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Secret Societies

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About the Orders

There are many secret societies, though most stem from the same source, in essence they are branches of a tree. Most people are not aware of these secret groups though they belong to some without even realizing it, for example, if you belong to a religious order such as the Baptists, Mormons or Christians, then you are an initiate of these respective orders. These are not known to be secretive by the general population but are highly secretive in the upper echelons of their structure. Within these orders initiates are made to feel privileged for being accepted as one of their members and are expected to follow certain protocols such as, give of their time, money and energy. 


Secret orders are hierarchical in nature, most requiring (paid) membership. They often engage their members in superficial rituals through their congregational practices and claim to hold secret knowledge which can only be earned through good deeds or sacrifices. The Catholic Church is one such order requiring their members to undergo the seven Sacraments, and its hierarchical structure is layered within its varying levels of deacons, priests, cardinals and bishops, with the bulk of the members consisting of the congregation (or followers of Jesus).

Most secret societies stealthily recruit their members, approaching them from a righteous pseudo posture alluding to their secret knowledge and that they and only they, hold the key on how to reach nirvana, both within the earthly and non-earthly planes. Such as the Order of the Skull and Bones, the Shriners, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Jehovah's Witness and so forth. Virtually all espouse high moral values entrenched in a cloak of benevolence and charity, with the upper echelon often portraying themselves as philanthropic. They are setup this way to ensure that the practicing Source Souls are kept from the real knowledge, accept whatever philosophy is espouse and do not question the state of their reality.

Most initiates of secret or religious orders believe that they can ascend spiritually and intellectually by going through rituals and practices which mark rites of passage; these however, are a smoke screen to ensure that initiates do not learn true knowledge and are kept in a stagnant and subservient place. Most people have no real understanding of what is really going on, yet pay their dues, wear their insignias, attend regular meetings and proudly display their membership. What most don’t know, even some of those within the high ranks, is that the real knowledge is only accessible through bloodlines and only within those do they earn their degrees.

Even though true knowledge is highly guarded by the bloodlines, paradoxically the truth is displayed in plain sight, albeit in strange ways. The reason truths are exposed in plain sight is because our Masters are under the obligation to inform their subdued servants the truth, as per the Source Soul’s life contract. The game has to be played fairly and displaying truths alleviates our Masters of incurring true karmic debt. Since we are given truths we cannot claim complete ignorance.

​Secret societies, sects, orders, use a variety of methods to convey their messages these include: numerology, Tarot, colours, shapes, symbols and parables, to name a few. A key tool they use is language manipulation, such as backward readings, anagrams, phonetic sounds which produce double entendres.

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Masonic Symbols

Masonic Symbols:

A quick glance at Freemasonry reveals much symbolism, a great deal focusing on the heart, the beetle and the snake. The Freemasons are best identified with the compass and square. This symbol could possibly symbolize how they are rulers of the physical reality, and how everything is precisely measured and calculated and falls in line with their secret rulership. They are also revealing that they are the true masons, the ones who rule over architecture, destroying old world structures and re-purposing others to suite their own needs. The compass’s arms resemble that of insect legs, with the ball of dung as its focal point on top; the handle. The ruler, with its sharp angles and even sides, alludes to a square, a box or a cube. As mentioned before, there are many types of boxes within the Source Soul’s body harvest industry.  The words “Free Mason”, is a 15 numerologically, which is represented by the Tarot's Devil card, reduced to a 6, which represents the "love of evil". The word “Masonry” is a 33, reflecting their highest level and their dominance in the world. Freemasonry is a “13” (13 representing the Source Souls who are in a dead like condition and who are part of their order). The Masonic Hierarchy is comprised of 13 levels 18 feathers (18 representing the sinister moon energy) and the Eye of Horus (reflecting attachments to Egypt, where knowledge was first secretly kept).

The Masonic G:

Much can be said about the masonic ‘G” as it has multi-layered meaning. The letter “G” represents the 7 numerologically, the Chariot Card in the Tarot, alluding to power through conflict. The 7 also refers to the “heart”, as the word “heart” is a numerological 7.  Additionally, the “G” has been interpreted by some as representing God, however, it can also represent the Goat and the Dog people. Dog is God backward. However, in actuality, I believe the G best represents something very literal; a curled up snake with its head in the center and its tail extending outward. If you trace the “g”, either as a capital or small letter it begins to resemble a snake.  The center where the G dangles is connected to a chain, representing how the snake is imprisoned to the heart. The background of the dangling G represents the heart area.

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The Baphomet:

This entity is known to be the Freemasonic God. It is also called the Sabbatical Goat. It is a humanoid type creature with horns, female breasts, goat legs, hooves and wings. On one arm there is the tattoo with the word “solves” on the other it reads “coagula”. On its  lap is the caduceus; two intertwined snakes moving up a pole. The caduceus is today’s symbol for the Medical Association. The tattoo can be understood by seeing the anagram within  the word “solve” which is  “loves”, and  the word “coagula” is defined by the online dictionary as deriving from the Latin coāgulum referring to a mass, as of blood; or “blood clot”. Hence, the tattoos on both arms of the Baphomet can be read: “loves clotted blood”.


Two fingers pointing up and two pointing down is a symbol for upload and download; this could be alluding to an energy outlet’s power cord with two prongs. Its insidiously referring to blood taken from the light and given to the dark; energy extraction symbolism.


The Goat pentagram has 5 points, referring to the snake captured within, as “5” is the number of the snake. The caduceus on the lap, depicts 2 snakes climbing up a pole, with a ball on top alluding to feeding on a ball of beetle dung. The backdrop is scaly and reptilian like, similar to the body of a snake. Basically the caduceus on the Baphomet’s lap represents the dominance over the souls, by which snakes and beetles are used to put a body into an unhealthy condition. It’s all in the lap of the Baphomet, or the devil, as the image is similar to the iconic devil. 

The devil’s horns hand signal is the hand gesture in which the index and pinky fingers point outward with the remaining fingers folded inward. This is a masonic symbol as are many other hand gestures. These represent the horns of the goat people, the Sabbatical Goat or the devil. 


Numerological breakdown of “Baphomet” reveals an 8, the Strength Tarot card, signaling power and perfection. The 8 can also be viewed as the perfect snake eating its tail; the Ouroboros, which is depicted in the shape of an 8 and which represents infinity.

The image of the Baphomet may actually represent our key Masters, the Goat people. However, they do not have wings, these are depicted to represent their mastery over flying technology, such as UFOs.

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The Baphomet also looks a great deal like Pan, and is the only Greek God to have spent his time idling around and playing the flute attracting hordes of children to follow him, similar to the Pied Piper. This god just happens to be half goat and half human and looked a lot like the Baphomet. There are countless depictions of this type of being in art. He is also the only Greek god who died, unlike Zeus and the other counterparts who are immortal gods. Its most likely that Peter Pan is based on this god. Additionally Pan resembles the devil in today’s conventional depictions, with the slanted eyes, horns and mischievous ways. Could this God have been transformed into our common everyday devil because he resembles our Masters? Because Pan was not threatening, was he transformed in mythology to look more menacing? Has the church taken this god and used him as the anti-Christ as a sly to have Source Souls worship him? Are we to fear the devil with his hypnotic lure? Our society seems to be much into devil worship, through its culture, music and imagery and relentless wearing of black clothing. I think the Baphomet actually resembles a real living being, and higher level Freemasons know this, this is why they worship this particular image and not any other type.

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