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The Media and the Entities

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The truth is in plain sight, and Hollywood is a perfect vehicle by which truth is exposed and disguised as fiction. So, what seems extraordinary and unbelievable is the actual truth, and what seems truthful is often propaganda to get Source Souls (SS) to align with its message. For example, true crime stories are designed to teach you to accept predatory crime as a normal human condition. Reality shows get you to adhere to the concept of competition and humiliation as normal ways of interacting with others. Medical shows have the insidious agenda of convincing Source Souls that illnesses, pain and suffering are acceptable ways to live and to succumb and trust the healing powers of the corrupt medical establishment.  


​Movie producers and authors alike have traditionally created stories which are have been repeated countless times, adjusted slightly to appeal to the next generation. These common themes involve: vampires, warewolves, zombies and superheroes and all types of AI and alien lifeforms.


The sheer volume of these themed movies and novels seem overwhelming to me. It is clear that these beings exist, and most likely they are the creator of such stories. However, these type of movies are imbued with sinister and occult messages, aiming to bypass the conscious mind of the viewer and have them align with their corrupt morals. Additionally, I think that they aim to soften SS to the presence of these alien and foreign beings, accepting them with all their vices and flaws and still find them appealing (please read my article on The Entities to gain better and deeper insights into these beings and who they really are).​

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Superman: The superman story is often told and re-told, as it alludes to Source Souls who look like superheroes, who possess a youthful, healthy and immortal stature, and seem to have super-human strength. Superman and Wonder Woman have traditionally been used to exemplify the Source Soul male and female. Their counterparts, are the villains, who represent the society they are living in, indicating how SS are surrounded by predators who barely resemble them, both in appearance and behaviour. These villain’s goals are always to destroy the superhero, (or the SS), and make him weak and powerless.


​Zombies: From personal experience I have a very difficult time getting through a zombie movie, and I'm left to wonder, how many SS can really handle such violence and such gruesome representation of decayed humans? When I searched for zombie movies, I found a plethora of websites listing their top zombie movies ie: Night of the Living Dead, Zombie Flesh Eaters. Really! What value is there in these movies; that cannibalism exists and we should be afraid, very afraid of cannibals!? I really doubt SS find these movies appealing, yet they are presented as true forms of entertainment, cult classics even, normalizing the dead condition of the SS and their degenerative physical condition as they are literally being consumed by certain entities. The movies mock SS by reversing the truth, SS don’t consume others, but others consume them, that is why they suffer from all types of ailments in their matrix reality.

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Vampires (VEs): The volume of vampire movies seem to be equally plentiful, countless movies, even cute cartoons ones, are presented to the public as entertainment, ie: The Adams family, and the Twilight series. These aim to present these beings as super humans, though threatening because they consume human blood, they possess amazing abilities, ie. to hypnotize their victims and travel through time and space supernaturally. The key message they convey is one in which they should be accepted and loved, even though they prey upon their human victims (a minor flaw). Simultaneously, you are to feel seduced by their charm and sexual allurement.


​Warewolves: Warewolf types are equally plentiful in movies and in mythology, most commonly witnessed in all types of children's fables such as "the big bad wolf" in little red riding hood, or the three pigs. Through the media they are depicted as ruthless and sly hunters, yet with some endearing human qualities. They are true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde types who present one side of themselves as alluring and friendly while the other is a hungry savage Warewolf. This is an accurate depiction of who they really are, as the wolverines (WDs) are the true hunters who target and entrap SS. 


​The Horned Ones (the Goatazoids): More and more movies depicting people with horns are appearing and these may become the new fad and part of the occult classic genre. Such movies as: Sweet Tooth, Hell Boy, aim to make visible our key humanoid masters, the horned ones, the Goatazoids. These are the beings the conventional devil icon is shaped after. They have kept themselves hidden so long yet now seem to want to make themselves visible through sci-fi entertainment. These beings also aim to have us accept them, sympathize with them and love them, as they present themselves as handicap or marginalized in some way, because they need SS to help them heal their numerous and varied diseases and save their species from extinction.


Energy Harvest:  Though movies present many truths as far as who the entities are, and how they are living and what they need from SS, such as the movie The Matrix, Jupiter Ascending and countless others, they convolute these truths by imbuing within their stories high impact action scenes mixed with extreme violence; this serves to distract the viewer and void the true knowledge presented.  Their aim, is not just to do their part, and let SS know that they exist, but to harvest energy from the viewer as they watch the movie. How is this done you may ask? By causing the viewer (SS) to undergo “stress” as this triggers cortisol release. This hormone is essential for human life, and is used as a steroid by many beings. It is only available for extraction when a SS body when a SS is experiencing stress. Movies serve to do this. As a SS is watching these movies, his/her body is being tapped for this crucial steroid hormone.


Degradation of Morals: The idea in movies by which “anything should be done for survival” is prevalent, even if it means destroying others in the process. They justify this by creating plot lines which align the viewer with the protagonist’s plight for revenge, often committing crimes, especially murder to achieve this means. This aims to have SS accept the violent nature of their environment and by aligning with these characters, this has the effect of weakening the SS true values; core values by which nothing should ever be done to harm another sentient life.


​Movies with Romance: Entertainment as presented to SS is laden with hidden agendas, even romantic movies are not benign. These aim to break SS into accepting a life in the matrix by which they engage in relationships with (alien) entities and mate with them. These are often relationships riddled with conflicts, violence, rape, unrequited love, infidelity, to name a few typical plot lines. This is not harmless fun, nor good entertainment, it’s meant to create feelings of ambivalence and confusion. SS need to feel loved and cared for and desperately desire to be with their soulmates. Watching these movies cuts at the heart of their achiness, forcing them to accept a life by which they are misguided into loving cruel and untrustworthy beings.


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Positive Ending: The reason movies aim to end on a positive note is also not benign, it is to leave the bewildered viewer wanting more, as the SS viewer is touched by the hope of being happy and fulfilled which is presented only at the end of the movie. So little of what they desire is depicted throughout the movie, therefore the ending is used as a hook, to appease their needs and leave them wanting more.


​Voyeurism as Entertainment: Once I became more attune with my reality, movie watching became difficult for me, as I could see their underlining agendas. In essence, movie watching becomes like a voyeuristic experience, by which the viewers lives vicariously through the characters. Often their lives are filled with conflicts, anger, lust, and little expression of true care and love.


In sum, entertainment as presented through movies (and many books) is not healthy and carries with it subliminal messages aimed at manipulating the SS’s subconscious mind, into accepting living and interacting with entities within the Matrix. I suggest that one needs to be particularly discerning when choosing to watch a movie, as what one puts into the mind matters. I encourage readers to find other forms of entertainment and develop their own skills, as movie watching harnesses your time and energy and keeps you from awakening to your truth. Challenge the system, revert into yourself and find peace of mind within.

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