many forms. Slavery is portrayed as a skin colour issue, rather, traditionally, and for those who really care about truth, it has always been an issue of power and dominance.


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Source Souls have been conditioned to accept these forms of entertainment primarily because they produce what Robert Monroe referred to as “loosh”. These are chemical and  hormonal reactions such as cortisol production, produced by Source Soul’s real bodies whenever they feel shocked or frightened. Loosh is equivalent to the word “grease” as it refers to fuel being extracted from Source Souls.


Adhering to violent programming is a form of crime worship, and is a form of condoning its validity and existence.  It is a tool being used to degrade souls, and as such, should be seen as a weapon itself, used to infiltrate and attack the minds of Source Souls at their deepest core, their psyche.


I believe that most Source Souls do not particularly find violence entertaining, but often feel they have little recourse and few options. Ultimately, Source Souls within the matrix have to deliberately seek out less violent forms of entertainment if they wish to clear their psyche of violence.  For example, choosing to seek quality music, such as lounge or jazz, finding good venues with live music, or participating in its creation,  learning to play an instrument, singing, taking up a new hobby, such as learning to paint or sculpt, engaging in meaningful conversations with close friends. These are in my opinion better ways to enjoy oneself and to keep the psyche clean of mind violence.

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If you are interested in this theme, also read my article on The Media and the Entities

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