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the mocking of
source Souls

Elvis Presley
The King of  'Rock' & 'Roll'

Elvis Presley

Elvis Aaron Presley, was and continues to be a constant source of amusement for our masters. The simple fact that there exists a myth that Elvis is still alive alludes to this mockery by which Elvis, the real Source Soul is in fact still alive, captive in a pod, yet within the matrix reality he died in 1977. To honour this idol, his masters put his face as the head of Medusa on this famous Greek sculpture, which in my opinion resembles Elvis 100%. Other angles of this sculpture also reveal to me the same Elvis face. Medusa, the woman with snakes in her head reinforces the mockery further as Elvis was a Source Soul female. Therefore the message drives the point that Elvis’s female could not be glanced upon, as to do so would be mortally dangerous. This was a subliminal message passed on to Elvis and to other SS who were exposed to his glory and to this mythology.  Further proof that the Medusa is Elvis is evidenced in the garland Elvis frequently wore while performing; he was not Hawaiian, so what was the real reason for this accessory? I contend that it represents the nerves and guts of the severed head of the Medusa.


​Elvis was most likely chosen to be the iconic idol he became, born to parents with strange names, Vernon Elvis and Gladys Love; he was most likely groomed from a young age to be talented and wildly alluring and heterosexual. In the cover of the movie with Ann-Margret (she most likely was another SS), the two are positioned in such a way which makes them both seem distorted, in an awkward sexual position, and she seems half naked wearing black panty-hose. This points to their true unnatural condition and mockery in plain sight. Let’s not forget that Elvis was known as the “King of Rock & Roll”, a pun on his regular drag-king performance. Additionally, "rock" can refer to a "stone" and "roll" to the rolling of a head. So much fun our masters have at our expense!!!

Enrique J. M. Morales -Ricky Martin

The cup of life

Ricky Martin
RickyMartin img.jpg

Enrique José Martín Morales best known as Ricky Martin appeared live on the Grammy Music Awards in 1999 as the opening act entitled: The Cup of Life, a translation from his song, La Copa de la Vida. The mockery became evident as he was brought on stage in a black box, which then opened to reveal Ricky inside. His clothes were all in black, as were the clothes of everyone around him. For such an upbeat song the performance was devastatingly morbid, alluding to death and captivity. The stage design reflected a deep ocean theme, by which the entire performance was held in a tubular structure stage, surrounded in blue, with luminous lights flashing outwardly; (seen only from a bird's eye view) reflective of bio-luminescent creatures. Therefore, they took Ricky from a box and put him in a pod from where he performed. Black smoke sprayed on stage by dancers alluded to squid ink.


​After some extensive researching I realized that Ricky always appears on stage dressed in either black or white (representing death). Ricky is the iconic symbol of a broken Source Soul who has rejected his SS name and accepted the matrix’s boxed-in homosexual lifestyle. His songs reflect a stud life of debauchery and casual sex, yet some carry a deeper meaning, such as  “La Vida Loca” “The Little Bite” (vampire bite?) and “She Bangs” as women don’t bang as men do in the sexual act.


​Finally, the Cup of Life, makes religious references, by which the body of Christ is eaten and his blood drank during large public ceremonies. Since Enrique Martin grew up catholic, this reference was to mock him, alluding to his on-going blood sacrificed condition. Let’s all toast to that with the Cup of Life !!!

Adam R. Wiles - Calvin Harris
This is What you came for


Calvin Harris, whose real name is Adam Wiles was mocked in this song “This is What You Came For” which he co-produced with Taylor Swift. Apparently she wrote the song and offered it to him. Yet there seems to be some controversy over who the original author of the song was. Calvin (Adam) admitted that he never denied that Taylor wrote the song. This small controversy was to shed light on the Source Soul who unknowingly produced a hit song about his condition. Yet, he did not produce the video. The offering from Taylor to him was indeed an offering of 'occult' truth. The song appears shallow in nature but the video combined tells a story. It starts off with a cube in which a rag-doll type person emerges and begins to wake-up within it. Soon she becomes alive to a virtual reality by which she experiences life within a cube. In some parts of the song she actually says "cube'.


It is my contention that all captured SS are prisoners within cubes and their brains are plugged into a simulated reality. Electrical impulses stimulate their brains so this reality can be manifested within their minds. This is why the song speaks of lightning strikes. Since I also contend that most SS are in gender reversal within the matrix reality, the video conveys this important message by featuring a woman as the one living the reality (fake reality) and the man in the background - the dreamer (the real SS who lives the life as a female).  Adam is bathed in green 'archonic' light and seems submerged within a fluid.


There are many ways to mock SS and put out their truths in plain sight. This is done for various reasons, to mock them, but also to help them alleviate pent up stress. The plethora of songs which have the words "dream, or dreamer" are evident of this truth.


Was Taylor Swift in Adam's life specifically to write this song, create a controversy around it and break up with him to mock him? This of course has the agenda to numb other SS who watch this video. When truth is presented to SS in this way, it has the effect of numbing them and stunting their awakening. Therefore, life within their ragdoll condition continues. This is what all Source Souls came for, to be prisoners within a cube and live a false life.


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