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the mocking of source Souls (males)

Shania Twain

Man! I feel like a woman

Shania Twain

Commentary: Shania Twain, whose real name is a source soul (SS) name, Eilleen, is often depicted as a woman dressed in exaggerated female apparel, this hints at her being a man who is dressing and performing like a woman. This rings true of the source soul's condition of being in gender reversal. Her black clothing when she is performing allude to her near dead like condition. Her songs suggest that she is a man, who feels like a woman, and that there is a woman in her, suggesting "he" aims to accept a female construct of himself. Other songs allude to living a dream reality, and not having found real love. Most if not all SS within this matrix reality long for their soul mate sweethearts, some express this desire by transforming themselves to look as much like their sweethearts as possible.

Angel Brown

Angela Brown
the house cleaning Guru


Commentary: Angela Brown is a professional house cleaner who owns her own business and has a very popular YouTube channel giving out house cleaning tips. Unbeknownst to her, she is being mocked and ridiculed at every turn and made to expose deeply private and sensitive information. In one of her shows she talks about how she was betrayed by her own fiance and sister. This reinforces to the watching SS that she is heterosexual and a woman who was deeply in love with her man. However, she claims to be married and loves her swiffer a bit more than her husband (not sure if she is aware that she said such a thing). She often presents herself in an androgynous way (un- purposefully and unconsciously). The image speaks for itself. Extra add-ons such as the clear depiction of a penis are added to this photo.This clearly demonstrates that photos are not what we think they are, they are constructed and manipulated to express hidden innuendos regarding the source soul's condition and to give all those in the know a good laugh!

Oprah Winfrey
Queen of All Media

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is often depicted in exaggerated feminine apparel alluding to her gender reversal condition. Most likely she does not dress in this manner on a regular basis, but feels more comfortable in scaled down clothing of a more androgynous nature. Her magazine covers aim to convey strong subliminal messages, encouraging her SS audience to accept living in a false identity and accepting their gender reversal condition.  Her on-going messages glamorize excessive flamboyancy, makeup and dieting as natural ways of life, while from another angle she espouse the virtues of self-integrity and self-acceptance.

Words such as 'shine" allude to the SS aura, which is weakened within their condition, and "secret" subliminally refers to the great secret that SS are living a false reality within a false body. "Foolproof" refers to her and her followers as fools. Other words such as "haircut' and "diet" have imbued in them 'cut' and 'die' - violent innuendos. Oprah is known for her Book Club which promotes book reading.  This has the effect of encouraging escapism on the part of the reader. Leading SS to live sub-realities through the imaginings of others, becoming imbued in stories filled with violence, debauchery and betrayals. A conditioning to accepting the "real" matrix life.


Amanda Bynes
She's the man

Amanda Bynes

“The She's the Man star reportedly waved a car down, telling the driver she was 'coming down from a psychotic episode' before she called 911” and, “Amanda Bynes 'placed on psychiatric hold after roaming naked”. Quotes from This young actress seemingly had much success and accolades, but in her mid-thirties is struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues. She also seems to be struggling with identity issues, as she has transformed herself from a girly type to a dark brooding asexual type. In movies she is clearly being mocked by which the titles alone reflect her downgrading, ie: ‘fat’, ‘liar’, ‘wrecked’. In the movie ‘She’s the Man’ she is clearly being mocked in her real-life gender reversal condition. This is reflective in such scenes as the one above. Flaunting it in her face, serving to befuddle watching male Source Souls to their similar true condition -  the condition by which they are truly males who look like females within this matrix reality. To further befuddle Amanda, they juxtapose her against a guy who is fit and handsome, alluding to her own real-life body. A clever technique to keep her from seeing her own truth. ‘Charlotte’s Web’ alludes to the Archonic hold, as spiders look like 8 legged sea creatures. ‘Hairspray’ is all about mixing genders and men performing in drag. In this movie she was portrayed as extremely feminine and sweet. ‘Easy A’, points at how easy it is to fool source souls (easy, eh?....ha! ha!). It’s all great fun for the handlers who are in the know and laugh hysterically at the expense of suffering source souls.

Ellen DeGeneres
the Authentic Drag King

Ellen DeGeneres
EllenDegeneres img.jpg


"If I've done anything in the past 19 years, I hope I've inspired you to be yourself — your true, authentic self," DeGeneres told her audience in an interview about ending her long running show. This is a sincere comment, as being herself is getting as close to being a man as possible. Cross dressing as per what the Matrix dictates as masculine, has helped Ellen become the super star she has become. In female apparel she would not have felt right, would not have felt authentically "herself" or “himself”. Ellen's' case reflects a Source Soul who found a way to succeed within the matrix while still aligning with her true self – the male she really is. The dressing may seem superficial, but it is not, as it points to gender, and gender is the one important element which has been taken from the Source Souls. In light of a pseudo castration, some Source Souls refuse to accept their condition and take on everything else which is reflective of being male, including mannerisms, lifestyle and the people they date or marry. The mockery is for those in the know, the public show is for entertainment.  Unfortunately, Ellen and her wife Portia, (whose real name is Amanda Lee Rogers, most likely a SS) are being used to push transgenderism and identity confusion onto the viewing Source Souls; helping them find a way within the matrix by which they can accept and cope with; If these two can be genuine in false identities then so can the rest of her adoring Source Soul fans!

See how the female Source Souls are being mocked, Click here!
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