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How Entities Attack Us

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Much of what is being done to Source Souls cannot be controlled by them within their current condition, however, their main cause of pain and suffering within the Matrix is caused by energy extraction attacks by which our key masters, remove our bodily resources to heal their various ailments. Blood extraction is prevalent and consistent, this causes on-going fatigue and light light headedness, and many SS attribute this to their hectic lifestyle, which is mainly very physically inactive, but mentally overactive, to compensate for lack of real life activity. Though CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) is taken regularly, this does not cause much pain and discomfort, as the body quickly replenishes this vital fluid within a few hours. What I’m talking about here is the excessive and extraordinary invasive procedures they conduct on us which are beyond the normal extractions. As mentioned, they extract from the SS bodies primarily 1.blood, 2.bone marrow, 3.CSF, 4.Reproductive elements (semen, sperm eggs, endometrium and uterine tissues). Unfortunately you have given them permission to do most of these procedures, because before incarnating into your “fake self” within this matrix reality, you agreed to help others, if you could. This is why the idea of giving blood and saving a life is paramount in the matrix reality, a clever and sinister reminder of your true calling and promise, which is to save their lives.


Having said all this, there are still times you can protect yourself because your captors also let others engage with you for the purposes of them getting their needs met. This is like a special guest in a TV show, by which they are there only a short time to act out a certain role. In your reality they come in with a specific goal too, which most often is to heal some horrific illness/problem they haven’t been able to cure on their own. By engaging with you, becoming your friend, they aim to get your permission to help them. In fact, any type of attention you give to them can be used as consent to get from your body what they need; even negative attention, such as fighting or bickering can at times be effective.


How illness transfer happens:

It is not by pure chance people often state that they get their colds from others. This is letting you know that you will be accepting their cold/flu; should you agree with them. In this way you give them permission to inject that cold bacteria into your body (not virus, the word virus is just another word for bacteria). Once you are infected, your body goes into overdrive to produce defenses to heal itself. It will be these antibodies which they will use to help them heal their particular strain of bacteria.  This is how illness transfer occurs!


Sometimes what they need is something you can’t easily give them such as heal their broken bones. You may ask: How can they do this? Answer: Bone marrow! Stem cells! Some beings have bone marrow diseases or immune system deficiency problems and can’t heal their breakages. For them to extract bone-marrow from you they need to do a needle aspiration of areas in your body rich in bone marrow such as your hip, spine or thighs; though bone marrow exists in all bones of the body. Sometimes, the extractions need to be taken from specific bones, as each bone carries its specific signature stem cells. It depends on the severity of their injury. This type of intervention will cause you great pain and suffering, as your real body experiences the impact of these interventions, because pain is felt in the brain.

How it Happens

Therefore, this person who wants to be healed becomes your best friend, a new buddy at work, a lover possibly. Once you bond with them at some point they will show you their problem, but will often downplay it as they don’t want to alert you to their true mission, yet they want you to sympathize with them. Soon after their illness manifestation you may find yourself having an injury in a similar location, sometimes breaking the same toe they have broken, or you will experience a different injury, such as lower back pain. Consequently, you will provide yourself with a rationale for what is happening to you justifying it as it as being “psychological” or “a coincidence” simply “bad luck” or something genetic which you inherited. You won’t blame anyone for your injury; especially when they were the ones first suffering from it. In this way you provide the purest of consent, and a willingness to help them. Yet you remain unaware of their true mission, as entities in the matrix seem so sincere. Often, after or before your injury there will be some antagonism with that person, by which you start feeling stressed with them (or someone close to both of you). This is done intentionally to prompt your body to release high levels of cortisol; this is a vital steroid which promotes quick and effective healing and acts as an anti-rejection drug; this is important so their bodies do not reject your marrow and blood.


This rationale applies to any type of condition, be it a simple illness, a breakage or a disease. Often they need large supplies of blood, especially white blood cells to rebuild their immune systems. Understanding this should help you gain a deeper perspective on why you have suffered so much and from so many illnesses (minor or major) throughout your life. Giving them consent is a way we enable ourselves to be exploited in such incredible ways. Though we can’t stop all exploitations, we can curb the frequency and severity of some. This is by understanding how we give consent.

Giving Consent

Giving Consent
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As mentioned, some level of consent is required from you to give entities permissions to extract above and beyond what you (in your pre-life) agreed to, these are the primary 3, though I don’t believe this is the entire list:


1. Eye-to-Eye Contact: A smile, a stare. These are usually weak connections and are usually sought out by mild acquaintances or strangers who engage with you. These can still be taken as consent if you reciprocate the attention, especially when it feels odd. 


2.  Conversations: not just any conversation, rather conversations in which the goal seems to be to get you to claim something.  For example, an entity may insist that everyone is having this new cold virus, and that it is highly contagious. Once you agree with this statement and sympathize with it, an intimate bond is suddenly made with you and you may actually get an injection with that particular strain of bacteria. This means that when you get your flu, you will produce antibodies to help them fight off their actual real flu!


3. Sexual Allurement: This is a key strategy for long-term attachments. Entities, especially vampiristic ones, are great at getting their target victim to feel romantically inclined towards them. Often they pursue their victim relentlessly, other times they give mix messages, making the uninterested party all of a sudden interested and chase them. The more challenging or painful the attachment is to make, the greater the likelihood the attachment will be deep and long-lasting; for you, the Source Soul. This is why it is imperative to gain some fundamental understanding about the person you are dating, and not become sexually involved too quickly; as these entities use many devices to lure or hook a Source Soul into falling “head over heels” over them, sometimes leading to obsessions. These emotional entanglements are incredible energy harvesters and in essence are like literal strands by which these beings hook on to you and stay connected to you potentially for years.


It is not by chance that the social order promotes casual sex and loose morals around sexuality. Drinking and drugs further fuels this and prompts SS to lose their inhibitions. These campaigns are often spearheaded by the VEs, exclusively for their benefit as they are the guests usually, in a Source Soul’s life. In her book The Dark Side of Cupid, Eve Lorgen addresses the issue of romantic vampiristic attacks and sheds a great deal of light on how VEs plan and orchestrate romantic attachments which cause havoc in their victim’s lives, depleting them of vital life energy and causing years of anguish and pain.    

Protecting Ourselves

Protecting Ourselves

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The only way to defend yourself against these types of attacks is to be aware of how these entities do it. It is vital for you to recognize the signs of their attack and to disconnect yourself from them as soon as possible.  Without awareness you could stay attached to them for the duration of your entire life, giving them permissions to have vials of your blood extracted for their consumption, or for their healing purposes. Actual strands (created within the matrix, much like invisible wires) between you and them are formed by which these connections stay firm. Realizing what is really going on will help you detach and break these connections and help you heal.


Here is my list of techniques:


  1. Distance: In any situation in which you suspect you might be attacked, such as when you feel a sharp pain or tingle, is to create a lot of physical distance from yourself and the person you suspect. In this way they can’t form linkages with you. This is the best course of action when the people are acquaintances or strangers; though for others this helps too. Physical distance works as a natural sign, as in the wild, when animals don’t want to interact with one another they turn their backs on each other, ignore or simply leave them alone. This is true for us too, important lessons from our animal friends. 

  2. Aura Cleansing & Visualization: if you feel that you have been attacked and a deep connection has been made with you, aim to release yourself of it. This can be done by you closing your eyes and doing a body cleanse. See if you can detect or visualize dark threads attached to you. Aim to sense if any part of your body is feeling tender or sore. Then imagine a green light coming through your Crown Chakra all the way down to those infected zones. Imagine the green light to be laser sharp, yet still gentle.  See it cleaning the infected areas and continue until you can’t visualize any more dark threads connected to those body parts. Then imagine another light, this time a silver light, followed by a golden one, coming down from your head chakra, sealing those spots you just cleaned, covering them with an impenetrable coating, as if healing and sealing the area.

  3. Aura Strengthening: your body has a powerful luminous aura, it is a strong light, and it is a  manifestation of your body and soul energy and it protects your body. If penetrated, and this can happen in the matrix when you give others permissions to invade your body.  Some gurus state that it is possible to see your aura, and if you practice you can see elements of it, however, what I have found is that our masters don’t allow us to see our auras, as that would be too empowering for us. However I have found a powerful tool to access it, by imagining it. If you imagine your aura you will have access to it in a very potent and clear way. That is why this subject is never broached in schools. Your imagination is a powerful tool, because it is you using your third eye and seeing things from a real ethereal perspective. Therefore, imagine your aura, looking like colours of the rainbow, with the strongest colours emanating from the center most core of your body, to the lighter colours extending many feet away from your body. Look for any frail areas, aim to see those areas healing and the colours becoming stronger and more vibrant. Create an outer frame around your aura by which it becomes resistant to attacks of any kind. Imagine it to be a silver or gold shield, beautiful and impenetrable.

  4. Crystals, Precious Stones and Slate: Crystals and precious metals carry powerful energy with them, as they are creations from nature, from its organic matter and only created under special conditions. They carry memory and energy which is loving and nurturing. Though in the matrix nothing you have is really physical, having these things in your possession will feel real and therefore have the same effect on your psyche.  Aim to wear a piece of real jewellery all the time, such as a gold ring, with a real mineral stone on it, or a ruby, emerald or diamond. Save up for this if you have to, it is worth it and it is an expression of true self love as you will be regarding yourself as a jewel.

    • Slate is also a powerful mineral and a wonderful material which can be used to effectively cut off negative attachments; carry a piece of it with you at all times.

    • Anytime you feel attacked or are trying to heal from a negative attachment, touch that mineral and visualize having a big piece and cutting that attachment permanently with it. Love the mineral, care for it, and believe in its infinite power to heal you.

  5. Candles & Herbs: The power of light is tremendous, especially organic light. When combined with personalized (non-religious) prayers, chants, readings, or the spoken word along with herbs, this has the effect of triggering in you positive energy, making you release feel-good hormones and strengthening your immune system. Aim to have herbs around you in their fresh or dry form especially bay leaves, basil, sage, cinnamon and pure essential oils. Make sure they are natural and not synthetic.

  6. Body Cleanses & Exercise: Detoxification is very healing for the mind, body and soul. Through a healthy nutrition, such as following a diet low in saturated fats and high in alkaline foods will help raise your vibration and make you more attuned to the negative energy of others.  Cleansing with fruit and vegetable drinks and drinking plenty of fresh water, will further help gain greater clarity.  Taking detox baths with natural sea salts will help clear skin toxins.

    • Exercise regularly, simple walks, mild jogs, swimming, cycling. Preferably engage in activities which you enjoy and do not find tedious or to be a chore.

  7. Vegetarianism or Veganism: This is not necessary, as nothing you eat in the matrix is animal related, as your masters would damage your body severely if you were to intake any animal substances. Therefore, what you need to understand is that your mind has been convinced that meat eating exists, but in fact, it does not, at least not for SS. Some people find it easier to be vegan or vegetarian, however, the bread-fruit elements of the SS homeland won’t be fed to you unless you eat meat or fish, therefore weakening your system. One way or the other, we are compromised, by eating pseudo meat we feel guilty, by not eating meat we feel physically vulnerable. Therefore understand the true agenda behind meat eating. To eat meat is to have you accept your condition within the matrix as a “blood cow” therefore making you eat cows is their mission to have you accept your condition. Aim to deconstruct meat eating in your mind as nothing you eat needs to be prohibited only understood as a mind manipulation.

  8. Psychological/Mental Cleanses: These are simple to do and can even help you heal your past traumas. I suggest journaling, either in written, audio or visual form, or a combination. Be as creative as you possibly can, use colours, clippings, drawings; poetry can also be very effective.  I highly recommend audio journaling as this will help you become more objective with yourself. As you awaken you will find that you will have no one to talk to about what you are going through, journaling is a great way to process your thoughts. However, these journals should not be filled with mantras, or positive affirmations (especially when they are given to you by others), rather aim to be real, depict what you are going through, noting your everyday interactions with others, your feelings, suspicions, coincidences, dreams, and any other experiences which come to your mind. You may want to keep these entries for a while or delete them, however when it comes to audio journaling I encourage you to listen to each entry a few times.

  9. Seeking the Support of Others: You may want to see a counsellor, especially if you have deep personal issues which you know need to be healed. Some entities have been put in your matrix reality specifically to help you heal.

  10. Social Cleanse: It is vital to identify people who are toxic in your life and gradually disconnect from them. I suggest making a list of all the people in your life who play a key role or even a minor role, and rate them from 1-10 as far as how good and safe they make you feel. Anyone below a 7 should be crossed off, although that should be at your discretion. Think about a grade, would you be satisfied with a 60% on a test? Breaking off relationships should be done with care and not haphazardly. Doing it abruptly could lead to harsh results. Build those relationships which fuel you and give you energy. You may need to let go of old friends and even family members who tax your energies and whom you find want to exploit you. If you find yourself in a relationship which drains you and provides little emotional safety, you may consider letting it go as well. 

  11. Nature: Connect with nature in whatever way possible, plant a tree and honour it, grow your own vegetable garden, seed a flower, visit rivers, lakes, touch the water, play with the sand, walk bear footed. Always aim to have plants in your home and workplace, as these carry a positive vibration which your mind associates to your homeland.

  12. Creativity: Expose yourself to good quality music regularly, and aim to dance (by yourself or in small groups) as these activities raise your body’s entire vibration. Avoid TV and movie watching and exposure to the news media as much as possible, as these aim to trigger in you feelings of fear and guilt.

​Be as creative as you possibly can. Endeavor to connect back with your creative energy, whether it be with music, art, dance, sports, writing, gardening, building something. Avoid competitive activities as these make you feel self-conscious and create feelings of inadequacy. What is important is to enjoy yourself as these activities will help you get through this matrix experience.

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