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The section is about our humanoid masters, however, more recently I've become aware of the most hidden of all masters, the ones that started it all but which are not humanoid, rather these are alien like and in many respects yet live in our oceans; where our actual bodies are kept. These are the true Archons referred to in ancient texts. To learn more please read the section on You and Your Clone.

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The Origin of Species

The Origin of Species

To begin to understand why so much variety of life forms exist in nature and why there are so many types of humanoid species, I must give a brief overview of the origin of species. Not the Darwinian concept, as his theories were devised to skew knowledge and displace information, but rather, I aim to provide a true explanation for how beings become physical and develop conscious awareness. To begin I pose this simple question, which you may have heard before: What came first the chicken or the egg? The answer is The Chicken! Why the chicken you may ask? Because the chicken needed to lay the egg.  Although this seems redundant, the truth is simple and clear. Every conscious being is first a non-physical source of energy, imbued with self-awareness and consciousness; a unique soul. They are fragments of a larger whole, which I refer to as the Source of All Living Matter (others refer to as God, Yahweh, Jehovah etc).


These conscious bits of awareness are immortal and limitless and they communicate and create life through thought. Souls are limitless and this is why they decide to create the physical form, because physicality (although not really solid either) comes with a set of rules and limitations, presenting interesting challenges and novelty. Being in the physical form is a great triumph and desired by most souls.


To create a new form from the formless conscious matter can be compared to creating a delicious soup. First one needs to desire it, then imagine what it will look like and taste like, then one needs to go about gathering its ingredients and finally, when it’s done, one only needs to enjoy its flavors and revel in its nutrients.  Souls, like great chefs, decide what they want to create based on the genetic soup which currently exists. In this respect, there are evolutionary lines based on vibrational sound patterns by which bodies have been created, these can be referred to as genetics and DNA.


Once a group of souls get together to design a new form, they conceive every aspect of its reality with great enthusiasm, care and creativity.  When the new species is ready to be launched, a select few souls from the group volunteer to be the first to experience the physicality of the new form. In essence they volunteer to be the first Adam and Eves of that species.


Once all is ready, a moment in time is selected by which the energy switch of life is turned on, like a light bulb, the newly created and fully developed bodies awake to their new reality.  This is a major explosive event, a monumental moment in time by which a new species is born, this is the real Big Bang. This event only happens once per new species creation, after that initial Big Bang those newly formed beings will follow the inherent rules of procreation as assigned to their form.


Mutations and Manipulations

Most species will keep their form indefinitely, however drastic environmental changes, or direct genetic manipulations can lead to species changes and structural vulnerabilities. If a species is mutated or genetically altered to an extreme level causing major adaptability problems or health injuries, the Souls which originally created that species may cease to want to birth within those forms, leading to species extinction.


Animal Counterparts

Initially, most species created by Souls were non-humanoid, expressing great diversity of body, shape and expression. The Bible story clearly depicts the order of events, stating that God first created the sky and the oceans, the land and the creatures to inhabit within it and as a final creation, Man (or humanoids) were fashioned.


All things created in the physical form have a sense of self, a conscious awareness, including trees, plants and water. Most, if not all humanoid species have an animal counterpart which their genetic vibration was inspired from. Many depictions of humanoids and other creatures can be appreciated through ancient art, literature and through the oral history of tribes and indigenous peoples. The images provided show some examples of such creations.

The Humanoid Masters


Throughout my life I was unaware of an alternate reality which I now see to be very real and very powerful. Like many Source Souls, I was raised within the context in which reality was taught to me. I was told what to believe in and to accept and trust those around me. However, as I’ve awakened within The Matrix I have come to realize that Source Souls have been kept in a hallucinatory mind altered condition interacting with other entities who are not of the Source Soul species. Though the Matrix itself is a construct similar for all Source Souls, the people they interact with are uniquely selected to engage with them. This awareness was difficult for me to accept, I resisted it for some time, but I have now reached the conclusion that it is true. The following is an outline of what I believe are the humanoid entities interacting with  Source Souls.


  1. Goat People or the Goatazoids(the key Masters)

  2. Vampire Entities, or VEs

  3. Wolverine/Dog (WDs)

  4. Virtual Reality People

  5. Caretakers, the Zeta Reticulans (the Grays)

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Goat People

The Goat People

(The Chosen People -the Key Masters)


The Goat People, are the Masters or owners of the Source Souls. These beings are responsible for the capture and housing of the Source Soul bodies. They regulate and manage their entire reality, and literally make life and death decisions for the Source Souls. They devise contracts, scripts and decide when a Source Soul will be released. Genetically they have common features with the vampire race, as they too need blood and other bodily resources from Source Souls to survive and to keep themselves strong, vibrant and healthy.  They do not consume blood directly, but indirectly, through medicinal interventions and infusions. These beings are related to the wild goats or rams; this is their original animal signature. Note that they did not evolve from them, only that a humanoid species was generated from that blueprint.


About Goats

Goats are part of the bovine family, males goats are called bucks, and usually have a beard, females are called does, or nannies, and their young are called kids. There exist a large variety of goats, from wild mountain and forest goats, to domesticated ones.  These are stout-bodied mammals with horns and cloven hooves. They are part of the Bovidae family, which include cattle, deer, antelopes and sheep. Both male and female goats grow horns up to 12 inches, and do not shed their horns, so their age can be determined by counting the annual growth rings. They range in size, from the pygmy goats who weigh around 53lbs, to the Anglo-Nubian goats who weigh up to 250lbs.Their hooves gives them great flexibility which allows them to live in steep areas. Goats in general can birth one or two young with a gestation period of 150 days.


Their Features

The Goat People are  a humanoid species who walk vertically, they have a human upper torso, similar to any human being but differ below the waist, possessing goat legs and hooves. They also grow horns and the rings around those horns denote their age and social status. Some have goat noses, however, the upper echelon of this species has undergone extensive plastic surgery and some have human type noses. These beings have a 6 part chakra system,  along with their physical body, their auras reflect the presence of the mental, ethereal, astral and celestial bodies. This gives them great range as far as understanding the nature of reality and has allowed them to expand their intellect. However, due to lacking the etheric template, they experience very short lives and are prone to premature aging and illnesses. They lost this template at some point in their humanoid evolution because they were ruthlessly hunted by predators, namely the vampiristic and wolverine species; these were barbarous and animalistic species seeking meat and blood for sustenance. As most cattle can be the prey of bats and wolves so were the Goat People. At the brink of extinction they found ways to survive through innovative strategies and technologies. Turning the evolutionary table upside down, becoming themselves the predators leading to the emergence of a complex game of prey-predator. The movie Jupiter Ascending is a good example of how these beings operate and how ruthless they can be, even among their own kin.


Their Game

The Goat People have collaborated with other beings in the construction and maintenance of the Matrix system. They send out hunting parties by which they contract the wolverine types and Zeta Reticulans to capture new prey.  They possess high technology and flying vehicles, of the type referred to in the Matrix as UFOs. They manage and overlook every aspect of The Matrix and insure its proper functioning. They buy, trade and sell their prey and simply treat it as a commodity in a complex industrial capitalistic system. They prepare life scripts, usher Source Souls to and from the afterlife, design complex contracts and create game plans for each Source Soul within their possession. Their aim is to keep SS trapped within the matrix, for as long a period as possible. Each Source Souls is owned by one key Master family  who manages his/her reality. Within The Matrix the Goat People interact directly with Source Souls primarily as their parents and children and sometimes their spouses.  Often they hire others from within their species (sometimes from the VE species) to play other immediate family members. These roles are carefully constructed, modified and monitored by the Goat Masters. Much like in the Truman Show, there are the front line actors, who engage directly with Truman, then there are the off stage administrators who overlook and manage the entire operation.


Within The Matrix’s social order the Goat People also mark their presence as a way of asserting authority, power and control, in this respect they are represented in the most elite classes, the upper echelons of churches, such as archbishops and popes, and within the royalty lineages, through queens and kings. Most commonly they are represented as high ranking bureaucrats, politicians and philanthropists.


What They Need from Source Souls

Because traditionally they've had short lives, been vulnerable to a multitude of bacterial and parasitical infections, they suffer greatly and age rapidly, therefore they need Source Soul's bodily resources to help them build stronger immunity and therefore live longer lives. They require Source Soul energy in the form of blood, plasma, platelets, bone marrow, spinal fluids, hormones and brain chemicals such as serotonin. They also use Source Soul tissues to re-generate their own decaying cells and organs. These are often applied through surgical techniques, such as face and body lifts and the regeneration of an entire liver etc. The dated movie ‘Seconds’ surprisingly depicts this truth. Additionally they use Source Souls to keep a complex array of commerce running. Gambling is a common practice based on Source Soul’s actions. Much like in the Truman Show, Source Souls are watched by paying clients and bets are placed based on their everyday decisions. The Goat People manage all this and it’s a constant source of profit, enjoyment and diversion for them and those who partake in this enterprise.


How Goat People Birth and Die

Goat People are born naturally through procreative means within their own reality. These beings form families, though they are not monogamous, they enjoy intimacies mainly for procreation. Their libido is stimulated by changes in their environment and their females are only fertile during the right conditions. They are not extremely attentive parents as they get their offspring to fend for themselves shortly after the nursing stage is completed. However males often choose one or two of their progeny to groom into working within the Matrix, and concepts of honour and loyalty are highly valued and enforced by them. When they die, which the upper echelon attempt to avoid at all costs, they do ascend into higher planes of ethereal awareness. They however are not limitless, and cannot be born into another body with their same consciousness. They can only be born as natural babies with no previous awareness of their other lives.


Key ideas related to the Goat People:

  • Ox, ram, sheep are common symbols in both the western and Chinese horoscope.

  • They are the only animals in which their young are called “kids”.

  • Their image is similar to religious depictions of the devil – with horns.

  • The dangling G in the Freemasonic emblem may represent the Goat people as their Baphomet god also looks half goat and half human.

  • The lamb is an animal depicted in the bible as representing Jesus - (the victim).

  • The word “sheeple” is often used to describe people who can be herded and follow a master.

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Vampire Entities

Vampiristic Entities (VEs)


The Vampire Entities have as their animal counterpart the Vampire Bat. These entities were initially created by the Source as a new mammalian humanoid species.  They went through an Adam and Eve awakening and possessed strong luminous auras. They existed in this form without changes for many millennium, however, overtime they underwent much genetic manipulations and physical changes and as a result lost much of their aura and its luminosity.


In this way, the Vampiristic Entities though created directly by souls within the creative soup of the Source, became weakened as they were subjected to mutations and took on characteristics not in their original design. However, the species did not go extinct as some souls still felt the challenge of existing within the form. Their desire for blood and to survive became more pronounced and they developed cerebral skills to compensate for their compromised and failing bodies.


The stories of vampires and Dracula are a result of the genetic mutations experienced by the Bat People. The emergence of these entities is what has given rise to what we refer today as evil and which some new age gurus describe as “the soulless ones”.


The Vampire Bat:

To understand the VEs it is important to have some understanding of bats. Bats are the only true flying mammals, with over 1300 different species worldwide, representing  20% of all mammal species which currently exist today ( They are the only mammals capable of flight, they bear live young, usually one at a time, and nourish their babies with milk. The can vary greatly in size, from the flying foxes which can have a wing span of 5 Ft, to the small bumblebee types with a wingspan of 16 inch. Many bats have echolocation abilities and some like the vampire bat also have infrared detection abilities. This allows them to detect their prey through heat sensors.  They are primarily nocturnal and most rest and sleep hanging upside down. Many bats can feed on pollen, nectar and fruits, however the vampire bats are the only mammals that have evolved to feed exclusively on blood; this is technically referred to as hematophagy, and this characterizes them as micro-predators, a feature of parasitism. They have a special gut bacteria which allows them to survive on blood.


VE Features:

VEs tend to look like skeleton humanoids. Their eyes are laid upon deep sockets. Some are pale in complexion while others have very dark skin. They tend to dress in dark cloaks; this provides them with warmth and this also serves to hide their skeletal figure. They are usually bald and have minimal hair on their bodies. They however, have small black wings, which are too small to permit them to fly, these at one time were much larger and permitted them to soar. This is another reason why they wear long capes, reminiscent of the time they had huge bat-like wings. Stories related to wings and angels losing their wings are telling the story of the VEs. Additionally, wings are often used on emblems and logos, often these wing allude to greater animals, such as falcons, and eagles and this is done as a way of celebrating their once grandeur presence. 


Although VEs lost many of their natural attributes, they have maintained and perfected others. They have the ability to see infrared light, and can detect breathing bodies within a certain range, including at night. They can see auras as well, and this makes it easy for them to distinguish Source Souls from any other type of species. Their eyes are sensitive to light but they can see very well in the darkness.


Because they  lack luminous auras, which gain energy from luminous spheres, in other words, “suns” (otherwise known as “souls”) they must get their energetic life force by tapping into other beings to extract that same energy indirectly. Instead of luminous auras, they have developed black tentacles which spring from the top of their heads; similar to a medusa (evidence will be provided for this in the section entitled “Proof”). Because they can see auras, they can detect weaknesses within bodies, and as such, they can penetrate these auras and get an electrical charge which revitalizes them and helps them heal their ailments. They have great difficulty healing their bodily injuries or illnesses, such as cuts, sores, broken bones, colds and an array of other conditions. They do have the ability to hypnotize Source Souls through eye to eye contact, the power of suggestion, and through sleight of hand techniques. In this way they can create emotional and mental havoc in a Source Soul’s life making them vulnerable to their influence.


VEs in The Matrix:

Within The Matrix these entities interact with Source Souls naturally and seamlessly through the 3D virtual reality platform; much like players engaged in a video game. Only certain beings are allowed to interact with Source Souls and many VEs are in a SS’s reality because of their failing health. Their game rewards involve receiving blood vials which helps them heal and feel energized. They have gained the privilege to join “game” which is the matrix reality, by petitioning SS Masters and offering something of great value in exchange;  their ability to fool and manipulate Source Souls and to keep them functioning within the matrix is their great skill.


What They Need  From Source Souls:

Within the game, VEs are attached to devices which record their activities and track their rewards. 

Blood is their main prize. Blood is a fluid tissue, rich in nutritious proteins and lipids that can be taken without enormous effort from the SS body. Hookups to a SS’s body extracts blood based on the accumulation of points gained. As VEs engage in the game, they must find ways to penetrate a SS’s aura and this they do by weakening a SS’s resolve to leave the matrix and by tampering with the their sense of morals and integrity. Therefore a general goal VE’s have in The Matrix is to trigger Source Souls to “let down their guard” and fall prey to their powers.


Their Game:

VEs love blood and anything to do with it. Violence and aggression are the key elements which provide them with amusement and sustenance. Most value everything Source Souls deem repugnant and offensive. They enjoy games and love manipulating others to bend to their will. They are in essence psychopathic in nature and lack a moral compass. They have no difficulties lying, cheating and committing crimes to get what they want. Because psychopaths lack the ability to be empathetic, they don’t experience any emotional consequences for what they do. Yet, they know that the best way to get what they need is by engaging with Source Souls in a benevolent way and by gaining their trust. As a result they are master imitators and manipulators.


Their relationships tend to be violent in nature, sometimes physically, but often mentally, as their main function within a relationship is to make their mate vulnerable. Often VE relationships are riddled with conflict and mental or physical aggression. They espouse romantic love and loyalty, but only as tools of manipulation. The sexual component is only a farce for them, as the sexual act is usually void of love and imbued with a need for control and dominance. Most desire a stable Source Soul mate, as this gives them access to unlimited resources.  It is common for them to engage in serial monogamy due to their inability to sustain long-term relationships. VEs feel a great triumph when a Source Soul is convinced to become their mate. This is because they’ve fooled them into believing that they love them, and that they are trustworthy. This is cause for great celebration.


This type of celebration can be evidenced in the movie Grease, where John Travolta plays the VE and Olivia Newton John plays the Source Soul. In fact, these are their true identities in real life. This was meant to drive a deep psychic message to Source Souls watching, that it is desirable to mate and develop a long term bond with a VE. The clues are within  the movie’s visuals, the characters, their appearance and behaviour, and in the subliminal messages within the lyrics of their songs. The word “grease” also alludes to the word “fuel” which is what Source Souls are being used for.


Often VEs play Source Soul’s family members, their parents, siblings, sometimes their spouses. They are true poker players and stealthy hunters. Their game is one based on dominance and subservience. Their social structures are hierarchical and pyramidal. They thrive on master-servant relationships, and they are the ones  responsible for creating inequities in society, such as giving rise to the “isms” ie: racism, sexism, as well as slavery and employer/employee relationships. They have given rise to all social institutions, such as, judicial, educational, governmental and religious. They are responsible for the compartmentalization of information, which is tightly secured within political and religious sects as well as secret society groups.


Within The Matrix they look like any other person and can live in any condition, however, they must align with true aspects of their nature.  They usually spearhead charities and corporations but often behave in contradictory ways. For example, a VE can be spearheading a charity, while at the same time be abusing their spouse. Additionally, they are true researchers and academics and they study the Source Souls through endless studies, surveys, polls by which they constantly devise new and more improved strategies to manipulate and subdue them. They love order, routines, schedules and contracts and they pressure Source Souls to value these things as well. Any type of strategy which involves social compliance is usually spearheaded by a VE and enforced by other VEs. VEs in your family will support these strategies without hesitation. 


VE’s love hierarchical relationships in the workforce, and you’ll see them competing, sometimes ruthlessly as a way to role model this behaviour. They portray themselves as intelligent, competent and ambitious, but they are only interested in power and subjugating others to their will. They love rituals and ritualistic repetitive behaviour, because this provides them with predictable outcomes. Most institutions in our society are imbued with protocols and ritualistic repetitive behaviour which are led by the VEs.


How VEs Birth and Die:

Within their true physical reality, they birth themselves by targeting a pregnant female, hovering around them until the moment the baby is born. At that precise time they take possession of the body and claim it as their own. Because of the violent and unorthodox methods of the medical system during childbirth, many VEs are able to take possession of baby’s body without receiving full consent from its non-VE mother. Within the matrix, they target Source Soul mothers in the same way and can assume their child’s identity.


Because of the heavy and dense nature of their auras, VEs do not ascend to other planes (worlds) when they die, their energy remains on the earth plane; they become what is considered to be “ghosts”. They can move easily through thoughts, and walk through walls and on water, and appear instantly in any given location. Because they can move invisibly and stealthily among people, they can still get energy from Source Souls as they tap into them. However, the amount of energy they can get is very small compared to when they are in the incarnate form. However, many VEs end up wondering around in the invisible plane for a long period of time until they find a suitable host. Once they are born, they do everything in their power to stay living for the longest possible time. Some seek plastic surgery and artificial implants to extend their lives providing they have the capital resources to afford it. It’s a capitalistic game at all levels.

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Wolf-Dog People

The Wolverines/ Dog People (WDs)


The Wolverines as I describe them here are based on a particular species of humanoids and not the actual wolverine animals. I will refer to them as WDs. This species is  related to the actual wolves or dogs. In essence they are genetic cousins. Wolverines were created from the wolf/dog blueprint, and are their own unique species who originally awoke as an Adam and Eve within the universal reality. WDs are the most dominant species interacting with Source Souls within The Matrix. They play different roles and often play pets, with the exception of cats.


Wolves and Dogs:

Simple research reveals that dogs, coyotes and wolves have the exact same genetic structure, they can cross-breed with one another and are in fact, the same species. Therefore wolves live harmoniously with humans. These animals are mammals, breed live young, usually 3-6 at a time, and females nurse their young with breast milk. They  live in pacts, and most humans enjoy and easily co-exist with them because Wolverines too live in pacts, otherwise referred to as families, though the word “pact” refers to mixed families with a leader or dominant figure setting the standards for the rest.


WDs feel most comfortable when their pact has a dog in it, as these animals represent their wild side, their need to feel protected and cared for. This is why dogs are known to be “man’s best friend”, and are true companions, often used as pets and baby-sitters, because they are extremely reliable, even with small children.   They have been traditionally used in the hunt, due to their keen sense of smell and eyesight. They can be trusted to bring back what the human has shot, because dogs see the Wolverines as an extension of themselves and work within a team environment to meet their pact’s needs. Animals don’t usually give up their meals unless it is for one of their own.


Wolverine (WD) Features

Wolverine/dog people have large canine teeth for eating meat and for self-defence. They have extremely hairy bodies, with both males and females having hair throughout. They enjoy activities such as hunting, fishing, wrestling, boxing, soccer and all other types of competitive sports.  Wolverines do have a luminous aura, possessing the Etheric, Emotional and Mental bodies. Mating and dating is very much a sexual game for them, as they have strong libidos and love to hunt and chase their mates; often losing interest once they’ve bedded them. Their love bonds are not very strong in terms of sustainability, as their love connections are strictly created on earth; they have no other spiritual attachments beyond that to their mates.


They also like multiple mates and celebrate their sexual prowess by the sheer number they can bed. Paradoxically, they created the concept of “romantic love” which is a concept tied to lust and desire. A quick Internet search revealed that the ‘doggie style’ sexual position is the most favored among the populace. The doggie position requires mating like dogs, where eye to eye contact is not achieved, casual sex, one night stands, adultery, relationship violence, divorces and separations all exemplify the Wolverine reality. However, as Wolverines mature, they tend to form families and pacts, primarily to fulfill their physical and emotional needs and to ensure that their genetic lineage is maintained.


As pure dogs and as pets, they  know that although they are held on a leash, they are the ones being served. In the wild, dominance is defined by who follows and by who leads. Humans walk behind their dogs and pick up their excrement and feed them. This defines the human as the servant, in the dog’s mind, and the dog as the master. In high society this can be evidenced through the conduct of kings and queens. Royalty does not pick up after their animals, nor do they wipe their excrement;  this job is left for their servants. It’s a common understanding that delineates hierarchy in the animal kingdom and reflects the true master-servant relationship between dogs and humanoids. Proof for this is simple, the word Dog is God backwards. It’s a clever disguise subliminally mocking the humanoids for worshiping their “god dog” within The Matrix. The movie The Call of the Wild depicts dogs as equal to humans, and shows how the two communicate effectively and telepathically, which is an innate ability they have in their natural environment.


Wolverines Within The Matrix

Many people in The Matrix whom Source Souls interact with are played by entities who are true Wolverines. These beings are intelligent, shrewd and  knows how to play the master/servant game exceptionally well. They often are relentless party goers, they love to drink alcohol and experiment with drugs. They entice Source Souls to do the same through their peer pressure tactics and their sheer number; there are always more Wolverines around than any other type of being. They love violence in most of their entertainment, murder mysteries, vampire series, police and detective stories, medical dramas. They especially like movies promoting drug use, alcoholism and smoking. Most movies depict these types of behaviour.


The majority are followers, as most pack animals are, so with any new trend in society they are the first to align and to accept them such as, body piercing and tattooing. They do this as well to get the Source Souls to adhere to these strategies.  Wolverines are often the competitive people around Source Souls, making work competition seem righteous, and competitive sports practices like fun and natural. They use offensive language and like to dress in a downgraded way to get Source Souls to follow suit. Wearing torn up clothing is not a fashion trend, but a strategy to get SS to feel poor, downgraded and weak. They spearhead campaigns such as diet fads, happy hour, night parties, one night stands and rap music. Because of the moon energy, most Source Souls produce melatonin to sleep when it gets dark, promoting night partying goes against their natural instinct, furthermore, this type of lifestyle is promoted early on in a Source Soul’s life, usually during their teenage years to ensure they fall prey to the agendas of the Wolverines and the VEs.


Wolverines often play Source Souls’ lovers, but their love expression is shallow and often leads to raptured relationships. They normalize and naturalize concepts such as separations, divorces, casual sex, orgies, pornography, SM and violence in relationships. Most see conflict in relationships as necessary and natural. Though they can sustain a relationship with a Source Soul for a prolonged period of time these relationships carry with them agendas, unbeknownst to the Source Souls. 


What they Need from Source Souls

Wolverines do not extract energy from Source Souls like the vampires do, they do not need their blood, nor are they suffering from illnesses which they need to heal. Their involvement in The Matrix is two-fold, to enjoy the game of master-servant, and to obtain access to drugs, which give them a high. Because of their limited auras they cannot access higher levels of pleasure and ecstasy, which Source Souls enjoy. Accessing these elements of the SS helps them build their auras and gives them more mental and intellectual range.


Their Game:

The Wolverines game in The Matrix is to win points, or privileges; while playing the game they can earn points, which will give them real prizes at the end; namely drugs, ie: serotonin injects. These are extracted from the Source Soul’s bodies as the game is played. Video games are truth in plain sight, but in reality, the rewards are very real.


Wolverines trigger Source Souls by engaging them in all types of activities and relationships. Most often they lure Source Souls into romantic love unions. They are often successful because they are most similar to Source Souls in their ethereal structure. Within relationships they can provide some stability to a SS, but because they act their roles within their true nature, their relationships are unstable, short-term, and imbued with physical or psycho-social violence. Keeping Source Souls in a state of emotional havoc or entropy, keeps Source Soul from awakening within The Matrix; this is their true goal.


Additionally, Wolverines play dog pets in the Source Soul’s matrix reality. (As a side note, cats are played by real live cats who too have been captured and are under the snake technology. More on this in the article What Pets Teach Us). Pets are vital to Source Souls as they desperately need companionship and a means by which they can express love. In their true reality Source Souls don’t have pets, but interact with animals freely and innately are able to telepathically communicate with most. In The Matrix pets provide Source Souls with an emotional life-line, however, as previously stated, Source Souls becomes subservient to the pet, often feeling chained and drained by the pet’s (loving) demands.


How Wolverines Birth and Die:

Because wolverine/dog people have a 3-level aura system, when they die in their real bodies their ethereal bodies can ascend to higher planes. Many experience the sensation of being out of body and flying. They can dwell in higher dimensions above the earth plane and can extend to other neighboring planes (other earth type places); however, because of the density of their auras they cannot venture out too far from beyond their original place of origin. However, once they die they are greeted with guides who convince them to stay within their family lineages and to reincarnate within the Earth plane as they are needed to play The Matrix game.  They can communicate with people who have died through mediums or channelers and other occult tools such as the Tarot and Ouija boards (VEs can also do this).


Wolverine and Vampire interactions:

Wolverine interactions with the vampiristic ones is one of tolerance and manipulations. The VEs cannot penetrate the fiery auras of the Wolverines and as such cannot get energy from them nor heal themselves. (This of course is in relation to their true civilization not within the matrix). The Wolverines and VEs co-exist within the Matrix because they have a mutual interest in playing the game, as they both need the Source Souls to get their needs met.  Their love unions within The Matrix are just shams to convince Source Souls that love can be found and that true love is natural when it hurts. Most Wolverines within The Matrix only mate with other WDs and Source Souls, not with the VEs, as the energy signature between them is incompatible and even in a virtual reality context, they find it difficult to play these roles. Keep in mind that within their true reality WDs and VEs do not mate with one another, as they are entirely different species.


Key ideas related to Wolverines:

  • Children’s fairy tales, The big bad wolf, little red riding hood, 3 little pigs, the road runner…

  • Countless movies and films about x-men, warewolves, and wolf-like humanoids in countless movies, and “fictional” literature

  • Songs such as: hungry like the wolf, hungry for your love … songs about broken heartsand unrequited love.

  • Expressions such as: “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”, “B.I.T.C.H” and its various applications in common everyday language.

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Zeta Reticulans

The Caretakers - The Zetas


These beings have been depicted in sci-fi movies and in UFO truth movements as real and as menacing. They are referred to as Grays, but their true name is the Zeta Reticulans. These beings are real and they are the Caretakers of the captured Source Souls. I prefer to refer to them as Zetas. 


Their Features

Zetas have been genetically created and perfected over time by a combination of different species, who created them to be functional and subservient. Zetas are  semi-humanoid, semi-robotic entities with high digital dexterity. They are infused with a variety of brain implants at an early age, and this gives them a built-in computer system within their mind. They have some sentient features, as they can feel mild emotions but mostly they have an even keeled temperament. They are true fruitarians, and consume only drinks.


These beings do not mate and their species are born within special nurseries and therein looked after by designated beings from their own species. They do enjoy the company of each other, and often work in small groups. They have strong telepathic abilities due to their implants, and rarely utter a sound when working together. Digital communication is their most effective form of communication as they are computer geniuses. Zetas have extraordinary sight, as their eyes are insect like. Their periphery of vision is very wide, and they can see micro and macro objects easily, as if with a telescope or microscope. A key feature is that they can see energy levels and can trace the movements of certain creatures. They see equally well in darkness and in light and are able to detect a wide range of colours, patterns and textures out of range of most humans.


Zetas Within The Matrix

Within The Matrix the Zeta Reticulans do most of the work of monitoring and managing Source Soul bodies and all that is required to keep them alive and in their vegetative comatose condition. Zetas have different functions and they wear defining colored clothing which reflect this. Similar to the TV series Star Trek, Zetas dress in a similar style. Some work within the hatcheries, others monitor the Source Souls’ brain activities, others are responsible for extracting body fluids, and doing snake implants and changes. The Zetas work around the clock, 24/7 never leaving a Source Soul body alone even for a second. They are true scientists, meticulous and extremely reliable and obedient. They work for the Masters and they are as near to perfect beings as there can be, exhibiting few biological needs and demonstrating high productivity.

Virtual Reality People
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Virtual Reality People & Others

Virtual reality individuals are total constructs of The Matrix and are digital avatars. They are entirely programmed beings without any self-awareness or individual consciousness. They are tailored to perform simple tasks with Source Souls, while others simply appear as part of the landscape to provide the illusion of crowds and traffic jams. They behave in accordance to a Source Soul’s needs or actions, but are themselves void of any emotional charge.

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Who Are The Zombies

There seems to be a social obsession with vampires, warewolves and zombies in western culture as these seem to be glamorized in popular culture. I’ve explained who the two former are but not the latter. For the most part, the Zombies are the Source Souls, who within the Matrix suffer all types of atrocities, such as illnesses, cancers, limb and organ extractions, obesity, anorexia, skin and hair fragmentation, and a sleuth of other conditions. The fact that SS age so quickly means that they are going through a degenerative condition by which their bodies decay and become significantly altered.


I believe they are put through all this suffering for three major reasons: First, to help them accept that suffering within and outside the Matrix is normal and natural. As their bodies are kept in an unnatural condition, and blood and other fluids are removed from them, their bodies begin to feel overly taxed and experience increased pain. This is rationalized through the aging process which Source Souls are led to believe is natural.


The medical industry further supports this notion and its aim is to treat conditions, not cure them. Furthermore, pharmaceuticals often cause secondary symptoms which prove more harmful. Second, by keeping Source Souls suffering, they are kept from awakening and questioning the nature of their reality. Lastly, by being ill, SS are giving consent to their Masters and allowing them to keep extracting from them, as they take pills, undergo surgical procedures, use wheelchairs, they are in essence complying with the system which aims only to keep them in perpetual suffering.

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Do Reptilians Exist?

Though people in the alternative media have come to accept the image and existence of the reptilians as an inherent truth, from my personal insights these beings most likely do not exist, at least not in this reality matrix reality interacting with SS.  The reptilian image I believe is allegorical for the vampiristic types who use energy sucking methods. Reptiles seem more menacing then bats, plus reptiles are of the snake genre and using them to represents predators is indirectly alluding to their snake reality. The reptilian image, similar to the lion or the menacing wolves within religious texts, are fables, or cover stories for the real truth. Source Soul predators aim to disguise themselves and present a more threatening appearance. If Source Souls realized that they were being suppressed and manipulated by dogs and goats they would most definitely wake up from their condition prematurely.

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