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Pulling a Truman

The Truman Effect in Movies


Movies are not benign, contrary to what is conveyed, they are not meant to be entertainment as much as they serve as tools for psychological manipulation. This is done through the teaching of false morals and presentation of unethical behaviour. As we watch movies, subliminal messages are conveyed in many ways, through the characters’ performance, the lines they deliver, and the images presented.  With strobe lighting imbued in most movies, the effect is meant to be powerful and hypnotic on the viewer’s psyche and designed to influence their real life behaviour.


This article is about movies which aim to distort the Source Soul (SS) moral compass and by which the ‘truman effect’ can be observed. I was inspired to create this term from watching the movie The Truman Show. In this movie the character, Truman is the subject of entertainment to a viewing public, unbeknownst to him.

I’ve designated 3 factors to determine if a movie has the ‘Truman Effect’ within it:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers.

  3. Identity confusion.

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The Truman show



Extract taken from IMBd:


Since birth, a big fat lie defines the well-organised but humdrum life of the kind-hearted insurance salesman and ambitious explorer, Truman Burbank. Utterly unaware of the thousands of cleverly hidden cameras watching his every move, for nearly three decades, Truman's entire existence pivots around the will and the wild imagination of the ruthlessly manipulative television producer, Christof--the all-powerful TV-God of an extreme 24/7 reality show: The Truman Show. As a result, Truman's picturesque neighbourhood with the manicured lawns and the uncannily perfect residents is nothing but an elaborate state-of-the-art set, and the only truth he knows is what the worldwide television network and its deep financial interests dictate. Do lab rats know they are forever imprisoned?


Subtext: That one man is a prisoner for the benefit and the amusement of others.


The Truman Effect: That one man lives what he believes to be a natural life while all those around him orchestrate his very existence.


Morality Message for the Viewer: That it is ok to enslave others and create false realities for them if the end justifies the means – which is to say, if it benefits many at the cost of one then it’s all very justifiable.


Source Soul(s) representative: Truman, as performed by Jim Carrey is not a SS name, but the character does represent the plight of a captured SS in this movie. The name Urman can be uncovered as an anagram within the name Truman. According to online sources, this name means “poor man”. The T or t can be viewed as the letter which represents a cross; therefore it can be crossed out within a word, such as in planet, which can be read plane. As the name Urman is a vowel starting name, it cleverly insinuates the Jim Carrey’s role is one of a Source Soul.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only– Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers– Yes.

  3. Identity confusion– Yes.
    The name Truman is assigned to him by a corporation, others around him assume fake names in their acting roles.

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the healer



Extract taken from IMDb:


A womanizing gambler (Alec) moves to Halifax, Nova Scotia with the promise of money to pay off his debts and learns his bloodline has the gift of healing. He falls for a local vet, is confronted by the police who believe he is a fraud, and renounces his gift, but then he meets a young girl with terminal cancer and must try to save her.


Subtext: That some people are uniquely gifted and as such must share their gifts with others, even if comes at a high cost to them; this subtext implies that the healer heals others by giving of his body, of himself.  Jesus Christ also healed others in a similar fashion, all he had to do was touch or look at people. Therefore, Jesus was the blood sacrifice by which he healed others, as this story of The Healer is also alluding to.


The Truman Effect: the main character Alec (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), lives within a reality created by those around him, these people insist he has special gifts, yet he is befuddled by the notion that he is a healer. All behave according to a prescribed script, giving him the same messages and pushing him in the same direction; causing him immense stress. When all fails, they bring in Abigail (Kaitlyn Bernard), to engage with him in a more personal way, tapping into his personal traumas of having lost a sibling to cancer. This was a clever manipulative strategy to have him want to accept his (make belief) gifts and to help others.


Morality Message for the Viewer: That those deemed privileged and as having a superior stature should help others and not be selfish and keep their gifts to themselves. Therefore, help others in ways they don’t even understand. As SS are healing machines, unknowingly giving of their blood to heal others, they are fed these story lines within movies to help them accept their condition.


Source Soul(s) representative: Oliver Jackson-Cohen who plays a SS within the movie, but who is most likely a real SS in his truth, as both these names begin with vowels. Therefore playing this role helps the SS accept his mission as a captive prisoner whose suffering is justified because it serves to heal others.  He is manipulated by the Abigail character, who carries this name within the movie, to manipulate the Alec character and the viewers alike, that people who are sick, young, and seem vulnerable, are victims, and therefore can do anything in their power to exploit others who have been deemed to be stronger and healthier than they are.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes. Alec is given a different identity by all the town’s people, including his uncle – that of a healer.

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It's Not a Date



Extract from IMBd:


This movie tells the story of Carly (Leah Huebner) and Milo, a couple in their twenties on their first date. Although "It's not a date" but more of a casual meetup at a local club; it begins as a classic girl meets boy story with casual conversation that escalates to a night of sex. However, things turn sour when Carly convinces herself that Milo was someone whom she slept with in the past and gave her an STD. Although he denies it, he is taken hostage by her and her family and undergoes much torture throughout.


Subtext: It’s OK to imprison someone because of some mild suspicion that they may have harmed you.


The Truman Effect: Milo is held hostage and tortured and is treated as a novelty by all those around him. Therefore he is unique and lives within an enclosed reality with everyone around him handling his very existence.


Morality Message for the Viewer: That both men and women can’t be trusted, but in the end justice is served; often violence is necessary.


Source Soul(s) representative: Milo (Mischa Pollack) plays the SS in this movie, as he is the one who is the center of all the attention and everyone circles around him imposing their various agendas. He is encased within plaster to symbolize the SS paraplegic condition, immobile and restrained. At one point he is made to wear a helmet to symbolize the helmet all SS have on their heads by which a mind reality is imposed onto their brains. The character Milo is played upon psychologically, sexually violated and physically hurt. The cover of the movie shows a needle to his jugular, but in the movie he received an injection to his butt. This indicates how blood was the underlining desired extraction, as a needle to a jugular vein can withdraw large amounts of blood. Much blood is spilled from the character throughout the movie and a needle is even put through his heart symbolically reflective of a heart puncture.

 In the end the viewer’s desire for justice is cathartically released as Milo’s pain is vindicated from his violent outburst reassuring the viewer that justice in the end will be done (violently).


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes. The female character assumes he gave her a venereal disease, when it was his friend who may have given it to her. All his suffering was a result of this confusion.

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the competition



Extract from IMBd:


The main character (Thora Birch) follows the "PIG Theory" and ends relationships after six months in order to avoid heartache until she meets a man (Chris Klein) who wants to disprove her theory.


Subtext: people can be manipulated to serve your purpose. Unknowing friends are used to test the couple’s theory, that all men, given the chance and opportunity will cheat on their mates.


The Truman Effect: The main character, Calvin is setup to be seduced by Lauren’s sister while unknowing to him he is being spied on by Lauren, her mother and mother’s friend. Other truman effects occur as friends are setup to be seduced unknowing that they are being tricked and tested.


Morality Message for the Viewer: That it’s ok to cheat and lie to others, such as friends and family, to satisfy a whimsical notion which resembles scientific experimentation.


Source Soul(s) representative: the character Calvin (Chris Klein) plays the SS as he is the one setup to engage with Lauren to disprove her theory that all men are pigs. He is the outsider, the unique one. He is also the one who is spied on as he is seduced by her sister. He speaks, as if on a stage, with curtains in the background, alluding to the grand stage SS and their handlers interact within on a regular basis.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – yes (Chris character).

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – yes.

  3. Identity confusion – yes.

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groundhog day



Extract from IMBd:


It tells the story of Phil Connors, an arrogant Pittsburgh TV weatherman who, during an assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day over and over.


Subtext: Life is not within our control and lives can be repeated.


The Truman Effect: Phil is the only person undergoing the reality distortion, everyone else around him hold true to their shared reality and to denying his truth (or experience).


Moral Message for the Viewer: That it’s OK to deny someone else’s truth if you are not experiencing it in the same way.


Source Soul(s) representative: Bill Murray who plays Phil is the SS representative as he is the only one captive within a distorted reality which to him feels real in every way.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – yes.

  3. Identity confusion – yes. Phil Connors loses his sense of self and identity and re-invents himself.

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It’s a Boy Girl Thing



Extract taken from IMBd:


 'It's a Boy Girl Thing' uses the high school comedy structure as a basis to explore teenage insecurities, hopes and fears. Nell (the smart, cute girl) and Woody (the big dumb jock) are two teenage rivals who find themselves in each other’s bodies after arguing in front of an Aztec statue in a museum, which then transfers their souls as they sleep, causing them to awake in each other’s bodies.


Subtext: Gender reversal is possible, people’s consciousness can be transferred into someone else’s body, in some mysterious way.


The Truman Effect: The two become united under a common reality. Everyone around them keep up with their roles, (pretending) as if nothing strange has happened.


Morality Message for the Viewer: That males and females are uniquely different but can be pressured to behave and assume an opposite gender body.  


Source Soul Representatives: the two main characters are reflective of SS but none is actually one in real life. The idea that they are one person, experiencing an opposite gender body is underscored when the movie ends with them both inside a car. The car is a metaphor for a body, one body, uniting both the male and female.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – yes ; both as one unit.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – yes.

  3. Identity confusion – yes and gender reversal as well.


Alex and the List



Extract taken from IMBD:


Alex, a lovable, unassuming dog trainer is in love with  Katherine - smart, talented, from a good family. Katherine adores Alex’s quirky sense of humor, honesty and capacity to listen. Having decided to pop the question, Alex is blindsided when Katherine produces a detailed list of well-thought-out “improvements” she feels will tweak Alex on their way to becoming the ideal couple.


Subtext: That people can and should be changed if others so deem it.


The Truman Effect: Alex as the key protagonists is the only person who is presented with a list. Everyone around him, including his family and friends support the list, and his adherence to it. In essence they act as the social body by which his unique reality takes place within. Alex is given the list from a person whom he believed loved him, yet the list reflected that he wasn’t good enough for her. The list included telling him how to take care of his teeth and dress, to the type of car he should drive and religion to practice. This was not to make him a better person, but to pressure him to become a better man and align himself with male stereotypes.  This is why his name had to be a SS name, because being a woman in a man’s body, as the story alludes too, Alex’s behaviour, mannerism and general disposition was that of a woman, not a man, therefore the movie aims to train him to accepting his male body and have him want to get married. In the end he rejects the marriage, but is changed fundamentally, as it is highlighted by his friends. This is the condition of SS, always being manipulated by others around them, nudging them in certain ways to have them want to fit into the social order.


Moral Message for the Viewer: Men need to behave like men, as per a prescribed social script.


Source Soul(s) representative: Alex, is a SS name though none of the key performers are real life SS. This name is meant to lure the viewer into identifying with this character, as all SS must be trained to fit into society by the imposition of social norms and family pressures.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes, Alex is pressured to assume a different type of identity, one different from his original self.



My Girlfriend's Boyfriend



Extract taken from IMBd:


In a moment of bold self-confidence, Jesse introduces herself to struggling writer Ethan. Then in walks Troy, who in a moment of bold self-confidence introduces himself to Jesse. Jesse falls in love with both men, who happen to have a lot in common but still seem very different. What will happen when Jesse must tell the truth?


Subtext: It’s OK to two time when you act innocent and naïve.


The Truman Effect: Her reality is unique only to her.


Morality Message for the Viewer: women should keep important truths from the men they are dating.


Source Soul(s) representative: Alyssa Milano, most likely a real SS. Strategically was in this movie at the same time she was getting married in her real life. She conveyed the essence of a SS female, playing a role by which she was seriously interested in men, kissing them on screen. These acts, no matter how downplayed they are, actually affect the SS, as lips touching feels like a kiss. Though she was seduced by two men, one was fictitious, alluding to her real male self, the one who lurks within her dream reality.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes, the female is put through someone else’s fantasy, and lives out 2 distinct realities.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes. The viewer is fooled into believing that there exists an extra male in the movie playing an active role when this character is revealed to have been purely a make-belief personality in a book; consequently, the female character is also portrayed as having two identities, as she is simultaneously involved with two men.

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the Matrix



Extract taken from IMBd


In the near future, Computer hacker Neo is contacted by underground freedom fighters who explain that reality as he understands it is actually a complex computer simulation called the Matrix. Created by a malevolent Artificial Intelligence, the Matrix hides the truth from humanity, allowing them to live a convincing, simulated life in 1999 while machines grow and harvest people to use as an ongoing energy source. The leader of the freedom fighters, Morpheus, believes Neo is "The One" who will lead humanity to freedom and overthrow the machines. Together with Trinity, Neo and Morpheus fight against the machine's enslavement of humanity as Neo begins to believe and accept his role as "The One".


Subtext: that within an artificial reality there is one special person, whom everyone knows about except that person.


The Truman Effect: Neo is the unique person, declared by all those around him as having special powers; incredible powers to save and heal others – another Jesus Christ allegory.


Morality Message for the Viewer: trust that all those around you know more than you do, yet these same people try to convince you that you are special, (people labelled him as The One, before he had any notion of it).


Source Soul(s) representative: Neo, is an anagram for One, implying a SS name. It is also referring to the neo cortex of the brain, the area responsible for consciousness. 


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – yes.

  3. Identity confusion – yes, Neo exists within and outside the matrix as two distinct personalities, one as a fighter, the other as a healer.

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The Solver



Extract taken from IMBd:


Luke, a young professional in New York City, learns his grandfather has disappeared under strange circumstances and is presumed dead. When he arrives at his grandfather's remote cabin, he finds a series of clues and puzzles, each more baffling than the last. With the help of a woman from his past and an eccentric sidekick, he must unravel the puzzle before someone else gets to the dark secret it hides.


Subtext: there are secrets in this world and only those specially selected can decipher them.


The Truman Effect: Luke is a special person, who has special abilities and connections to someone in the past. All those around him are outsiders and indirect supporters of his isolated reality.


Morality Message for the Viewer: MK Ultra, mind controlling techniques are justifiably used by those who hold power.


Source Soul(s) representative: Luke plays the SS due to his unique role being isolated from all others, yet the only real life SS is Antonio Jaramillo, who plays Damien, a traumatized and evil man. This is often done in movies, where a real life SS is given the villain’s role and the fake on screen SS is made to be the victim or an innocent person. Role reversal even within on-screen characters. In this context, Alex, the female, who plays a gender reversal character, is given a gender neutral SS name, and goes through a physical transformation, from looking butch to fem. This was done to convey to SS watching that being in such a condition is normal yet the acceptance of one’s gender is seamless.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him only – yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes (everyone wants something from him).

  3. Identity confusion – the female character is transformed from butch to fem and discreetly plays a gender reversal role.

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Jack and Jill vs the World



Extract taken from IMBd:


Jack is a N.Y.C. advertising executive with a life as glossy as the commercials he spins. Jill is new to the city, with nothing to stand on but her fiery personality and romantic ideals. Opposites attract, and together they author their own manifesto of "rules to live by." But Jill betrays Jack by violating rule one - Be Honest. However, she keeps something from Jack: she's ill with cystic fibrosis and only has a few years left. When Jack discovers her secret, he feels betrayed that she violated their first rule, this leads to their split up.


Subtext: Issues about one’s health should be kept a secret.


The Truman Effect: the female character is the only one experiencing a problem, she is suffering and feels that it must be kept a secret. The world around her behaves as normal.


Morality Message for the Viewer: the people you love might betray you if they know about your real health problems.


Source Soul(s) representative: There are no real life SS in this movie, though Jill is the SS representative, as she is chronically ill.  People with failing health are representing the SS condition of being perpetually ill.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes; a secret affair.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes, but not so clearly stated in this movie.

  3. Identity confusion – Jill hides aspects of her true self therefore aims to befuddle her true identity.

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Extract taken from IMBd:


A mystery girl arrives in a small town in Brattleboro Vermont and creates a new life for herself while her past remains unknown. She gets a job at Twice Upon a Time, a used merchandise store, and meets Tiffany, her boss, and Brian, her co-worker. Little by little she begins to discover her past, and must deal with it, even while she impacts everyone else's life she touches. In the end, her deepest question is whether to go back to the past, or forward to the future.


Subtext: amnesia can be used to explain away how someone can simply awaken within the matrix without having any real biological connections.


The Truman Effect: the main character, Charis assumes a makeshift identity and is the only one experiencing a different type of reality, while all those around her support her condition.


Moral Message for the Viewer: Follow your heart not your memories.


Source Soul(s) representative(s): the main character plays a SS as she is unique among all others. The real SS is her boss Tiffany, whose real life name is Indra. She plays a love sick person, who has been betrayed but is in need of a man (according to the Charis character).


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes, everyone seems to know more about her then she does.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes, very clearly stated.


July Rising


Extract taken form IMBd


Andy (played by Alexa Yeames)  inherits her grandfather's orchard and becomes the ward of her aunt from the city. She must navigate the path to her future from a small town where choice and agency have never been options for young women.


Subtext: SS who don’t want to leave the land and accept their gender must be coaxed and manipulated by others to do so.


The Truman Effect: the main character is unique in her conviction to stay on the land and not date anyone, especially the guy who insists on claiming her. Everyone around her aims to sway her away from the land and push her towards dating a man, using the trick by which her friend gets pregnant by the guy who wants Andy, this is done so she can feel jealous and move her closer to the idea that she too can one day conceive a child.


Morality Message for the Viewer:  No matter how hard you try to regress into your real self, all those around you will work diligently together to get you to break and accept the capitalistic work-life, break your connection to nature, and pressure you to date someone of the opposite sex.


Source Soul(s) representative: Alexa Yeames, who also plays with an SS name, Andrea, which similar to her real life name is shortened in the movie to an androgynous name, Andy. In her real life, Alexa, can be shortened to Alex. Tricks used to befuddle SS, in the case of male SS living within female bodies, male names can be hacked out of their real names, so they don’t reject their female identities.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes, main character expresses mainly male characteristics, refuses to date and rejects males.


Wish Upon a Star


Extract from IMBd

Alexia and Hayley Wheaton are portrayed as sisters who live in the same house and attend the same high school. Eighteen-year-old Alexia (Katherine Heigl) is popular, stylish, has a jock boyfriend, Kyle (Don Jeffcoat), and puts no effort into schoolwork. In contrast, her fifteen-year-old sister Hayley (Danielle Harris) is socially reserved and admires her older sister's popularity from a distance, while excelling in science and mathematics. Hayley has a crush on her sister's boyfriend, Kyle, and envies her when she sees them making out. One night, Hayley is seen outside studying the night sky for her science class while Alexia is relaxing in the outdoor hot tub with Kyle. When Hayley sees a shooting star, she wishes to become her sister Alexia, then turns to see Alexia also watching the sky. The next morning, the sisters each awaken to find themselves in each other's bodies. Hayley takes responsibility for the swap, mentioning her wish.


Subtext: Girls must be girls, even when one tries to be butchy or boy like, tricks must be used on her to get her to accept her female self. Gender reversal is present in this movie, by which the girls don’t just switch bodies, they switch genders, as one is fem, the other butch. In this way the butchy one learns to feel feminine and accept her body.


The Truman Effect: the wish is magical, a trick, by which the two girls live an isolated reality, with everyone around them keeping up the appearance of normalcy.


Moral Message for the Viewer: rival sisters can bond when they walk in each other’s shoes.


Source Soul(s) representative: no SS in this movie, but a SS name is given to the taller sister, Alexa, a common name used in movies to occultly symbolize SS, as this is a very common name given to SS in real life. This character goes through gender and identy reversal, by which she is extremely stereotypically feminine and then loosens up and becomes more masculine like, in the end, she reverts back to her femininity. The implication that there is a man inside each female. Her sister mirrors this effect.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes.


Good Country



Extract taken from: HDCCM


Meghan is a talented property sales executive who neglects her mother and close friends to focus on one goal, making money. But when she is to close a deal with a Christian landowner in the Mojave Desert thinking even God can't stop her ...her life is transformed when she is pressured to remain on the farm 6 days.


Subtext: Ruthless money hungry people can be easily changed.


The Truman Effect: The Megan character is the only person going through something uniquely different from others, her identity is falsely assumed as she integrates into the farm’s spiritual practices.


Morality Message for the Viewer: a woman needs to focus on family matters not capitalistic ideals.


Source Soul(s) representative: there are no SS in the main protagonist roles in this movie, yet Meghan is portraying a SS who has bought into the capitalistic regime of the matrix, yet she is a SS because within 6 days she reverted back to her true nature, to be caring for others and to reconnect back to the land. A non SS would not be so easily converted.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes.


Danny Deckchair



Extract taken from


Based on a true story, the tale of a cement truck driver named Danny (Rhys Ifans), whose long awaited vacation is cancelled thanks to his scheming girlfriend, Trudy. Danny escapes his grim life in suburban Australia and blasts into the skies in a chair tied with helium balloons. A mighty thunderstorm blows him clean off the map, and spits him out far away over the lush green town of Clarence. In this new town, he rockets into the world of Glenda, the town’s only parking cop. While the media back home becomes obsessed with the story of his disappearance, Danny gets to reinvent himself in this new town, and in his great adventure, he discovers a true soul mate in Glenda. Fate catches up with him eventually, as Danny’s true identity is revealed and Trudy–now a tabloid celebrity–comes to the idyllic town to claim Danny and drag him back to Sydney. Danny, however, is a changed man; he’s discovered what it means to be happy and has found a new self-worth.


Subtext: If your life is mediocre and depressing you can always start anew somewhere else with an entirely new identity.


The Truman Effect: the main character Danny exists within an isolated reality as he assumes a different identity within a small town. All the town’s people accept him, without question, and are in essence supporting actors within his reality.


Moral Message for the Viewer: it’s ok to lie about who you are if it means improving yourself.


Source Soul(s) representative: Danny represents the SS in this movie as his reality is unique. He is gentle in his nature but shows a desire to self-improve. In real life none of the actors of this movies appear to be SS. No SS name is given to anyone in the movie either. This movie is meant to be comical in nature but convey the important message that SS can re-invent themselves within a single life time.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes, he assumes a different identity within the town he lands in.


The Test


Synopsis: Extract from IMBd


A comedy, Indie Film about a man Nathan (Jeremy Saville) who is prompted by his friends to test his fiancé, Julia (Kelly Sullivan) of her commitment to him before their wedding day. He plays several realistic pranks on her shaking the very foundation of their relationship.


Subtext: a good man can be easily swayed by his friends to become deceitful and violate issues of trust with the woman he loves.


The Truman Effect: Kelly experiences the Truman effect because she becomes the center of attention, whereby she is tricked and spied upon. Those orchestrating and participating in the events designed to fool her share common knowledge while she remained ignorant throughout.


Morality Message for the Viewer: the persuasion of others can corrupt you, though they will take no responsibility for their deeds.


Source Soul(s) representative: both husband and wife characters play SS; both are manipulated by others to believe in certain things and behave in certain ways.


To sum:

  1. Character exists within an encapsulated reality, unique to him/her only – Yes, both male and female protagonists.

  2. Supporting characters behave synchronously and act as spies or handlers – Yes.

  3. Identity confusion – Yes, he falsely portrays himself as something else to his fiancé.


Extra Observations About This Movie:

I make these observations because they are common effects which can be observed in other movies. These effects indicate that movies are not created by independent individuals but are developed by handlers who always aim to convey subliminal messages through their imagery and language.

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Image 1: Sun setting casting a shadow behind itself and clouds are clearly visible behind the sun.

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Image 2: Curtain backdrop, as if he is performing on a stage; common effect used in many movies.

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Image 3: Off stage handler symbolism, by which character dictates script to stage performer; also a common device used in other movies.

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Image 4: Friends observe on a screen how a real life scene took place.

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Image 5: Two teams, the blue and red; the blue blood Archons and the red team, the vampiristic entities. The white is in the center symbolic of the SS and the ball of the game; the one being played with.

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Image 6: Devil look – goat beard and sly expression, dressed in blue; devil symbolism.

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Image 7: Squid like arms acting as a swing holder, only on the man representing the SS.

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Image 8: Good vs evil symbolism - white vs black – red flowers behind SS, symbolic of his death, and light fixture behind friend, symbolic of artificial light (moon energy).

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Image 9: How players work – friend setting up SS with another player.

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Image 10: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil – symbolism.

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Image 11: Vampire eyes; toasting with red wine, a symbol of blood.
Image is representing SS under vampire control, offering of her blood.

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Image 12: Blood shot eyes, asymmetrical eyes, strange shadow, blue shirt, symbolic of Archonic handler.

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Image 13: SS feigning an accident manipulating other SS, with key handler connecting them.

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Image 14: Man crying like a baby; alluding to regression into infantilism.

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Image 15: Two SS marrying, the female in blue the male in white, symbolic of gender reversal condition for both.  Yellow flowers symbolic of the sun, or soul energy. Everyday casual wear of guests and minister, symbolic of mockery of event, that no real ceremony is being held. Water or sea symbolism, next to earth, alluding to sea creature connections with terrestrial ones.

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Image 16: Archonic squid chandelier – eight arms, two tentacles – chain type strings, and mantel; body holding arms.

Quotes from this movie:


‘Your fiancé, what’s his name?” man in restaurant asks....her response, “ahh, ah, ” not remembering.

“None of this is real, sleight of hand, illusions,” said by Ron.

“I’m definitely not gay, that I know of” he said in response to her question; “Are you gay?”

“I am so tired of loss and mourning and craziness...I just want a normal, happy existence,” she said.

“Let’s drink to gain” – (not again, but to “gain”) as in to win something.

“Look Nate, you are already dead to me,” she said to her ex fiancé while he lay in the middle of the road.


Final Comments:


Gender reversal and identity confusion are themes depicted with great frequency in many movies and TV shows. These seem to span culture and time, and can be found in older movies. The idea that a person’s consciousness can be placed in someone else’s body or that a male can exist within a female’s body and vice-versa, is a concept that in a free and just society would not exist, nor would it be found entertaining. It is so popular in movies because it is alluding to some aspect of the Source Soul truth.  Putting it in plain sight normalizes it while simultaneously mocking it’s reality. This has the effect of dispelling emotional tensions, therefore cathartically allowing the viewer to release pent up anxiety regarding his/her condition; unaware of the true nature of their everyday anxiety.


There are so many movies with these types of themes, that from an objective point of view it leads to suspicion. For example: Big, Mrs Doubtfire, Yentil, Your Name, Freaky Friday, Source Code, She’s the Man, Just my Luck, The Parent Trap; just to name a few. I encourage you to find the Truman Effect within movies by which one person’s reality differs from the rest. Combined with identity confusion it is a very common device used in all types of movies. I found these movies simply randomly, no science is required to finding them. All it takes is an inquisitive and observant mind to find unusual patterns. Make an effort to uncover hidden messages within movies, you might be surprised how common it really is.

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