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Vaccination Game Play


The agenda behind vaccinations is one which is tightly kept from the public. However, a Source Soul with even a partially opened mind may be able to detect that its being pushed quite aggressively in society. For example, when I saw the flu vaccine being dispensed at my local community center I could only see red flags. Actually, I felt that this was an act of desperation on the part of the authorities dispensing them, indicating a need to gain control over the ever increasing awakening souls who want out of the matrix.


I believe vaccines aim to change the chemical makeup of Source Souls, by having them accept a new strain of bacterial/viral infections by which they will suffer immensely from and consequently will trigger their immune system to create antibodies specific to that new strain. This is not a secret, as it is the rationale behind vaccinations, but what SS are not aware of is that they and only they can produce antibodies for these new strains. Therefore, allowing their masters to extract from their bodies antibodies to treat entities who have weakened immune systems and who need help fighting off these infestations, which for some can prove fatal. In the "real world" synthetic medications don't exist, only resources directly taken from the Source Soul body can heal them of their ailments.


Therefore consenting to being vaccinated is consenting to getting sick with a new strain of bacteria/viral infection.


About Viruses and Bacteria:

Similarities: Bacteria and viruses have many similarities, both are small microscopic creatures which cannot be seen with the naked eye, both can be contagious and be spread through direct bodily contact, or by air, or by food or water and both can be harmful and difficult to cure. People have been informed by local health care authorities that they can develop immunity to viruses if they have been infected or vaccinated; they often state that these have no cure or treatment. Not much is said about bacteria, however, the body can develop immunity (natural antibodies) to bacteria as well. Bacterial infections are usually successfully treated with antibiotics. There are differences between the two. Bacteria have the key purpose of being natural in nature and many friendly varieties exist within the human body; such as in the gut. Viruses are known to be foreign and often harmful. Viral illnesses often have no cure, and the treatment is usually prevention through vaccination.


Viral scam.: I believe there is a viral scam. The word virus exists to differentiate the differences between a bacteria which mutates and one which can have different stains. The word virus has been cleverly associated with doom and gloom and nothing benevolent, whereas bacteria carries the notion that it is natural and healthy to have. For SS masters to be able to infect them with new strains of harmful bacteria, they invented the concept of viruses and vaccinations, by which a direct contamination of a new strain of bacteria can be given to the the SS with their full consent. Once the SS accepts to be injected with a new strain of bacteria/virus, he/she accepts all the consequences which are connected to it.


The differences between the two (viruses/bacteria) seem to be their shape and outward appearance. Of course these are illustrations, as real depictions of viruses and bacteria seem to be computer generated images (CGI). The images below show what is supposed to be real, with both images looking similar, yet the one of the single organism on the left is supposed to be a virus. The other on the right is depicting the bacteria. Black and white images make it seem more real.


I'm not saying bacteria don't exist, yes I believe they do, only that viruses exist only as a word, to describe bacteria which has different strains. This is so SS can accept being infected and reinfected with illnesses that cause the same symptoms. SS in their natural condition know that once they get a bacterial infection, they are immune from ever having it again. Therefore the word "virus" simply means "new bacterial strain".


Propaganda Campaigns

Imperative to note here is that vaccines are not mandatory, yet they are made to seem that way, at least in schools, because anyone can opt out for religious or “other personal reasons”. There is a form which a parent or even an employee can request as a way of opting out. Of course this may vary dependent on where one lives, but in general a loophole must always be provided because a violation of one’s sovereign right to choose is a high offense. The key is to convince Source Souls that it’s mandatory so they then make the choice on their own. No one is forced to go to a doctor, and no one is forced to line-up to receive a vaccine; it’s a personal decision. This also applies to any medical intervention. We are never forced, we are just persuaded through campaigns, media propaganda and social pressures.


Based on the vaccination propaganda, I have noticed that individuals who adhere to vaccinations, for example the flu vaccine, are not healthier than other people. In fact they seem less healthy. When I worked with college students, many took time off from school to heal their various colds and flues after having had the flu vaccine. One student even developed paralysis a few hours after having the H1N1 vaccine.


What amazes me is that people will allow themselves to be injected with an unknown foreign liquid, based on no medical examination or review of their medical history nor are they given any documentation regarding the nature of the vaccine.  Moreover, there are no guarantees that the vaccine actually improves one’s health and that it will protect them. Imagine buying a car under these conditions; take my word, it’s a good car!


Additionally, I find contradictions in the mainstream messages about the benefits of vaccines, especially for the common flu. It’s claimed that there are new viruses every winter season, yet pharmaceuticals claim that a lengthy trial period is required for the approval of any new vaccine, most taking years. What perplexes me is how can a vaccine be ready for public consumption so quickly, just in time for the new “flu season” when the mutations are just occurring. How can they have a vaccine ready in a matter of weeks without any clinical trials? With some minor research I found that the H1N1 vaccine has been recalled from the market twice , once1976 and the other time in 2009. Indicating that the safety of these vaccines has not been established.


Vaccine Composition

Vaccines are not simple liquid injections, they carry real live viruses, often mutated ones. The idea is to stimulate the individual’s immune system to recognize it when a real one does enter the body. When and if this happens, it won’t be mutated or dead, nor will it be in such a concentrated dose. Moreover, these viruses are kept in liquids which could be harmful to the human body.


The key ingredients of a regular vaccine include the following which I obtained from :

  • Thimerosal - contains mercury

  • Aluminum - a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Formaldehyde

  • Phenol

  • Polysorbate 80

  • Ethylene glycol - antifreeze

  • Betapropiolactone - a disinfectant

  • Nonoxynol - used to kill or stop growth of STDs,

  • Octoxinol 9 - a vaginal spermicide

  • Neomycin, polymyxin, gentamycin – antibiotics


Recognizing that you as a Source Sous are a power houses of energy, highly sought by others, should underscore any need for you to seek vaccines or to fall prey to fear mongering strategies. There are many alternative forms of healing, but most Source Souls need to de-program themselves from the endless mainstream propaganda. Energy Medicine, Naturopathy and Ayurveda are just a few examples of alternative solutions which can help heal ailments and foster a healthier lifestyle. You still have choices, empower yourself with the ones which will benefit you the most.

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